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iOS Human Interface Guidelines: Custom Icon and Image Creation Guidelines

iOS Human Interface Guidelines: Custom Icon and Image Creation Guidelines
The Status Bar The status bar displays important information about the device and the current environment (shown below on iPhone). Default (dark) content Light content The status bar: Is transparent When present, always appears at the upper edge of the screen Don’t create a custom status bar. Prevent scrolling content from showing through the status bar. Use a navigation controller to display content. Avoid putting distracting content behind the status bar. Think twice before permanently hiding the status bar. Consider hiding the status bar—and all other app UI—while people are actively viewing full-screen media. Choose a status bar content color that coordinates with your app. When appropriate, display the network activity indicator. Navigation Bar A navigation bar enables navigation through an information hierarchy and, optionally, management of screen contents. A navigation bar: When the user goes to a new level in a navigation hierarchy, two things should happen: Toolbar A toolbar: Tab Bar

How To Create Your First iPhone Application - Smashing Coding Update: 01/10/2012: The original version of this article by Jen Gordon was published in August 2009. It was thoroughly revised and updated by the author and published in September 2012. Update: 01/10/2012: The original version of this article by Jen Gordon was published in August 2009. Since the iTunes App Store launched in 2008, over 500,000 apps have been approved by Apple, and thousands more app ideas are scrawled on napkins across the world every day. Be sure to check out our previous articles: The good news is anyone can make an iPhone app, it’s just a matter of knowing the series of actions you need to take to make it happen. More after jump! What Is Your Goal? The first thing to look at when embarking on any product development or entrepreneurial venture is your goals for the project. Let’s look at an example. would not have planned in advance to hire help,would be unhappy with the time commitment required for him to take on the work personally. What Are Your Expectations? Design (al)

Open iPhone SDK: Adding Application Badges - O'Reilly Digital Me If you’ve used the iPhone or iPod touch for any time, you’ve likely seen the small red badges that appear over applications on the home screen. These might indicate the number of missed phone calls or unread emails that accumulated since the user last opened Phone or Mail. There are actually two ways to go about badging applications: one, an extremely simple UIApplication call, the other a slightly more involved tunneling into UIKit. To set an application badge from within the program itself, use setApplicationBadge:. NSDate *now = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0]; NSString *caldate = [[now dateWithCalendarFormat:@"%b" timeZone:nil] description]; [self setApplicationBadge:caldate]; To remove an application badge, pass the empty string, i.e. @””. The problem with the UIApplication approach is that to use it you must place your requests directly from the application. The following utility source relies on dynamic linking.

Using Application Badges Several native applications on the iPhone use application badges as an indicator of new messages, think email and SMS. Creating badges is quite straightforward and is nothing more than a method call, passing in the desired number to display. The image below shows how a badge may look when applied to your application. The code to create the badge is below the image. As one would expect, the iPhone does limit the number of digits it will display – see the code and image that follow: One nice feature that would be welcome is to have a means to create a badge with text. Although you can set a badge for an application icon, I believe the real creative uses of this will evolve if/when Apple provides a means for an application to update the badge when the application is not running. I’ll keep my fingers crossed…

Code the Code - Projects - class-dump This is a command-line utility for examining the Objective-C runtime information stored in Mach-O files. It generates declarations for the classes, categories and protocols. This is the same information provided by using ‘otool -ov’, but presented as normal Objective-C declarations, so it is much more compact and readable. Why use class-dump? It’s a great tool for the curious. You can look at the design of closed source applications, frameworks, and bundles. Download Current version: 3.5 (64 bit Intel) Requires Mac OS X 10.8 or later. Changes - News Contact You can email questions and bug reports to me at nygard at Usage License This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

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