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Newbie's guide to Twitter

Newbie's guide to Twitter
If you're not using Twitter yet, you may feel as if you've missed out. Twitter has not only tipped the tuna, but by some estimations, it has already jumped the shark. Don't be put off by its excessive popularity with SXSW geeks or by the whining of Twitter haters who missed the fun. What is Twitter? Twitter is an online service that enables you to broadcast short messages to your friends or "followers." Twitter is designed to work on a mobile phone as well as on a computer. Twitter is useful for close-knit groups (although there also are some fairly large mobs on Twitter). If you enter items into Twitter, they can be private, so only friends you've authorized can see them. Twitter is free. Continue reading to learn how to get started, hook up your mobile, send your first "Tweet," follow friends, and direct Twitter. How to get started Go to and click "Join for free." Hook up your mobile phone and IM account Sending Twitter messages, or "Tweets" Following and joining friends

Jaiku, twitter : un canal de communication complémentaire pour M Dans la partie droite de ce site se trouvent depuis peu des petites bulles (sous l’appellation Latest from Momi Clic) contenant des messages courts en relation avec mes activités liées à Momi Clic. Ces messages proviennent du micro blog : c’est quoi un microblog ? Et bien c’est un mix entre un blog (site web), le système sms et la messagerie instantanée (chat). Avec un micro blog, on peut envoyer, depuis son gsm ou la page internet du micro blog, des messages qui ne peuvent excéder 140 caractères. On peut également suivre les microblogs en allant sur la page web correspondante. J’ai créé deux micro blogs Momi Clic (cliquez pour voir à quoi cela ressemble : Pourquoi deux ? Parce que Jaiku est plus joli, plus stable, plus rapide quand on envoie un message via son gsm, il permet de publier des fils RSS qui l’alimenteront automatiquement (il syndique ainsi les articles publiés sur le site Momi Clic) MAIS est moins populaire que Twitter, donc touchera moins de personnes.

academhack » Blog Archive » Twitter for Academia I must admit that when I first heard about Twitter I thought it represented the apex of what concerns me about internet technology: solipsism and sound-bite communication. While I obviously spend a great deal of time online and thinking about the potential of these new networked digital communication structures, I also worry about the way that they too easily lead to increasingly short space and time for conversation, cutting off nuance and conversation, and what is often worse how these conversations often reduce to self-centered statements. When I first heard about Twitter I thought, this was the example par excellence of these fears, so for many months I did not investigate it at all. Then I read an article by Clive Thompson at Wired. Rather than cover what Twitter is or how to use it (see this video as well), I thought I would explain how I use it, specifically for academic related uses, and teaching.

Wired Campus: A Professor's Tips for Using Twitter in the C Twitter at first seemed like a bad idea to David Parry, an assistant professor of Emerging Media and Communications at the University of Texas at Dallas. For those not in the know, Twitter is a service that lets you micro-blog your life by dashing out very short notes (140 characters max) to a select group of friends or other subscribers, who can receive them as text messages on their cell phones. Mr.
