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The Easiest Way to Build your First iPhone App

The Easiest Way to Build your First iPhone App
Mobile websites have come a long way, but if you want to take full advantage of a smartphone's hardware, or get listed in the iTunes App Store, you need to compile your code. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to create a mobile web app with an iPhone look and feel using jQTouch, then turn it into a native iPhone app using Phonegap. No Objective-C necessary. Tutorial Details Program: PhonegapVersion: 0.80Difficulty: IntermediateEstimated Completion Time: 1 hour Requirements To complete this tutorial, you'll need the following: Mac OS XXCode (included with Mac OS X, but installed separately)iPhone SDK (registration required)PhoneGap 0.80 Introduction to PhoneGap PhoneGap is an open-source framework that can turn any web app into a native app for iPhone, BlackBerry and Android. Included in the PhoneGap distribution is everything you need to build and run an iPhone app. Building and Running an iPhone App First, open up the iPhone folder, and double-click on PhoneGap.xcodeproj: That's it!

How to test / simulate the ipa-download after PhoneGap-build and before uploading to the Appstore I didn't have to drag the provisioning file into iTunes, just the IPA in two steps (on Windows 7 64bit): 1) Before Build: Make sure your iPhone's UDID is included in the provisioning profile by defining it in your apple developer profile for the app. To obtain the UDID: In iTunes, select your device in the ‘Devices’ section and navigate to the Summary tab. 2) After build & IPA download: Go to "Apps" Tab for your iPhone in iTunes 3) Check the "Sync Apps" box to allow editing of the left pane 4) Drag & drop your downloaded IPA to the left 5) Once it's there, drag it onto one of your iPhone pages on the right 6) Click "Apply" I had to add the IPA to the left pane first and then drag it to the right, I couldn't drop it directly onto the right pane.

Grundsätzliches zur Programmierung für Windows Phone 7 Windows Phone 7 ist ein kompletter Neustart für Microsoft im Mobile Markt. Es wird 2 "Plattformen" zur Programmierung unterstützen. Silverlight and XNA. Dies bedeutet für einen Entwickler, der heute für Windows Mobile programmiert doch einen gewissen Wandel. Silverlight—Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)—kennen Web Entwickler bereits für die Entwicklung von Web Anwendungen, wo Traditionelle Controls, VektorGraphiken, Animierte Medien und Data Binding genutzt werden können, um auf verschiedenen Plattformen und Browsern dargestellt werden. XNA ist die Spiele Plattform von Microsoft, welche 2D Sprite basierte und 3D Grafiken mit der klassischen Game Loop Architektur unterstützt. Alle Programmen sind in .NET managed code geschrieben. Für die Entwicklung mit Silverlight benutze ich Microsoft Expression Blend. Silverlight und XNA für Windows Phone 7 teilen sich gewisse Bibliotheken, und ich kann gewisse XNA Bibliotheken in Silverlight Applikationen verwenden und umgekehrt.

CSS3 in practice, maddesigns (Sven Wolfermann) #css3 maddesigns | Sven Wolfermann WebDevCon Hamburg, 17.10.2011 use arrow keys to navigate rounded corners! YEAH!!!!111eleven border-radius border-radius: 20px; border-radius: 10px 40px; border-radius: 10px 40px 40px 10px; border-radius: 10px / 40px; border-radius » enlarge box border-radius: 50px; border-radius: 50%; border-radius » browser-specific prefixes -webkit-border-radius: 4px;-moz-border-radius: 4px;-o-border-radius: 4px;-khtml-border-radius: 4px; border-radius: 4px; all modern browsers and IE9 understand border-radius: 4px; border-radius » browser support Chrome for sure Firefox from version 4, a bit buggy in 3.6 Opera from version 11.5 Safari a bit buggy with border and percentage values Internet Explorer from version 9 ”But my IE7 does not show rounded corners! It doesn't have to! There is no good (simple) way to show rounded corners in IE6-8. The content will not get better with rounded corners. Browser market in Europe rounded corners web DevCon The Conference for web developer

"Mobifying" Your HTML5 Site Introduction Developing for the mobile web is a hot topic these days. This year, for the first time ever, smart phones out sold PCs. More and more users are using a mobile device to traverse the web, which means it's becoming critical for developers to optimize their sites for the mobile browsers. The "mobile" battlefield is still uncharted waters for a large number of developers. Creating a mobile-friendly As an exercise I thought it would be interesting to take html5rocks (an existing HTML5 site) and augment it with a mobile-friendly version. This article examines how we created a mobile version of html5rocks optimized for Android and iOS devices. HTML4 and CSS2 have supported media-dependent style sheets for some time. would target print devices and provide specific styling for the page content when it is printed. You can use media queries in the media attribute of your external stylesheets to target screen width, device width, orientation, etc. <head> ... - url: /(.*\.

Salesforce Chatter for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store Browser Display Statistics How to Make an HTML5 iPhone App By Alex Kessinger You’ve been depressed for like a year now, I know. All the hardcore Objective-C developers have been having a hay-day writing apps for the iPhone. You might have even tried reading a tutorial or two about developing for the iPhone, but its C—or a form of it—and it’s really hard to learn. I don’t want to say that you should give up on the objective: you can get it eventually. You can create a native app that lives with all the other apps, and for the most part, it’s going to be a pitch-perfect imitation. You can do this with the skill set you probably already have: HTML(5), CSS, and JavaScript. I’ll show you how to create an offline HTML5 iPhone application. Offline? What am I talking about when I say "offline"? The app should be as functional as it can when it is offline, just like normal native mobile apps. This is a tutorial specifically for iPhones but most of these techniques apply to all phones that have HTML5-capable browsers. Prework About the App Application Cache <!

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