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Top 5 Most Creative Ads - Features

Curious Romain - le blog d'un gros curieux ! FOUABLOG: Publicité, Geekerie et Blogitude 2.0 10 Steps to Becoming A Social Media Expert We’re all pretty much experts at something. Since social media is all the rage, why no become an expert in that? So many of the world’s trends in technology, business, marketing, entertainment and overall communication are heavily tied in with online social media. It’s an important area in which to be well-versed. I’ve been knee-deep in social media since I was a friend-deprived middle schooler (not to give away my age here, but that’s 15 years and counting). 1. This is one of the easiest ways to gain information. Once you start finding the blogs that are useful to you, subscribe to their feeds and use a feed manager to be able to keep up with blogs’ new content. 2. There are plenty of folks that have already been through the social media trenches. If you already have friends that have become social media experts, reach out to them as well. 3. The early adopters are usually ahead of the curve when it comes to social media. 4. 5. 6. Granted, there are some exceptions to this rule. 7. 8.

Grégory Pouy - Echanger ses idées ! WebMarketing Puzzle - Réussir sa Campagne e-Marketing, Adwords, Coups de pub - Le blog de Julien & Arnaud The Future of the Social Web: In Five Eras « Web Strategy by Jer Expect the Groundswell to continue, in which people connect to each other –rather than institutions. Consumer adoption of social networks is increasing a rapid pace, brands are adopting even during a recession, so expect the space to rapidly innovate to match this trend. Clients can access this report, but to summarize what we found, in the executive summary we state: Today’s social experience is disjointed because consumers have separate identities in each social network they visit. We found that technologies trigger changes in consumer adoption, and brands will follow, resulting in five distinct waves, they consist of: The Five Eras of the Social Web: Update: CRM Magazine has more about the five eras, focus in on the graphic. Timing of the Five Overlapping Eras: It’s important to note that these eras aren’t sequential, but instead are overlapping. Don’t Hesitate: These changes are coming at a rapid pace, and we’re in three of these eras by end of year.

Le blog de l'agence de communication interactive et digitale You Roycod Blog .:. Blog Buzz Marketing, Guerilla Marketing, Viral M Buzzlog // le blog du buzz marketing InterFaces vous propose une exploitation fiable, sûre et performante. Afin d'assurer la redondance, sa plate-forme est reliée à internet via plusieurs liaisons en fibre optique dont la capacité évolue rapidement en fonction des charges demandées. Pour une disponibilité maximale, les protocoles qu'InterFaces a choisis permettent de répartir de manière optimale le trafic IP entre nos différents fournisseurs d'accès. Pour maintenir une exploitation de haute disponibilité un système de supervision interne doublé d'une surveillance externe, assurée en toute indépendance par la société Witbe et des astreintes humaines permettent de surveiller constamment la plate-forme. Grâce à des signaux d'alertes, notamment sur iPhone, au matériel de rechange présent sur place, les interventions ont lieu sans attendre pour un retour à la normale dans les meilleurs délais. De plus, grâce au choix de ses prestataires, InterFaces possède une infrastructure évolutive et adaptable sans délai.

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