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The making of an action hero body - Entertainment - Movies

The making of an action hero body - Entertainment - Movies
When I was hired to train an actor for an action film, the studio executives would express how important it was to transform their body so they looked like an action hero. That's why I made the decision to utilize the same method of dieting and training I used to win many of my champion body building competitions. Matt Damon and Kevin Spacey were extremely excited to work with me, which made my job a lot easier than it had been with some of my other celebrity clients. I have the actors do weight training in the morning and cardio at night. WEIGHT TRAINING SESSION(* — increase weight each set) Monday – Abs/Biceps/Triceps Abdominal Crunches - 3x50 Hanging Leg Raises – 3x30 Hyper Extensions – 3x25 Seated Dumbbell Curls – 3x15/12/10 * Standing Barbell Curls – 3x15/12/10 * Standing Cable Curls – 3x15/12/10 * Tricep Cable Pushdowns – 3x15/12/10 * Lying Barbell Tricep Extensions – 3x15/12/10 * Dumbbell Kickbacks – 3x15/12/10 * Wednesday – Rest Day

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Recipes for 101 Simple Salads for the Season Francesco Tonelli for The New York Times FRESH AND FRESHER Clockwise, from top left: tuna, egg, green beans (No. 56); carrots, blueberries, sunflower seeds (7); croutons, tomatoes, mozzarella (42); walnuts, blue cheese, raspberries (49); couscous, oranges, honey (95); strawberries, tomatoes, Parmesan (13). That’s the idea behind the 101 ideas found in this section. In theory, each salad takes 20 minutes or less. Honestly, some may take you a little longer. But most minimize work at the stove and capitalize on the season, when , eggplant, herbs, fruit, greens and more are plentiful and excellent. This last point is important. Salt, to taste, is a given in all of these recipes. Herein, then, are enough salad ideas to tide you over until the weather cools down. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Gift Box Gift Box This box made from two bills. The bills/box can be the gift itself, but it is also just about the right size for a ring box. (Perhaps a dollar-bill ring?) Get yourself two fairly new, crisp bills. Lay the bill on a flat surface, face up. Fold the note top-to-bottom just to the right of the portrait, then unfold. Starting at the top left corner (as illustrated), close the top third fold to about 90 degrees. Inside this corner will be a remaining portion that you will crease along the natural 45 degree line to complete the corner. Complete the previous step for the other three corners. For each tab, pull it inside the box, folding so that the natural edge of the box is pulled slightly over inside the fold. Do this evenly for both tabs. For the two other sides, evenly fold over the edge of the bill. You should now have an open box. If you make another piece just like the first, but slightly larger, you would have a lid similar to that found on most shoe boxes. Back

Circuit training Circuit training is a form of body conditioning or resistance training using high-intensity aerobics. It targets strength building and muscular endurance. An exercise "circuit" is one completion of all prescribed exercises in the program. When one circuit is complete, one begins the first exercise again for the next circuit. Traditionally, the time between exercises in circuit training is short, often with rapid movement to the next exercise. The program was developed by R.E. Typical activities in a circuit[edit] A circuit should work each section of the body individually. Upper-body Squat upsBench dipsBack extensionsMedicine ball chest passBench liftInclined press up Core & trunk Sit ups (lower abdominals)Stomach crunch (upper abdominals)Back extension chest raise Lower-body Squat jumpsCompass jumpsAstride jumpsStep upsShuttle runsHopping shuttlesBench squat Total-body Effects of circuit training[edit] Morgan and Anderson claim: See also[edit] References[edit] Kravitz, L. (1996).

Best Bodyweight Exercises for Weight Loss | Get Fit and Lose Weight | MotleyHealth® Bodyweight exercises are a great way to help you lose weight. They also help to burn belly fat fast. They combine a cardiovascular workout with a muscle building workout, so burn fat while you are exercising out and also increase your metabolism as a result of muscle development. Bodyweight exercises are considered to be very “old school”, they are still promoted in martial arts classes, military fitness training and strength training for dance, sports and many other activities. Circuit training exercises are often part of a weight loss and fitness plan. One of the best things about a bodyweight workout is that you can perform most of the exercises with no equipment at all, so whether you are at home, in a hotel room, in the park or office, you can exercise when you want. The Bodyweight Exercise Routine This simple routine will work your whole body. When performing a bodyweight circuit you should exercise with intensity to maximise fat burning. The Bodyweight Circuit Exercise Instuctions

The Complete Guide to Workout Nutrition [Infographic] Check out Greatist's other Infographics and ADD this Infographic to your Website/Blog: Simply copy the code below and paste it into the HTML of your blog or website: <a href=" target="_blank"><img src=" width="600" height="5701" border="0" style="border:none" /></a><p>Get <a href=" and fitness tips</a> at</p> Love this graphic? The Ultimate Guide to Workout Nutrition We’re more concerned than ever with maximizing our workout efforts and getting the fastest results. Recovery Time is Critical Recovery should be thought of as a window of opportunity. Strength Training Pre-workout: Building lean muscle requires a ready supply of protein for tissue repair. Cardio Pre-workout nutrition for a cardio session requires more carbs than protein. Post-Workout

Skinny Overnight Oats in a Jar A hearty healthy breakfast packed with fiber, vitamins, and nutrients... in a jar (no cooking required)! Now that the weather is warm, almost every weekday morning after the gym I have either a green smoothie or a bowl of berries, topped with some crunchy granola, nuts and chia seeds with a little almond milk. It's my favorite quick breakfast and fills me up. Overnight Oats in a Jar is very popular on Pinterest these days. Have you tried them? Verdict: after removing the jar from my refrigerator this morning, I let is sit on the counter while I went to the gym to get the chill out of it. True story: My younger brother had very high cholesterol (he's thin) in his 30's and was able to lower it by over 100 points without the help of any medication, just buy eating raw oats every morning for about 6 months and getting regular exercise. p.s.- I was never a fan of the taste of Stevia until I tried the liquid drops from NuNaturals. Ingredients:

Grilled Avocados Avocados have been a mainstay of my culinary life for about as long as I can remember. Growing up in Southern California in the 60's, avocados were locally grown, plentiful and part of just about every party and celebration, usually in the form of guacamole. But all that changed and guacamole became the springboard for a host of dishes, sweet and savory, but for me, nothing beats a plain slice of perfectly ripe avocado. It really needs nothing to enhance its lusciousness, but then.... The other day as I was listening to one of my food podcasts, Evan Kleiman was interviewing an avocado grower who mentioned that one of his favorite ways to eat avocados is to grill them. THAT night I’m so grilling an avocado. Remove it from your grill and and sprinkle with a little lime juice and salt. Here's a quick and easy salsa recipe. Dump it all in the blender and process until it becomes a harmonious blend of salsa goodness. Taste and add more salt, cayenne or cilantro if needed.

Health Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living organism. In humans, it is the general condition of a person's mind and body, usually meaning to be free from illness, injury or pain (as in "good health" or "healthy").[1] The World Health Organization (WHO) defined health in its broader sense in 1946 as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Systematic activities to prevent or cure health problems and promote good health in humans are undertaken by health care providers. Determinants[edit] More specifically, key factors that have been found to influence whether people are healthy or unhealthy include the following:[9][10][11] The concept of the "health field," as distinct from medical care, emerged from the Lalonde report from Canada. The environment is often cited as an important factor influencing the health status of individuals. Overview of potential issues[edit] Mental health[edit] Diet[edit]

Ancient City Found in India, Irradiated from Atomic Blast Radiation still so intense, the area is highly dangerous. A heavy layer of radioactive ash in Rajasthan, India, covers a three-square mile area, ten miles west of Jodhpur. Scientists are investigating the site, where a housing development was being built. For some time it has been established that there is a very high rate of birth defects and cancer in the area under construction. The Mahabharata clearly describes a catastrophic blast that rocked the continent. "A single projectile charged with all the power in the Universe…An incandescent column of smoke and flame as bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its splendor…it was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes an entire race." A Historian Comments Historian Kisari Mohan Ganguli says that Indian sacred writings are full of such descriptions, which sound like an atomic blast as experienced in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Archeological Investigation provides information Bibliography 1. Backlinks

How to Rapidly Increase Your Pullup Numbers in 3 Months or Less A Complete Pullups Workout Program to Help You Shatter Your Personal Record and Dramatically Improve Your Pullups Performance Note: this pull-up training program is one of the lessons in my free 5-day Pull-up Training Crash Course. If you haven’t signed up and you want to improve your pull-up strength and performance as soon as this week, then Click Here to learn more about the free course. I’ll hook you up with the rest of the lessons and my very best tips on mastering the pull-up and chin-up exercises. If you want to strengthen your arm and back muscles, spread your wings (lats) to create that V-tapered back appearance, and increase that critical vertical pulling strength that everyone needs, AND if you want a laser-focused pullups program that was created exactly for improving your pullup numbers, then you’ve come to the right place. How I Went From 6 Deadhang Pullups to Over 30 in Only 3 Months . But what if I can’t even do 5 pullups? Grease the groove is all over now. Week 1 – Rest.

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