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MongoDB University

Quantified Self: The Ultimate Beginner's Guideand List of the Best Personal Data Tools Out There) A transformation is happening. People, like you, are taking control of something conventional wisdom has told us is not ours to understand: our health. Why are we fat? What makes us feel sluggish? What causes our disease? How can I improve? Watch Ari Meisel explain how he cured his Crohn’s disease by following data. This is the Quantified Self. This is not new. The only difference today is the technology. Self-trackers are pushing the limits of personal health. As self-trackers are pushing the movement forward, entrepreneurs are helping it scale. Why this matters Where there are trends, there are opportunities. Crowdfunding sites are often a good indicator of market trends, and quantified self tools are among the most successful. Making it personal Are you becoming happier over time? Unfortunately, happiness, performance, productivity, and other variables in our lives are complex, confusing, and chaotic processes. What about your startup? Our daily lives are no different. Let’s begin

A University for the Web. Built by an open community June Ahn Research Partner June is a human computer interaction researcher at University of Maryland. He was brave enough to get involved with this crowd and is helping us make all our data available to everyone. John Britton Edupunk As an invaluable part of the volunteer community and later as p2pu staff, John’s s energy has resonated through the p2pu community since the pilot phase. Lila Bailey Lawyer Without Lila P2PU would still be a clandestine operation targeting the foundations of institutional academia. Larry Cooperman P2PU activist Volunteering his experience since P2PU’s inception, Larry continues to actively communicate P2PU to the world and innovate learning at his home institution UC Irvine. Volunteering his experience since P2PU’s inception, Larry continues to actively communicate P2PU to the world and innovate learning at his home institution UC Irvine. Alison Jean Cole Resident Grungefarmer Alison’s famous catchphrase: ‘Just like, do it.’ Maria Droujkova Chris Ewald Moocsketeer Advisor

UniMOOC The Law of Leaky Abstractions by Joel Spolsky Monday, November 11, 2002 There's a key piece of magic in the engineering of the Internet which you rely on every single day. It happens in the TCP protocol, one of the fundamental building blocks of the Internet. TCP is a way to transmit data that is reliable. We use TCP for many things like fetching web pages and sending email. By comparison, there is another method of transmitting data called IP which is unreliable. Here's the magic part: TCP is built on top of IP. To illustrate why this is magic, consider the following morally equivalent, though somewhat ludicrous, scenario from the real world. Imagine that we had a way of sending actors from Broadway to Hollywood that involved putting them in cars and driving them across the country. That is, approximately, the magic of TCP. Back to TCP. This is what I call a leaky abstraction. Abstractions fail. During my first Microsoft internship, I wrote string libraries to run on the Macintosh. Next: Lord Palmerston on Programming

Quantified Self | Self Knowledge Through NumbersQuantified Self | Self Knowledge Through Numbers HTH moocs High Tech High is proud to present the launch of two, free, MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses). These MOOCs will focus on school creation and the implementation of deeper learning strategies. Both New School Creation with Larry Rosenstock and the Deeper Learning MOOCs are available for registration on December 1st, 2013. Lead Instructor: Larry Rosenstock Around the world people are contemplating new school creation. What kind of school will you create? Who should take this MOOC? Approximate dates January 12 - February 23rd, 2014 Deeper Learning 101 MOOC A survey course on deeper learning Deeper Learning happens a lot. How can it happen more often? Who should take this MOOC?

My Open Courses OrientDB OrientDB unterstützt unterschiedliche Schemata-Modi (frei, fest und gemischt) und besitzt eine auf Anwendern und Rollen basierende Authentifizierung und Autorisierung. Unterstützt wird SQL als Abfrage-Sprache. OrientDB implementiert einen MVRB-Baum als Indizierungsalgorithmus, der sich vom Rot-Schwarz-Baum sowie vom B-Baum ableitet[1]. Eigenschaften[Bearbeiten] Weblinks[Bearbeiten] Einzelnachweise[Bearbeiten] Hochspringen ↑ MVRB-Tree description.

The Faculty Project The Elements of Computing Systems / Nisan & Schocken
