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Welcome to Life Without Plastic - shop for the best plastic alternatives - environmental and eco-friendly shop - plastic free products - non plastic products - water dispenser, bottle, food container, lunch boxes, baby dishes, tumblers, plates, water stor

Welcome to Life Without Plastic - shop for the best plastic alternatives - environmental and eco-friendly shop - plastic free products - non plastic products - water dispenser, bottle, food container, lunch boxes, baby dishes, tumblers, plates, water stor

The Modern Survivalist | Beeswax Wrap that Keeps Food Fresh | Abeego LITTLE PIG Jorakompost Home Composting Bin - SAVE $50.00 [C-JK125] - AU$445.00 : Nature's Wonderland, Juicers | Best in Australia for ANGEL Juicer, HUROM, OSCAR VitalMax, 930 Pro, JuicePresso, JUPITER Water Alkalisers, KANGEN Ioniser, EXCALIBUR Dehydrator Compost in 3 easy steps... To begin, simply add your daily kitchen scraps, doggie and garden waste to a starter eg; active compost. The insulated environment will increase in temperature; creating the ideal ecological environment for decomposing solid matter. Add some sawdust to ensure you have the correct ratio of wet & dry ingredients. Rotate the barrel every time you add waste to ensure adequate aeration and your organic, nutrient rich compost will be ready for use in around 6 weeks! Why choose the Joraform Composter? Fully rotating for proper mixing! Easy to balance wet & dryFor efficient breakdown of waste matter, the correct combination of aeration, temperature plus sufficient mixing with the correct wet & dry ratio is required. The role played by sawdust / wood shavingsThe use of sawdust / wood shavings absorbs the moisture and gives structure to the compost, keeping it well aerated. A rotating heat compost for convenient and simple use all the year round.

Flooring, Building, Design and Housing News | BuildDirect Klean Kanteen: Stainless Steel Bottles, Mugs, Cups and Canisters Greenluv Clever Plastic-Free and Low-Tech Ways to Store Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Lloyd Alter/CC BY 2.0 Many fruits and vegetables taste better eaten the day they’re harvested from the garden. But what if you need to store your crop before you can prepare it? It’s possible to store your fruits and veggies using old technology and avoiding plastic altogether for zero waste storage. How­To: Store Fruits and Vegetables. Tips and tricks to extend the life of your produce without plastic. The Ecology Center Farmers' Markets produced a large list of ways to store your produce without using plastic to push the markets and customers toward zero waste. Fruits. Apples- Store on a cool counter or shelf for up to two weeks. Citrus- Store in a cool place with good airflow, never in an air‐tight container. Apricots/Nectarines- On a cool counter or fridge if fully ripe Cherries- Store in an airtight container. Berries -­Don’t forget they’re fragile. Strawberries- Don’t like to be wet. Veggies. Asparagus- Place them loosely in a glass or bowl upright with water at room temperature.

plastic free camping | Plastic Manners A plastic tally is long overdue. I missed one month and then felt irked about the second. So I decided that it would be much cooler to actually skip the monthly tallies and collect a summer’s worth of plastics. Here she blows: 3 month's worth of plastics The first thing to note in terms of the tally, is that I am not sourcing milk from the raw milk dairy anymore and hence there are lids on the table. The other thing to note is Kisha’s food. And then, there are beer caps. The others are miscellaneous this, thats, and others. I had gone way out of my way to get take out sushi without the trash. Why must you put trash on my plate? All in all, not bad for a full summer’s worth of plastic hey, particularly given the amount of camping, traveling, and picnicking we did. Taina: “Go get us some goodies.” Brandon: “Why should I go, I don’t even want goodies?! Taina: “Because you’re the guy.” Brandon: “Under any other circumstance, maybe. Taina: “Nah. Brandon: (No comment. Taina: (No comment. Onward.

Plastic-Free Camping: Is It Possible? This past weekend, my friends and I went on a lovely camping trip. We took the train out to the Indiana Dunes National Lake Shore on Friday and then spent our time laying on the beach, swimming in the cool waters of Lake Michigan, and even partying with a friend's family (his Dad has a house on the beach). We also made some nice campfires and spent hours under the stars talking and drinking whiskey. Yes, it was a wonderful little vacation, but it had its downside. I think I may have used more plastic this weekend than I have in the entire year put together. And it was all my fault. I didn't go to the grocery store the night before our camping trip because someone stole the wheel off my bike, my primary mode of transportation and the vehicle I use for my grocery shopping. But I'll get over it. Still, the experience got me thinking. What's a girl to do? I guess I'll have to consider adding this to the "What I Haven't Given Up" List.
