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Sublime Text Unofficial Documentation — Sublime Text Unofficial Documentation

Sublime Text Unofficial Documentation — Sublime Text Unofficial Documentation

Andrey Tarantsov: Sublime Text Workflow That Beats Coda and Espresso Welcome to the new #WorkflowThu series which helps web developers try new great things. In this episode, we’re talking about jumping into Sublime Text 2 and setting up a workflow that beats traditional tools like Coda and Espresso. Watch the video (10:30) or read the article below. App and plugins mentioned in this video: Transcript Contents: Installing PluginsManaging WindowsLive PreviewFTP/SFTPSwitching ProjectsPreferences and Key Bindings Part 1. We’re starting with a freshly installed copy of Sublime Text 2: Unfortunately, it does not ship packages for languages like LESS and CoffeeScript out of the box, so one of the first things you need to learn is how to install packages. For that, you need a package manager called Package Control. After you restart Sublime Text, you are ready to use this package manager to install the plugins that you want. In particular, you can see that Package Control has added a bunch of commands of its own. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6. The End

Sublime Text 2 Tips and Tricks (Updated) Sublime Text 2 is one of the fastest and most incredible code editors to be released in a long time! With a community and plugin ecosystem as passionate as this one, it just might be impossible for any other editor to catch up. I'll show you my favorite tips and tricks today. Sublime Text 2 is currently available for all major platforms: OS X, Linux and Windows. 1 - Bleeding Edge Versions Sublime is in active development. Download a dev build of Sublime 2 here. 2 - Get a Better Icon Update: here is a better icon. In its defense, Sublime Text 2 is still in a beta state. To integrate it, you need to replace the existing "Sublime Text 2.icns" file with this new one. Please take note of the fact that, if you're using the frequently updated development version of Sublime Text, with each update, the icon will be removed. 3 - Access the Command Palette Similar to TextMate, we can use Sublime's command palette by accessing the Tools menu, or by pressing Shift + Command + P, on the Mac. 8 - Alignment

vuejs/vue-devtools: Chrome devtools extension for debugging Vue.js applications. Sublime Text (2) - Drew Barontini The usefuless of this setup guide will vary based on your personal preferences for how your text editor should function, but it should help with the initial setup of Sublime Text. Let's get started. Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose. You'll love the slick user interface, extraordinary features and amazing performance. — Description from the Sublime Text website. #1. The first thing you need to do in Sublime is install Package Control. A full-featured package manager that helps discovering, installing, updating and removing packages for Sublime Text 2. — Description from the Package Control website. #2. Note: To install a package, bring up the Command Palette (cmd+shift+p on Mac, or Tools > Command Palette in the Menu Bar), type "Install Package," select that option, type in the package name, and hit enter when you find the one you want. There is a large list of packages available, but these are the ones that I use currently. #Themes #Color Schemes #3. #4.

The Definitive Guide: Sublime Text 2, a Code Editor to Love You know, old habits die hard. Therefore I got stuck to the HTML editor Homesite ever since I started to design websites more than a century ago. I took a look at other editors here and there but always returned to my good ol’ buddy. It had almost everything I needed on my daily business. Okay, it lacked movable tabs, the file browser was pretty sluggish and some other minor glitches bugged me from time to time. But I loved it wholeheartedly. Working with Sublime Text 2. Getting to know each other Sublime Text 2 is available for Windows, OS X and Linux at for free and can be evaluated as long as desired. Sublime Text 2 can be heavily customized and a multitude of plugins just wait for you to be used. Side by side Another important area can be found at the left-most position, namely the sidebar, which is hidden by default (to show it press Ctrl + K, Ctrl + B / Command + K, Command + B). A feature you will love: Goto Anything. Tag management Some other handy features:

mrmartineau/SublimeTextSetup jprichardson/sublime-js-snippets Full Unicode Input utility This utility can be characterized as an online extended character map oriented towards writing characters. It displays a table that looks like a set of keyboard buttons, and clicking on a button you enter the character in question. The characters will be appended to the text input area on the right. You can also type the Unicode number of a character in the box prefixed by “U+” and press Enter or click on the Add button. To copy the text onto your clipboard, click on the “Select” button and then use a function of your browser, typically Ctrl C, to copy the selected text onto the clipboard. You can then past the text where you like (typically, with Ctrl V). Whether you see a character properly in the table or in the input area depends on the fonts installed on your system. Due to problems in font handling, Internet Explorer may fail to display a character even though some font on your system contains it.

Sublime Text 2: Tips for moving over I’m a long time Coda user. A few months ago I, like everyone else, decided to switch over to vim. I really liked Vim but just couldn’t get the hang of it for whatever reason. After shamefully crawling back to Coda, I found myself realizing that Coda fell short in a few areas. It was then I decided to give Sublime Text 2 a shot as it had been touted as the sucessor to Text Mate. Its taken me a few weeks to get used to, but I can happily say I’m a Sublime Text 2 user now. 1. If you do a lot of work in bash, its helpful to open up a file or entire folder in your editor right from the command line. To Install: Run the following line in your terminal.sudo ln -s "/Applications/Sublime Text" /bin/subl This will then give you access to the bash command subl with a number of arguments. The most basic usage is to open the current folder in Sublime Text 2. subl -ab tutorial.html opens the file tutorial.html in the current window but keeps terminal in focus. 2.
