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Bukobot 3D Printer - Affordable 3D with No Compromises! by Diego Porqueras

Bukobot 3D Printer - Affordable 3D with No Compromises! by Diego Porqueras
Affordable Desktop 3D Object Printing for EveryoneGreat First Printer..or Second..or Third! Easy to BuildEasy to Expand or UpgradeHigh Quality ComponentsFaster than most printersDual Extruder OptionGreat DocumentationOpen Source Environmentally Friendly Options You can create almost anything you can dream up with a Bukobot 3D printer, right on your desk! The Buko framework is the next generation of Open Source 3D Printers. 3D printers using this new framework are called Bukobots. With many months in development, I have combined the best ideas from the open source community and some new ideas of my own into an extremely flexible open source 3D printer design. 3D printing is the process of creating solid objects from digital files. Here's a timelapse video of a Bukobot making the CrashSpace Pyramid logo by theron ( Note: I have no association with, I just love the site! All kits will include a 1lb of plastic filament to get you started!

3D printer price Notes: The above list is sorted by price. Forgot your printer? Read & view very latest in online resources, information and more: Posted in Price Comparison lee wrote at 3/25/2014 9:42:33 AM: you telephone number? lee wrote at 3/25/2014 9:40:47 AM: projet 1500 2et i want 24,000$ wrote at 12/29/2013 7:16:21 AM: i am interested in buying 3D printer Nik wrote at 6/11/2013 9:52:41 PM: Hi, The actual price of the UP! John wrote at 4/4/2013 8:36:49 PM: Why are Formlabs, B9creator, etc not on your llist? David abrams wrote at 3/16/2013 9:30:04 PM: Not complete Simon wrote at 2/7/2013 1:55:41 AM: What about the Mojo? Anja wrote at 11/3/2012 9:16:50 AM: Hi Patricia, The updated version is placed here: Patricia wrote at 11/3/2012 2:00:51 AM: Thank you a lot for all this information, but couldn't you update it? Raymond wrote at 7/17/2012 6:38:19 PM: Paul Dutch wrote at 3/29/2012 9:01:56 PM: Great list. Back to top

Fosterbot, a Makerbot Thing-o-Matic derived 3D Printer Jun.3, 2012 John Foster, "By day I am a mechanical engineer at a fiber optics company. By night I make everything I can figure out how to make." created Fosterbot, a cute 3D printer derived from Makerbot's Thing-o-Matic. For those of you feeling constrained by your build volume ever since the Replicator was released, these modifications increased my build envelope dimensions to 150mm on the x-axis, 185mm on the y-axis, and 132mm on the z-axis. As a reference, the acrylic panels were laser-cut by NextFab Studio in Philadelphia and total cost was under $220, including the cost of acrylic sheeting. Source: Thingiverse

The Vision : Not Just a 3D Printer... A DREAM by Matt Underwood Thank you for stopping by! Check back each week, as I will post a new video showing and highlighting the amazing power of the Vision 3D Printers. If at the end of 4 weeks, you don't want a 3D Printer . . . you never will. So what can you make with a 3D Printer???? Apart from making parts to make more 3D printers, you can make tools, models, prototypes, artwork, organizers, nameplates, and toys to name a few. It is the basis of my forthcoming 3D Printer Tutorial. The Problem - 3D printer kits have come down in price, but are still fairly high in frustration. Here is a Video of a Vision Hometeam 3D Printer printing "LOVE Sculpture" by phineasjw on Thingiverse. On top of that, the world is changing, 3D modeling is used in everything from the movies we watch, to the toys we play with, to the computer we use, to the cars we drive. This is why I designed The Vision 3D Printer. Because it is a variant of RepRap's most popular printer, it will take advantage of any improvements yet to come.

