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How SOPA would affect you: FAQ

How SOPA would affect you: FAQ
When Rep. Lamar Smith announced the Stop Online Piracy Act in late October, he knew it was going to be controversial. But the Texas Republican probably never anticipated the broad and fierce outcry from Internet users that SOPA provoked over the last few months. It was a show of public opposition to Internet-related legislation not seen since the 2003 political wrangling over implanting copy-protection technology in PCs, or perhaps even the blue ribbons appearing on Web sites in the mid-1990s in response to the Communications Decency Act. Consider the concerted protest on January 18 by high-profile Web companies and organizations. As CNET reported in December, Smith, a self-described former ranch manager whose congressional district encompasses the cropland and grazing land stretching between Austin and San Antonio, Texas, has become Hollywood's favorite Republican. To learn how SOPA, and its Senate cousin known as the Protect IP Act , would affect you, keep reading. The U.S. Rep.

Cruise Captain Says He 'Tripped' Into Lifeboat, Couldn't Get Out The captain of the Italian cruise ship gave a slapstick explanation of how he ended up safely in a lifeboat instead of going down with his ship, saying he tripped and fell into the boat as it was being lowered into the sea, Italian media reported today. "I had no intention of escaping," Francesco Schettino, 52, said during his first court hearing Tuesday, according to Italy's Corriere della Sera newspaper. "I was helping some passengers put the life boat to sea. At a certain point the mechanism for lowering it, blocked. We had to force it. Once in the lifeboat that was lowered into the sea, Schettino insisted to the court that it was "impossible to go back onboard." The captain also reportedly admitted to the court that he lied at one point when he assured officials that he had dropped anchor shortly after the Costa Concordia slammed into a rock to stabilize the luxury liner. "And with 100 people still on board, you abandon ship? TRANSCRIPT: 'Get Back on Board for [Expletive] Sake!'

San Francisco airport sign mocks Saints, quotes Jay-Z | Shutdown Corner The new trend of trash talk on airplane flight information boards is one we can fully endorse. The most recent sign was posted outside a Virgin America flight from San Francisco bound for Los Angeles. The plane was doin' 55 in a 54. (@brad_wolff) The sign is far more clever than the trolling pro-Tebow sign we saw last week at a Denver airport, though that one did have a major advantage; it was posted on a flight bound for Pittsburgh. [ Y! You can't blame the sign maker for that, though: Virgin America doesn't fly to New Orleans. Thanks, Larry Brown Sports Other popular Y! Sports & RecreationVirgin America

Why Gay Parents May Be the Best Parents Gay marriage, and especially gay parenting, has been in the cross hairs in recent days. On Jan. 6, Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum told a New Hampshire audience that children are better off with a father in prison than being raised in a home with lesbian parents and no father at all. And last Monday (Jan. 9), Pope Benedict called gay marriage a threat "to the future of humanity itself," citing the need for children to have heterosexual homes. But research on families headed by gays and lesbians doesn't back up these dire assertions. In fact, in some ways, gay parents may bring talents to the table that straight parents don't. Gay parents "tend to be more motivated, more committed than heterosexual parents on average, because they chose to be parents," said Abbie Goldberg, a psychologist at Clark University in Massachusetts who researches gay and lesbian parenting. Adopting the neediest An October 2011 report by Evan B. Good parenting Nurturing tolerance Same-sex acceptance

Internet Addiction: Test to See if You're Addicted The question as you read this article is: Are you one of the addicted? Scientists scanned the brains of 17 Internet-addicted adolescents and found compared with controls, their addicted brains had changes in the white matter of the brain that is involved in attention, decision making, cognition and emotions. The research could help develop treatments of Internet addiction that affects an estimated 10 to 15 percent of Internet users. The findings suggest that white matter integrity may serve as a potential new treatment target in internet addiction disorder, the authors conclude in their study. The research was headed by scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Internet addiction comes in many different forms: news grazers, Facebook updaters and the most common, gamers. Unlike illicit drugs, the Internet is part of our culture, so it may be difficult for people to recognize their addiction.

Facebook: Friends' Happy Pictures Make You Sad? There are plenty of reasons to feel down in today's fast-paced, hectic world, and you wouldn't think that the world's most popular social networking site would be one of them. But that's exactly what a new study by Utah Valley University has found.

Marijuana research could yield prescribed drugs By The Associated Press,, Updated: January 23, 2012 9:55 AM A quarter-century after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first prescription drugs based on the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, additional medicines derived from or inspired by the cannabis plant itself could soon be making their way to pharmacy shelves, according to drug companies, small biotech firms and university scientists. A British company, GW Pharma, is in advanced clinical trials for the world's first pharmaceutical developed from raw marijuana instead of synthetic equivalents — a mouth spray it hopes to market in the U.S. as a treatment for cancer pain. Sativex contains marijuana's two best known components — delta 9-THC and cannabidiol — and already has been approved in Canada, New Zealand and eight European countries for a different usage, relieving muscle spasms associated with multiple sclerosis. Marijuana pills, patches, creams Plant versus pill

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Internet Addiction Test The Internet Addiction Test emerged as the first validated measure of Internet and technology addiction. The Internet Addiction suite of tests brings together the Internet Addiction Test (IAT) and the Internet Addiction Test for Families (IAT-F). The IAT is a self-report instrument for adolescents and adults. The IAT-F is for children and adolescents and completed by an informant who knows the youth well. Both instruments can be used together in assessment to obtain a well-rounded profile of the client’s Internet addiction and also to identify discrepancies amongst raters, who could benefit from psychoeducation. For more information on using the IAT and building an Internet Addiction treatment program in your practice, visit for our comprehensive workbook and training programs. To learn more about the validation studies of the Internet Addiction Test and for order information, please click here:
