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How the iPad Is Changing Education

How the iPad Is Changing Education
The iPad may only be two years old, but it's already begun to change many things. Reading is one of them. Work is another. It is selling like crazy, but it will be some time before most of the people you know own a tablet. The market for this type of device may only be in its infancy, but it's already becoming clear how it will revolutionize certain aspects our lives. In January, Apple made good on its late CEO's vision to enter the digital textbook market with the launch of iBooks 2 and the iBooks Author production tool for e-books. The iPad: An Obvious Use Case for Education In a way, Apple didn't enter the education market. Chicago's public school district was one of those early adopters, having brought iPads into a number of its classrooms and even allowing students to take them home. Does It Help Learning? There's also some early evidence that an iPad could provide a more engaging learning experience and might even improve student performance. The Value for Self Education

Une (autre!) école privée succombe au iPad Après les collèges Jean-Eudes et Saint-Jean-Vianney, c’est au tour du Collège d’Anjou, à Montréal, d’adopter la populaire tablette numérique d’Apple. Plutôt que de commencer à équiper les plus jeunes comme les deux autres établissements, le Collège d’Anjou vise plutôt les adolescents de 3e et 4e secondaire. Ceux-ci devront être munis d’un iPad 3 dès la rentrée en septembre. L’implantation se poursuivra l’année suivante pour ce qui est des autres niveaux. Les appareils ne seront pas loués, mais vendus aux élèves. L’école dit vouloir contribuer à développer quatre compétences « du 21e siècle » chez ses élèves, soit collaborer et interagir avec les autres, faire preuve de créativité dans la recherche de solutions, développer un esprit critique et un jugement sûr quant à son identité numérique et enfin développer le sens de l’engagement et de l’entrepreneuriat. À lire aussi : Des iPad pour motiver les élèves Des ordinateurs portables pour contrer le décrochage À propos de l'auteur Nathalie Côté

50 Ways to Integrate Technology - Ways to Anchor Technology in Your Classroom Tomorrow Using Free Websites as Learning & Teaching Tools 1. Have students use Spelling City to learn their spelling words, vocabulary words, or site words through games, practice, and quizzes. Spelling City is a free resource for teachers. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Share your ideas for integration on Animoto. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Using Free Websites for Management 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

Top 20 Must-Have Educational iPhone & iPad Apps - List Of Must-Have Educational iPhone & iPad Apps | Tech Holik Rating: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast) With advent of technology, nearly everything has changed. Even the ways with what we learn things have changed a great deal. Mobile technology has become integral part of some educational institutions. A large number of educational institutions have switched to e-books and electronic gadgets and have discontinued using paper notebooks, etc. There are institutions that provide access of mobile technology, both to teachers and students, and such educational houses have embraced iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches in their educational system. In this way, they are communicating with larger number of students and inspiring their creativity at the same time. Today, we bring you 20 of the best and must-have educational apps for your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. List Of Must-Have Educational iPhone & iPad Apps Star Walk Star Walk is an app for kids who have interest in astronomy. BrainPOP Featured Movie BrainPop is an app that has set of different educational movies. Art

Des élèves de sixième craquent pour la tablette! Ordinateur portable ou tablette numérique? Les élèves de Catherine Grégoire, enseignante de sixième année à l’école Saint-Charles de la Commission scolaire des Chênes, préfèrent leurs iPad, plus faciles à utiliser, moins encombrants et plus efficaces. « Je ne m’ennuie pas des portables », indique l’enseignante dont la classe en était équipée l’an dernier. Dans un monde idéal, chaque élève aurait son iPad, mais pour l’instant la classe dispose de dix appareils pour vingt enfants. « Je me trouve tout de même chanceuse d’en avoir dix et le partage se fait très bien entre les enfants », assure-t-elle. Les tablettes numériques demeurent sur le bureau des élèves toute la journée. Le fait d’avoir toujours la tablette à la portée de la main permet une certaine spontanéité de la part de l’enseignante. Pour les élèves de Mme Grégoire, des jeunes ayant des difficultés d’apprentissage, le iPad est un élément de motivation. « Ils n’ont pas un intérêt énorme pour l’école. À lire aussi :

The Best Resources For Helping Teachers Use Bloom’s Taxonomy In The Classroom Bloom’s & SOLO ‘are not Just Colorful Posters we Hang on the Wall’ is my two-part series at Education Week Teacher. Bloom’s Taxonomy is talked about a lot in educational circles. However, if you believe a recent survey of visits to 23,000 U.S. classrooms, the higher-order thinking skills it’s ideally designed to promote doesn’t get much use. And I can understand why. It’s easy to get caught-up in the day-to-day work involved in teaching a class or multiple classes, and it’s easy to fall into the trap of doing the “usual stuff” and not “think out of the box.” I thought it might be useful to share in a “The Best…” list the resources that help me try to use Bloom’s Taxonomy in my classroom. There may very well be resources out there that do a far better job of explaining the Taxonomy and how to use it. I personally try to use Bloom’s Taxonomy in two ways. In addition, I try to use Bloom’s to help me formulate my own lessons. Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy Memory Understanding Applying and Analyzing