Rostock (delta robot 3D printer) by Johann Blog with project history: Videos: More pictures: More details about parts: OpenSCAD source files: Documentation: Ask questions here: Rostock is a delta robot 3D printer prototype with the following design goals: Build volume: 8x8x16 inches or 200x200x400 mm Footprint: 12x14 inches Print surface: 8x8 inches heated glass which never moves Mass of end effector with two hotends: less than 150g Positioning speed: 800 mm/s in all 3 directions Positioning accuracy: at least 30 steps/mm in all 3 directions Simplicity: fewer than 200 parts (not including washers, nuts and SMD-mounted electronics) Hardware cost: less than $500 USD Inspiration: search YouTube for "flexpicker" or "adept quattro".

Ditto 3D Printer Hello Indiegogoers! Meet Ditto, our very own Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF for short) 3D Printer. Building upon existing 3D printer kits, Ditto was designed from the ground up to be an innovative and user-friendly printer for both new and experienced users alike. So what exactly makes Ditto unique? So what can you print with a 3D printer like Ditto? Aside from being a great household electronic, Ditto is great for educational purposes. So this is the part where we need your help. In order to bring the cost of producing each printer down, we need to fill a sizeable order from our supplier. We plan to use the funding from this campaign to first fufill all of the orders we have received and then continue developing new and exciting 3D technologies and make them available to YOU. 3D printing should no longer be an exclusive novelty; we believe that every household and school can benefit greatly from owning a 3D printer, whether you are new to the 3D printing scene or a Tinkering veteran.

One-to-One : Large Scale 3D Printer by Robert Cervellione One-to-One is a project about 3D printing at larger scales. There are many projects that deal with DIY 3D printing in general but most only deal with small scale objects and at slow speeds. This project intends to move beyond the typical sizes and material to allow large, full scale, usable objects to be created. Large printing is not new but it is rare and expensive. The first is mechanics, what size, speeds, and precision should be achieved. When dealing with larger objects size is important. Fast build times are critical in order to make the technology a viable alternative to other manufacturing methods. Precision becomes an important factor at large scale. The prototype will be a UV resin based system. The first is trying to make the material more eco-friendly. The material will have to be strong and usable. YES! all applicable research, plans, software and other related items will be licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike.

Prusa Mendel: Calibración - WikiRobotics Introducción Guía rápida de calibración y puesta en marcha de las impresoras Reprap tipo Prusa Mendel. La información la iré completando poco a poco. Tanto el firmware como los perfiles disponibles aquí son los que tengo en mi impresora R2D2. Paso 1: Configurar el firmware Figura 1: Sprinter abierto con el entorno de arduino (Click para ampliar) Hay muchos firmware diferentes para controlar las impresoras Repraps. Bajar el Sprinter de R2D2: Descomprimirlo Arrancar el entorno de arduino (yo uso la versión 22) y abrir el fichero Sprinter.pde. Paso 2: Controlar la impresora desde el PC Figura 2: El pronterface en acción Hay muchos programas para controlar la impresora e imprimir. Descargar e instalar el Pronterface. Paso 3: Configurar el Skeinforge Figura 3: El skeinforge 41 El Skeinforge es uno de los programas que existen para hacer el laminado (slicing) de las piezas para su impresión. Instalar el skeinforge en una carpeta dentro del PrintRun. Descarga Firmware

维示泰克 >你所在位置:产品中心> 3d打印机 产品特性 名称: 3d打印机 电路板: 第四代 型号: WT2 接口: USB 工作电压: 220V/110V 操作系统: XP WIN7 输入格式: STL 设备重量: 10KG 成型材料: PLA ABS 成型层厚: 0.2mm-0.4mm 软件: ReplicatorG /WTS 成型速度: 15立方厘米/每小时 支撑材料: 暂无 喷头系统: 喷嘴直径0.36mm 设备尺寸: 330mm*300mm*410mm 技术原理: FFF 打印尺寸: 150mm*150mm*130mm 升级动力: 升级版强力12V 360W电源 精度: 喷嘴直径0.36mm,最小打印2mm的物体,XY定位精度0.085mm,每层厚度0.3mm 产品描述 Eventorbot! Open source 3D printer. by eventorbot Eventorbot! Open source 3D printer. Simple with less materials. Frame is made of a single 4' long, 2 1/2" square tube (16 gauge/1.5mm/.0598" thick, cost: less then $20.00). The unit is supposed to resemble a robotic arm with hydraulic tubes. For those who do not have access to a 3D printer. Eventorbot has met its funding goal! Well, I'm speechless and overwhelmed with all the support. Thank you... thank you... thank you...

