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Music Animation Machine

Music Animation Machine

Album Notes: Musica Iconologos Musica Iconologos The picture of the music – the "notation" – is what the music sounds like, and, if there is to be a picture, the picture comes first. The composer learns early on that the notion is naive that he/she makes the music as sound (in the mind or in the instrument) and then makes a picture of it – unless the music in the mind or in the instrument conforms to pictures that have already been worked out. This has been the main concern and one of the most disturbing discoveries of this century. What to do then?

The Asia Foundation: Visualizing Afghanistan The Survey of the Afghan People is a major undertaking of the Foundation each year, requiring contributions and cooperation of numerous Asia Foundation staff and the Foundation’s partners. The survey report was produced under the overall guidance of Afghanistan Country Representative Mark Kryzer. Very special thanks are due to Survey and Research Director Keith Shawe. Survey Manager Shahim Kabuli and Deputy Survey Manager Shamim Sarabi played critical roles in the preparation and production of the survey. stAllio!'s way The Visual Context of Music "A musical notation is a language which determines what you can say;what you want to say determines your language." [Cornelius Cardew 1961] 'Cantorinus ad Eorum Instructionem' Luce Antonii Junte, 1540.*I think* that the image of the hand was meant as a mnemonic device to be usedin staggered singing of hymns so as to remember the allowed notes...or something.

Pitch Interactive: The Holy Bible and the Holy Quran: A Comparison of Words In order to understand a religion, we can refer to its holy book, which establishes guidelines and principles for followers to adhere to. At the same time, followers, both radical and mild, interpret the holy text to provide a deeper and often more complex meaning of a particular verse, often to help explain issues that directly affect their personal beliefs. Unfortunately, people of one faith try to use the holy text of another faith to ridicule that faith or show its abominations by pointing to a particular text, often entirely out of context or misquoted. One such example is the Quran burning controversy stirred by Terry Jones in Florida.

Mu rhythm One second sample of an EEGalpha wave recording. This wave occurs at frequencies similar to the mu wave, although the alpha wave is detected over a different part of the brain. Mu waves, also known as mu rhythms, comb or wicket rhythms, arciform rhythms, or sensorimotor rhythms, are synchronized patterns of electrical activity involving large numbers of neurons, probably of the pyramidal type, in the part of the brain that controls voluntary movement.[1] These patterns as measured by electroencephalography (EEG), magnetoencephalography (MEG), or electrocorticography (ECoG) repeat at a frequency of 7.5–12.5 Hz and are most prominent when the body is physically at rest.[1] Unlike the alpha wave, which occurs at a similar frequency over the resting visual cortex at the back of the scalp, the mu wave is found over the motor cortex, in a band approximately from ear to ear.

Alexander Chen – Bach Cello Suites No. 1, Prelude Project summary Details I created eight strings, as the Prelude’s natural phrasing is in groups of eight notes. Technesthesia and Synaesthesia [Ethan Ham / Anthroptic / 2007] There is an analogous relationship between technological translations of data from one type to another with synaesthetic responses: the transcoding of electromagnetic telemetry by Dr. Donald Gurnett is one a striking and direct example of this type of sonification of non-sound data; however, it is also, in many ways, a non-significant transfer: the data in question are readings of wave-form encounters. Visualizing How A Population Grows To 7 Billion 7 Billion: How Did We Get So Big So Fast? Watch as global population explodes from 300 million to 7 billion. Sometime Monday, the world will have more humans than ever: 7 billion, according to the U.N. The U.N. estimates that the world's population will pass the 7 billion mark on Monday. Much of that growth has happened in Asia — in India and China. Those two countries have been among the world's most populous for centuries.

Kinetic Synaesthesia: Experiencing Dance in Multimedia Scenographies The contrasting kinetic values between dancer and projected moving image in multimedia scenographies provide the viewer with a particular type of synaesthetic experience. It results from the interaction of kinesthesis proper to each medium, the dancing body and the moving image. The extensive use of projected moving images in performing arts is part of a cultural trend that priviledges a fundamental yet little understood aspect of aesthetic experience. Kinetic synaesthesia is a transdisciplinary concept formulated in light of psychological, physiological, and phenomenological accounts of both synaesthesia and kinesthesis. dance, video projections, moving images, kinesthesis, synaesthesia, kinetic synaesthesia

Interactive The World of Seven Billion The map shows population density; the brightest points are the highest densities. Each country is colored according to its average annual gross national income per capita, using categories established by the World Bank (see key below). TONEWHEELS The technology of synthesizing sound from light is a curious combination of research from the realms of mathematics, physics, electronics and communications theory which found realization in the industries of motion picture films, music, surveillance technology and finally digital communications. As such, it's history is an interesting cross section of 20th century history, reaching from the euphoria of the late 19th Century and early 20th Century inventors (who often struggled between "scientific" and "supernatural" explainations of their work) through the paradigm-smashing experiments of the Soviet avant-garde in the 1920's and 1930's to the cynical clash of ideologies of the Post-war years and finally to the dawn of the digital era in the 1970's. Quite clearly, the connection with filmmaking is very close.

[Boîte à outils] 5 applications pour créer sa propre infographie   Esthétiques, claires, efficaces et surtout très virales, les infographies en tous genres envahissent la toile. Très sollicitées pour mettre en avant les chiffres clefs d’une études, les principales tendances d’un marché, elles sont utilisées par un panel d’acteurs : agences, cabinet d’études, blogueurs, médias, etc. Surfant sur cette tendance, plusieurs startups ont mis au point des web applications permettant à n’importe quel internaute de créer tout seul une infographie en ligne, en y insérant ses propres données. Pour l’heure, une majorité de ces services (en anglais) sont encore en version bêta et donc perfectibles. A moyen terme, ces plateformes pourraient néanmoins venir concurrencer les métiers de web designers ou tout au moins réinventer certaines collaborations.
