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Technickety: How to unvent a simple cable

Technickety: How to unvent a simple cable
I had a heap of messages asking where the cable for Jeff's glove came from. It's a fairly generic multi-strand cable; called a "Saxon Braid" (thanks, Purly White!). I see Wendy at wendyknits has used it for a sweater, and I'm sure it's to be found in stitch dictionaries. That said, being able to read an existing cable and knowing how to reconstruct it is a very useful skill. I'm not suggesting, of course, that the following be used in any way that takes credit away from a designer of a garment - rather, this is a reference for understanding how a simple cable works and how to write a chart. ***I should say my intention here isn't to be patronizing at all; I'm sure most of you have been doing this for a long time without this kind of manic detail. According to my definition, a "simple cable": Step by step 2) Identify how many "strands" make up the cable - it might be helpful to draw a line diagram showing the relationships between the strands. See? And there you have it.

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