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What is the Monkeysphere?

What is the Monkeysphere?
"There's that word again..." The Monkeysphere is the group of people who each of us, using our monkeyish brains, are able to conceptualize as people. If the monkey scientists are monkey right, it's physically impossible for this to be a number much larger than 150. Most of us do not have room in our Monkeysphere for our friendly neighborhood sanitation worker. So, we don't think of him as a person. And even if you happen to know and like your particular garbage man, at one point or another we all have limits to our sphere of monkey concern. Those who exist outside that core group of a few dozen people are not people to us. Remember the first time, as a kid, you met one of your school teachers outside the classroom? I mean, they're not people. "So? Oh, not much. It's like this: which would upset you more, your best friend dying, or a dozen kids across town getting killed because their bus collided with a truck hauling killer bees? They're all humans and they are all equally dead. Sort of.

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Nobel Prize in Physics 2011–The Accelerating Universe Text by J. Richard Gott The 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to Adam Riess, Brian Schmidt, and Saul Perlmutter for their discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe. It is one of the times when astronomers have won the Nobel Prize in Physics. It is perhaps the most important scientific discovery of the last quarter of the 20th Century. What does this discovery mean? Map of Galaxies ball from Newton and sunk the basket. Einstein applied his new equations to cosmology. The Friedmann big bang model was triumphant. Even if the universe starts off at rest, this gravitational repulsion starts the universe expanding. Map of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Scientists were anxious to determine the energy density of the universe, which according to Friedmann would determine the future fate of the universe. Eastern End of Sloan Great Wall The Nobel committee awarded half the prize to Perlmutter and one quarter of the prize each to Schmidt and Riess.

My Suggestions - My Solutions My Suggestions - My Solutions I’m not naïve enough to think I have all the answers and I don’t pretend to understand every aspect of how the world works but I do believe in simple answers. These are my solutions to some of our current problems. Thank you for taking a couple of minutes to read my suggestions. Election Reforms Presidential, Senate and House elections should all be held on the same day. Currently Senate elections are staggered 33% every two years. If all federally elected offices were accountable and elected on the same day then they would be encouraged to work together. Presidential, Senate and House terms should each be for 5 years and limited to two terms. Currently Senators and House Representatives can be in office until the day they die. Eliminate all political contributions including PAC’s and lobbying efforts. When it comes to elections, free speech is important but “equal speech” and "equal access" is more important. Eliminate elected office pensions and benefits. War

Debt: The Shame of Cities and States Can they reject their long history of fiscal irresponsibility? A century ago, america’s states and cities faced a crisis in government. A number of commonwealths — California, New York, New Jersey, Wisconsin, and Illinois conspicuous among them — as well as cities across the land labored under the heavy weight of costly and corrupt misrule. This state of affairs was generally blamed on an unholy triple alliance of large corporations (“the trusts”) and other business interests, party bosses and machines, and compliant legislators and officials. Lincoln Steffens, the most prominent muckraking journalist of the day, scathingly described the results in influential magazine articles, gathered together in his 1906 books The Shame of the Cities and The Struggle for Self-Government. Since then the clock of time has completed a circuit of 100 years and more, and the nation’s states and municipalities again face a crisis in government. The crisis The public sector was another story. The response

Design and Code an Integrated Facebook App: Theory During this series I'll be looking behind the UI of Facebook and, in the process, showing you how to create your own integrated Facebook blog app through an RSS feed. Love it or hate it Facebook has become an integral part of people's lives. For many it's a tool that allows us to catch up with old friends, share photos or plan our nights out with our mates. However, behind the social interaction lies a complex structure of careful UI planning that has been tweaked and re-tweaked. In the early days of Facebook I was never a fan of its "boring look and feel" and always felt that it had potential for so much more in terms of design. However, it's only as my knowledge and experience of being a UI designer has progressed that I now realize it's Facebook's simplicity and ease of use that has allowed it to become so successful. Introduction A Brief History on the UI Design of Facebook Since the early days, simplicity has been at the heart of Facebook The Benefits of Designing Native Familiarity

Vector Text Effects A few times a each month we revisit some of our reader’s favorite posts from throughout the history of Vectortuts+. This tutorial by Rype was first published on September 11th 2008. In this Illustrator tutorial, I'll show you how to create a trendy retro type treatment with a free font, gradients, blends, and some scatter brushes. It's a relative easy tutorial containing techniques that can be quickly applied to many other type treatments and various graphic elements. A few times a each month we revisit some of our reader’s favorite posts from throughout the history of Vectortuts+.

'Occupy' movement goes global as a symbol of shared economic frustration Editor's note: iReporters all over the globe are showing us what Occupy Wall Street is like in their towns and cities through the Open Story: from the Aleutian Islands to Raleigh, North Carolina; from Reykjavik, Iceland, to Zadar, Croatia. Check out a map of the reports, videos and pictures here. The Occupy Wall Street movement, which swept across the United States as thousands demanded that government institutions change to help fix a struggling economy, gained a major boost as the world began to come together in solidarity over shared economic frustrations. As the sun rose on each country, one-by-one in the same way each stock market would open, protesters took to the streets. But that global push may not end with the one day of solidarity. The protests spread amid the growing financial troubles for several Western countries. Europeans turned out to protest amid debt troubles and austerity plans in Greece, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Portugal and Germany. London Paris Rome Jeremy T.

The Diaspora Project