15 Favorite iPad Apps As Selected By Teachers Out of 125 responses from teachers indicating their top 3 apps, these are the apps that were listed most often. Over the last few weeks, we ran a survey asking teachers to tell us about two or three of their favorite iPad apps that they use in an education-related context. Today we share the apps that were listed most often, and include some feedback from teachers regarding why they like them so much. As it turns out, free apps really outweighed paid apps in our survey responses. First, we list the Favorite FREE iPads Apps that teachers indicated they use in their roles are educators: EvernoteDropboxNeu.NotesScreen ChompTED VideosEduCreationsiBooksSkitchTwitterZiteScience360 Following is a little information about each of these apps, and some feedback on why teachers like them. 1. - “It makes my life simpler! - “I don’t even know where to start. - “I save all kinds of resources for myself and to share. 2. - “It allows me to keep all my files in one secure place. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11.

iPad et éducation sont des mots qui ne vont pas bien ensemble Le site étant soutenu par Red Hat qui soutient également le projet OLPC, il n’est guère étonnant de les voir réagir lorsque l’on se permet d’affirmer que l’iPad pourrait être meilleur que le petit ordinateur vert pour enfants pour lutter contre la fracture numérique. Difficile de leur donner tort. Il faut dire que d’un côté on a un produit pensé pour les enfants (cf cet extrait vidéo de Télématin et l’interface pédagogiquement révolutionnaire Sugar) et de l’autre un énième produit Apple aussi beau dehors que totalement vérrouillé dedans[1] L’éducation et l’architecture de contrôle de l’iPad Education and the iPad’s architecture of control Gunnar Hellekson - 4 février 2010 - Framalang : Poupoul2 et Daria) Comme la plupart des travaux de Jonathan Ive, l’iPad est beau. En d’autres termes, l’iPad et ses frères ne sont pas des ordinateurs personnels. Pour autant, cela ne fait pas d’Apple le diable. Alors, lorsque M.

about My full name is Tina Roth Eisenberg. I started swissmiss in March of 2005 as my personal visual archive. Little did I know that it would eventually grow into a popular design journal with an average of 1 million unique visitors a month. I grew up in Speicher (AR), Switzerland, influenced by renowned Swiss design and a lot of fresh mountain air. In 1999, after completing my design studies in Geneva and Munich, I crossed the Atlantic and began designing in New York. Since then, I have worked at several prominent NYC design firms, including Thinkmap, where I served as Design Director and helped design the award-winning Visual Thesaurus. I now run my own studio, swissmiss, with recent clients including the Museum of Modern Art and the Food Network. Besides running swissmiss the blog and design studio, I organize a monthly breakfast lecture series called CreativeMornings, run a simple browser-based to-do app called TeuxDeux and am the founder of Tattly, a designy temporary tattoo shop. -Tina

The Ultimate iPad Buyer Guide If you are in the market to get yourself your very first iPad, you will find that the buying option is not as easy as it should be. From which iPad should I get, which plan should I sign up, to which apps should I install, they are all small, yet important decisions that you have to make. Rather than making all the decisions by yourself, let us help you out, shall we? There used to be only one iPad on sale, but since Apple allowed iPad 2 to continue to remain on the shelf, you now have the choice to get the newest iPad with better display quality and a faster processor, or an economically friendly iPad 2. In term of storage, you are offered many choices as well. You have made up your mind which iPad to choose, now it’s time to choose whether to go for the WiFi-only model or the WiFi + 3G model. In addition to that, you have Internet payments. If you are interested in choosing either, make sure to know how the signal is in your area before purchasing. The iPad is fairly easy to use.

The Arrival of the iPad - The Top 10 Everything of 2010 In April, Steve Jobs launched his iPad. And it was good. The iPad was not the first eReader or Tablet on the market nor was it as multi-functional as the iPhone (you can't make phone calls with an iPad). But, as British actor and humorist Stephen Fry wrote in TIME's cover story about the device, Apple simply gets something fundamental about human habits better than any other tech company: "If you have an object in your pocket or hand for hours every day, then your relationship with it is profound, human and emotional. Apple's success has been founded on consumer products that address this side of us: their products make users smile as they reach forward to manipulate, touch, fondle, slide, tweak, pinch, prod and stroke." In the intervening months, the iPad has set the benchmark for all other eReaders, kickstarting a trend that may lead to the end of personal computing as we now know it. Next The Supreme Court Sides With Citizens United
