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Build the Language You Want! Xtext can build full-featured text editors for both general-purpose and domain-specific languages. In the background it uses the LL(*) parser generator of ANTLR, allowing to cover a wide range of syntaxes. Compile to Whatever You Want! You define the target format to which your language is compiled. Highly Customizable The default behavior of Xtext is optimized to cover a wide range of languages and use cases. Single Sourcing The grammar definition language of Xtext is not just for the parser. Incremental Compiler Xtext is built to scale, so no matter if you have a few source files written in your language or hundreds of them, the IDE remains responsive and reacts smoothly to any text change. Compatible with Graphical Editors You can combine the text-based formats created with Xtext with many graphical editing frameworks, e.g.

The Spoofax Language Workbench Spoofax is a platform for developing textual domain-specific languages with full-featured Eclipse editor plugins. With the Spoofax/IMP language workbench, you can write the grammar of your language using the high-level SDF grammar formalism. Based on this grammar, basic editor services such as syntax highlighting and code folding are automatically provided. Using high-level descriptor languages, these services can be customized. Spoofax 1.1 released We are happy to announce the release of Spoofax 1.1! You can update your Eclipse from One of the most important improvements in Spoofax 1.1 is the inclusion of NaBL, the Spoofax Name Binding Language. NaBL is documented at the following pages: Other highlights of the 1.1 release include: And there were a number of notable changes under the hood: A comprehensive list of changes can be viewed at Spoofax Q&A Spoofax 1.0.2 maintenance release Spoofax 1.0 (more features)

AJAX Suggest Front End The front end of the AJAX Suggest Tutorial is pretty straight forward. There is one form with a textbox for entering the search query, a button for submitting the search, and a DIV that we will display our suggested searches in. The only thing that should look a little strange to you is the autocomplete="off" command. The onkeyup event will start our AJAX request to check the server for suggestions. As you can see, for the tutorial I have the form submitting to the Search page of DynamicAJAX. We will also create a couple of styles in the header and include our JavaScript file that we will create later on in the tutorial. After our textbox and button, we will add our suggestion DIV. This DIV will have some styling applied to it in order for it to appear right. Now we will just close out our DIV, and the rest of the HTML is just for aesthetics. Let's take a look at the styles we will use for the tutorial On to the fun AJAXey stuff.

Acceleo About Acceleo Acceleo is a pragmatic implementation of the Object Management Group (OMG) MOF Model to Text Language (MTL) standard. You do not need to be an expert to start using the plug-ins and create your first code generator : using the provided example projects and the powerful completion feature of the Acceleo editor, it is very easy to get started and understand the basic principles. Acceleo is the result of several man-years of R&D started in the French company Obeo. From to The Acceleo project was started 4 years ago. The reference implementation we provide within the Eclipse M2T project, Acceleo 3, combines nice tooling, simple syntax and efficient code generation with all the pragmatism we had with the 2.x stream. User Experience

Coding A HTML 5 Layout From Scratch - Smashing Magazine ATL ATL (ATL Transformation Language) is a model transformation language and toolkit. In the field of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), ATL provides ways to produce a set of target models from a set of source models. Developed on top of the Eclipse platform, the ATL Integrated Environnement (IDE) provides a number of standard development tools (syntax highlighting, debugger, etc.) that aims to ease development of ATL transformations. ATL provides a way to produce a number of target models from a set of source models. An ATL transformation program is composed of rules that define how source model elements are matched and navigated to create and initialize the elements of the target models.

In Unix, how do I use the scp command to securely transfer files between two computers In Unix, you can use SCP (the scp command) to securely copy files and directories between remote hosts without starting an FTP session or logging into the remote systems explicitly. The scp command uses SSH to transfer data, so it requires a password or passphrase for authentication. Unlike rcp or FTP, scp encrypts both the file and any passwords exchanged so that anyone snooping on the network cannot view them. Syntax The syntax for the scp command is: scp [options] username1@source_host:directory1/filename1 username2@destination_host:directory2/filename2 The location of the source file is specified by username1@source_host:directory1/filename1 , which includes the: Name of the account on the host computer (username1) Hostname of the computer on which the source file resides (source_host) Name of the directory containing the source file (directory1) Filename of the source file (filename1) Note: Make sure to include a space between the source and destination paths. man scp Examples

Welcome to AndroMDA! A Collection of HTML5 Resources and Tutorials : Speckyboy Design Magazine By now everyone has heard of HTML 5 and its new functionalities. Pretty exciting isn't it… also a little daunting. Of course, there are two sides to the excitement, most developers love it, others feel it has come to soon and we are not ready for it. What ever your feelings are on this issue, it doesn't matter, it is here, so lets work with it. Introduction to HTML 5 Video This is an educational “Introduction to HTML 5″ video that goes over many of the major aspects of this new standard and the video is choc full of demos and sample source code. HTML5 + CSS3 = Awesome on Vimeo HTML5 is the next version of the web markup standard. CSS Code Structure for HTML 5: Some Useful Guidelines In this post they offer some useful guidelines about how to implement a well organized CSS code structure in view of the introduction of the HTML5 markup language. HTML 5 and CSS 3: The Techniques You’ll Soon Be Using Have a Field Day with HTML5 Forms Coding a HTML 5 Layout From Scratch HTML 5 Canvas – The Basics

Celerio de Jaxio, une Software Factory Java Celerio est un générateur de code conçu pour industrialiser le développement des applications orientées données. Pour fonctionner Celerio prend en entrée le modèle le plus classique qui soit, le modèle entité­-relation utilisé par toutes les bases de données relationnelles. Ce modèle est extrait par "reverse engineering" en se connectant à la base de données relationnelle cible (Oracle, My Sql, DB2, etc.). A partir de ce modèle qui est bien connu et maitrisé des développeurs, mais aussi d'un fichier de configuration permettant de rafiner le modèle (renommage, héritage, etc.), Celerio interprète des templates de générations écrites en Velocity. Jaxio fournit avec Celerio des templates de générations regroupées en packs ('Backend', 'JSF 2', etc...). Les templates de générations proposées par Jaxio peuvent être éditées et bien entendu d'autres templates de de générations peuvent être développées soit par vous-même soit par Jaxio. Principales fonctionnalités Pack 'Backend'

JavascriptTips - jslibs - JavaScript language advanced tips and tricks - standalone JavaScript development runtime environment with general purpose native libraries These tips and tricks are not related to any web browser or any Document Object Model (DOM), they are only general purpose tips and tricks for the JavaScript language. Some of these tricks are using a latest version of JavaScript language (v1.8) and cannot run with the Microsoft Implementation of JavaScript (v1.5). All these tricks has been tested with the Mozilla SpiderMonkey/TraceMonkey JavaScript engine (v1.8). You can try these examples using jshost, a command-line JavaScript interpreter. (download it). If you need more explanation about one of the following tips, don't hesitate to ask me or use the comment section at the end of this page. See the TOC at the end of the page. Append an array to another array var a = [4,5,6];var b = [7,8,9];Array.prototype.push.apply(a, b); uneval(a); // is: [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] Milliseconds since epoch +new Date() // 1259359833574 Simulate threads using yield operator JavaScript 1.7 //// thread definitionfunction Thread( name ) { for ( var i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { note
