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DataArt on BBC Backstage - Visualisations

DataArt on BBC Backstage - Visualisations

Gephi, an open source graph visualization and manipulation software Synote Vidéo -> Texte La plate-forme convertit le contenu d'une vidéo en texte. Il est aussi possible d'annoter les fichiers et de les commenter. Le but est de faciliter les séances de travail partagé à distance. Le travail partagé doit passer à la fois par une interface commune simple d'utilisation et une mise à disposition d'un même document sous plusieurs formats. Six Pixels of Separation - Marketing and Communications Blog - By Mitch Joel at Twist Image Is your head bleeding? Is your heart bleeding? Here's my thought (and, I say this with full disclosure that I am no IT expert and have limited knowledge of the hacking space beyond a personal interest in better understanding technology - peace and love... peace and love...), but the process of text-based passwords needs to be tossed out. It just has to happen. We're all still trying to understand what the ramifications are of this nefarious Heartbleed bug is, and what it all means. Right now, some of the most frequently and commonly used online tools and sites are asking all of their users to change their passwords because of this bug. Why this is so important to talk about for marketers? The brands that win are the brands that can be trusted. It's like a full time job to manage this stuff, isn't it? It gets worse. Blame the passwords. These systems were built in a such a way that invites problems and challenges. Some thoughts on a better way to connect. By Mitch Joel

Apps for Literacy Support This Apps for Literacy list as been updated and moved to a new permanent location on our website, The list will be regularly updated at this new location. Mobile learning tools, such as the iPad and iPod Touch, are devices that allow learning to occur across contexts and environments. These tools are convenient in that they are accessible from virtually anywhere, allowing the user not to be tied to a certain location to be able to access learning programs. Like other forms of E-learning, they also afford responsive ‘just in time just in need’ access and opportunities. The use of mobile learning tools supports the implementation of differentiated learning materials and instructional practices into a learning environment, ensuring that all learners are able to access the same content within a truly inclusive environment. Links Educational Apps

Complex Diagrams Le Selfic Cube – Une caméra embarquée pour votre voiture Si vous êtes du genre flippé et que souhaitez assurer vos arrières avec votre assurance, le jour où vous avez un accident de voiture, voici ze gadget inutile et donc indispensable ! C'est une micro caméra que vous collez sur votre pare brise un peu comme un GPS qui avec son grand angle filmera tout ce qui se passe devant vous. Baptisé le Selfic Cube 7100, en plus d'associer la date et l'heure à toutes les images enregistrées, il garde en mémoire la vitesse de votre véhicule et vos coordonnées GPS. Si vous l'activez, il est aussi possible d'enregistrer l'audio. Bref, vous l'aurez compris, c'est un peu le grand délire de la vidéo surveillance ramené à une échelle personnelle dans le seul but de se protéger du monde extérieur. Côté technologie, la bestiole enregistre de la vidéo à 30 fps de 640x480 et stocke tout sur une microSD de 2GB qu'il est possible d'étendre à 8 GB. Et le Selfic Cube est en vente ici pour 167 $ Vous avez aimé cet article ?

Best Practices For Writing For Online Readers I have less than 30 seconds to capture your attention with this post, so here goes: if you read some, most or all of the next 750 words or so, you will know how to write Web copy that is more useful to readers of your blog or Web site. As we reported yesterday visual content is continuing its steady rise in dominance over written content. But that doesn't mean we should give up on good writing: if anything, it means we need to think harder about how we write for online readers. Online Readers Are Different Seems pretty obvious, right? But the fact is, many of us still write the same way online as we do for books, magazine articles and other long-form and traditional print mediums. With offline readers, we can take our time and develop points with long blocks of text and narrative, and with fewer visual elements. In Plain English, Please Your writing - offline or online - is effective when readers take away your message. Best Practices Write compelling but clear headlines: Don't get cute.

JESS3™ Avec Flash Platform Services for Distribution, Adobe veut facili Pour les usagers, Flash Platform Services for Distribution va permettre de partager directement des applications Flash entre eux. L’autre nouveauté est que les versions pour mobile seront adaptées à la plateforme de destination de sorte que l’utilisateur n’ait plus à faire la recherche lui-même. Pour les éditeurs, ce nouvel outil va leur permettre de promouvoir, monétiser et mesurer l’audience de leurs applications, en passant notamment pas les réseaux sociaux pour pratiquer une diffusion de type viral. Le Wall Street Journal Radio Widget va inaugurer cette nouvelle plateforme pour diffuser de nouvelles applications à ses auditeurs.

Mama Gena's School of Womanly Arts Statistical modeling, causal inference, and social science: Blog of Andrew Gelman's research group, featuring Bayesian statistics, multilevel modeling, causal inference, political science, decision theory, public health, sociology, economics, and literatu