The List of Personal 3D Printers, 2011 There's been a rash of low-cost 3D printers emerge recently, so many that it prompted us to write on what we called the "Cambrian Explosion of 3D printers". But what are these printers? We took the time to zip through our previous posts and came up with what we think might be the definitive list of commercial, low-cost personal 3D printers - at least as of this writing. What's the difference between them? Which one should you buy?

Giant 3D printer LeBigRep from the 3D Printing Event Meet LeBigRep, the RepRap’s big brother. We recently posted a report about the first annual 3D Printing Event during Dutch Design Week. In addition to the many interesting speakers, who you can watch online, there were numerous booths showcasing the latest 3D printing related technology. One of my favorites was LeBigRep, an enormous plastic extrusion printer based on the RepRap platform. The build window is approximately 1 meter x 1 meter x 1 meter (roughly 3ft^3), which makes this one big printer. LeBigRep is a project by Thingiverse user krtcrkd, who has uploaded the in-progress files to Thingiverse for anyone who wants to try to build one for themselves. Continue after the jump for more images. Make your own stuff using: 3D Printing

AO-100 3D Printer Package - LulzBot Shipping and Payment InformationTAZ is currently only in stock and available to ship from our London, UK distribution center. Stock in other locations will be available again in 1-2 weeks. The evolution of desktop 3D printing continues with TAZ 3, LulzBot’s top-of-the-line, highest quality printer to date. Merging technical expertise with design sensibilities, TAZ is for inventors, entrepreneurs, design engineers and prototypers — bring your ideas to life with TAZ . Aleph Objects, Inc. is a fully Libre/Open Source Hardware company. If a picture tells a thousand words, a 3D printer can tell the whole story. TAZ is engineered for quality and tested for the long haul. TAZ is one of the few desktop 3D printers that can print with more than just your run-of-the-mill plastic. The TAZ 3 now comes with a graphic LCD controller for printing directly from an SD card! The TAZ is currently only shipping with North American AC power cables from the US.

Ultra-Bot 3D Printer by William Steele The Ultra-Bot 3D printer is the result of me wanting to expand the capabilities of my original Makerbot Cupcake printer. I was first introduced to 3D printing in 2009 when I needed to have some custom parts made for a project I was working on. I then realized I could purchase the Cupcake and print my own parts for less than it would have cost me to have them made by an outside shop. That led me down the path to where I am Today. Quick Flyover Video of the Ultra-Bot My first Cupcake was a real eye opener and I quickly fell in love with the entire process of additive manufacturing. I decided to see what I could do to fix those shortcomings. Ultra-Bot prototype #5 moving the gantry based extruder for the first time. The result is the Ultra-Bot. Made out of 100% clear acrylic, the Ultra-Bot allows you to see your imagination come to life. Here is a dry run of all the mechanicals prior to the first extrusion. Video of the Ultra-Bot doing a test print at .17mm layer height.

CUBE -The 3D printed 3D printer by Webca EmailShare 5EmailShare CUBE -The 3D printed 3D printer by Webca Thingiverse champion Webca has done it again. First he printed an entire Cupcake CNC on his Cupcake CNC. Now, he’s used that printed printer to print another printer. His creation has a much larger build area, linear bearings, custom heated build platform, used more than 15 pounds of plastic, cost around $3,000.00 (which I’m sure does not include his time) and eight months of printing. Here’s a video of it in action:
