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EIA : Environmental Investigation Agency

EIA : Environmental Investigation Agency

ECNC : expertise Centre for biodiversity and sustainable development SHFT GBIF : Global Biodiversity Information Facility Try out the new GBIF portal! Why not try out the new GBIF portal at, which has many more features and includes lots of information about the GBIF community, including great examples of data uses in research and interesting applications? The old GBIF data portal which you are viewing now will continue to be supported until we are satisfied it can be taken down without causing major inconvenience. Be aware that the content here is static and has not been updated since the launch of the new portal on 9 October 2013. Welcome to the (former) GBIF Data Portal Access 416,242,316 data records (363,215,360 with coordinates) shared via the GBIF network. Explore Species Find data for a species or other group of organisms. Species Information on species and other groups of plants, animals, fungi and micro-organisms, including species occurrence records, as well as classifications and scientific and common names. Example species: Puma concolor (Linnaeus, 1771) Explore Countries Countries France

Encyclopedia of Earth The Biodiversity Hotspots Page Content Life on Earth faces a crisis of historical and planetary proportions. Unsustainable consumption in many northern countries and crushing poverty in the tropics are destroying wild nature. Biodiversity is besieged. Extinction is the gravest aspect of the biodiversity crisis: it is irreversible. While extinction is a natural process, human impacts have elevated the rate of extinction by at least a thousand, possibly several thousand, times the natural rate. In a world where conservation budgets are insufficient given the number of species threatened with extinction, identifying conservation priorities is crucial. The biodiversity hotspots hold especially high numbers of endemic species, yet their combined area of remaining habitat covers only 2.3 percent of the Earth's land surface. Hotspots in Context Hotspots Defined Impact of Hotspots Hotspots Revisited Conservation Responses Subsection 01 Subsection 02 Subsection 03 Subsection 04 Subsection 05

Cornwall Wildlife Trust AVES France : Association de protection des espèces menacées EcoEarth APPAM : Association pour la Promotion du Pastoralisme dans les Alpes Maritimes
