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BIG | Bjarke Ingels Group Bak Magazine | Interview with Emrah Yücel (Makale / Article) To this day, I had several opportunities to develop intimate relationships with many cities. First came cities of my country: Ankara and Istanbul, then London which had influenced and inspired me a lot, followed by the city that I left everything behind for to build a new life, New York and lastly the place where I’ve been living more than 12 years, Los Angeles...It is not only the nature what differentiates cities from each other and makes them irrevocable for us. Cities create their identities with the people who produce, consume and make decisions; thus creating a perception in our minds. Dirty Arabs, barbarian Turks, thieving Italians, arrogant French, stingy Jews, loud Americans... These are the stereotypes that result from our experiences or from our upbringing but we do not talk about it to avoid discrimination. Although it is not true for each individual, we agree on these general biases most of the time. In fact, cities are like protagonists in the movies. 1.

Observatory: Design Observer Core77 / industrial design magazine + resource / home ArchDaily | Broadcasting Architecture Worldwide 文化藝術基金會入口網 ierno anuncia cambios en materia de propiedad industrial Una nueva plataforma tecnológica, digitalización del registro de marcas y patentes, además del envío de una nueva ley de propiedad industrial son algunas de las iniciativas presentadas por las autoridades para hacer los trámites de marcas, patentes y diseños industriales de forma más simple, eficiente, rápida y a un menor costo. Las iniciativas fueron presentadas ante los principales actores del sistema de propiedad industrial del país, quienes se reunieron para celebrar el día mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual. El Ministro de Economía, Pablo Longueira se refirió a la importancia de las nuevas medidas, “Para el Gobierno es una tremenda satisfacción dar a conocer que en el Día Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual, se da cumplimiento a la medida de la Agenda de Impulso Competitivo que permitirá que nuestro país se convierta en uno de los líderes mundiales en materia de protección industrial, implementación de permisos y otorgamiento de patentes. Nueva Ley de Propiedad Industrial

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The Power of Bad Ideas Posted by Steve Portigal | 14 May 2012 | Comments (0) I'm not bad I'm just drawn that way - Jessica Rabbit Ideation, or if you prefer, brainstorming, is a structured activity with many degrees of freedom within that structure. When leading sessions, I emphasize divergent, generative thinking, and ask participants to defer evaluation and prioritization. Defer, not disregard. In my team of user researchers, we deliver not only a report (you can see an example from a few years ago here , but also an ideation workshop. Creative activities often follow a double-hump model. There's a drop in energy between humps One and Two, as well as many lull points through the entire process. Bad ideas are not boring, meh proposals. In one session I led, a team proudly showed me their sketches of homeless people packed onto trains and shipped away from the downtown core they were trying to improve. Bad ideas also make the group's implicit beliefs about boundaries into an explicit discussion. Stay bad!
