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Templates Demonstration

Templates Demonstration

Joomla Templates, Modules, Extensions - Hot Joomla - Advanced Menu Systems for Joomla and Mambo - Home iJoomla RSS Home Free Joomla Extensions Free Joomla Extensions Ad Agency Light For Joomla 3 Guru Light iSEO Light Publisher Light Joomla Twitter Follow For Joomla 1.5 & 2.5 MediaPass for Joomla! iJoomla Speed Check Module Geo Database - Cities For Ad Agency For Guru Geo Database - Codes & Countries Powered by iJoomla - Joomla ecommerce Why iJoomla? iJoomla, voted "The Best Joomla Apps Developers" in 2010 CMS Expo. Our most popular commercial extensions included: Guru (Joomla LMS), iJoomla Ad Agency (Joomla Banners Extension) iJoomla DigiStore (Joomla eCommerce), iJoomla SEO (Component for Joomla SEO), iJoomla Surveys (for creating Joomla Surveys) and more! We also provide free Joomla modules on our free Joomla downloads section. All our Joomla extensions are well developed, fully supported and well documented. My Account Stay In Touch Partners <strong>JavaScript is currently disabled. Ask a question

Modifier le template MadeYourWeb 30 Mai 2006 Made Your Web est certainement, graphiquement, le plus simple du pack Joomla!. Il est donc aussi celui qui est le plus facilement modifiable par la plupart des utilisateurs, mais il a cependant ses limites et c’est surtout graphiquement que vous pourrez personnaliser ce template. A noter qu’il existe aussi une extension pour ce template qui permet d’avoir 3 versions de couleurs différentes (vert, rouge et bleue). Ces astuces de modifications du template MadeYourWeb ont été en partie collectées sur le forum, merci donc aux posteurs et à ceux qui ont apporté les réponses. Discuter/commenter ce tutoriel sur le forum. Joomla 1.5 Template Tutorial | joomla-tutorials In This Chapter What is a Joomla template? What functions are performed by a Joomla template, and what is the difference when a template has no content versus when content is added into the Content Management System (CMS). How does the localhost design process differ to that of a static (X)HTML web page? This sample content is excerpted from the forthcoming book, titled Joomla! The author, Barrie North creates Joomla Templates and Tutorials at What Is a Joomla Template? A Joomla template is a series of files within the Joomla CMS that control the presentation of the content. Figure 9.1 Template with and without content Figure 9.1, part A, shows the template in use with sample content. Notice that the images associated with the content (the photos of the people) are not part of the template but the header is. Using a template for a CMS, as Joomla does, has a number of advantages and disadvantages: Localhost Design Process Localhost Server Options templateDetails.xml <? <!

Insérer un SWF | Que sont les cookies? Un cookie est un petit fichier contenant du texte qu'un site web sauvegarde sur votre ordinateur ou votre appareil mobile lorsque vous visitez ce site. Les cookies sont largement utilisés pour faire fonctionner les sites web, ou pour les faire fonctionner plus efficacement, ainsi que pour fournir des informations aux propriétaires du site. Comment utilisons-nous les cookies? Ce site utilise Google Analytics, un service d'analyse du web fourni par Google, Inc. n'utilise pas ni n'autorise aucun tiers à utiliser l'outil d'analyse statistique pour repérer ou recueillir des informations personnelles de visiteurs de ces sites qui seraient identifiables. Les cookies sont également utilisés pour déterminer si vous avez accepté (ou non) que nous utilisions des cookies sur ce site, de façon à ce que la question ne vous soit pas posée à chaque fois que vous le consultez. Comment gérer les cookies? Gestion des cookies dans votre navigateur

Personnaliser joomla, Personnaliser template joomla, Personnaliser wordpress, Personnaliser template wordpress | Image only menu items with rollover effect Here's how to get a real rollover image menu using on the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS). Displaying images for menu items is standard in newer Joomla releases. No code changes to PHP files are needed. In this example we'll edit the horizontal menu on top of the rhuk_milkyway template. Here are the general style rules for this menu: Most important rules are: float:left; for the <li> tags. and display:block; for the <a> tags. Here's an example: In this example we used item28 because 28 is the itemId property of the particular menu item. Enter these rules for every menu item you want to style. Of course you could use a third special image for the currently selected (active) item. That image would not change on hover.

Increase your site's speed dramatically :: Joomla! Community Magazine™ As you all know – Joomla!'s page loading speed is not one of the main advantages of the system. Of course, there is some advice you could follow and there are two very important things that needs to be done: First thing is system plugins order, which should keep following order:"System - cache" plugin should be last one in the listall SEF plugins must be loaded right before cache pluginsCreate new .htaccess file or edit the one you have in your JOOMLA ROOT folder and paste this:### @version $Id: htaccess.txt 10492 2008-07-02 06:38:28Z ircmaxell $# @package Joomla# @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. ## Can be commented out if causes errors, see notes above.Options +FollowSymLinks -Indexes ## mod_rewrite in use RewriteEngine On ########## Begin - Rewrite rules to block out some common exploits## If you experience problems on your site block out the operations listed below## This attempts to block the most common type of exploit `attempts` to Joomla! # RewriteBase /

Using the Page Class Suffix in Template Code Sometimes web designers need to access a page class suffix from directly within a template. A common reason to do this is to assign unique styles to individual pages linked from a menu (e.g. to change the dominant color on that page). By default Joomla applies the page class suffixes only to limited areas of a page, which often doesn't offer enough flexibility. However, by making some simple changes to your template you can take advantage of the cascading nature of stylesheets to apply unique styles to any element on a page. Load Suffix First, we need to find out what the page class suffix is for the page we are visiting. Open your template's index.php file (located in /templates/*template-name*/) Find the <head> tag in the index.php, near the top area of the template Above this, insert one of the following code blocks (Either of the following options will work fine in most cases. By Itemid <? <? (credit: Page Class Suffix in template code) <? Security Insert Suffix In the Body Tag Benefits
