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jVectorMap jQuery plugin: Validation This jQuery plugin makes simple clientside form validation trivial, while offering lots of option for customization. That makes a good choice if you’re building something new from scratch, but also when you’re trying to integrate it into an existing application with lots of existing markup. The plugin comes bundled with a useful set of validation methods, including URL and email validation, while providing an API to write your own methods. If you want to support the development of this plugin, please donate to the ongoing campagin. The plugin is written and maintained by Jörn Zaefferer, a member of the jQuery team, lead developer on the jQuery UI team and maintainer of QUnit. Current version: 1.11.1License: MIT Files: DownloadChangelogDemosDocumentationGitHub RepositoryGitHub 1.11.1 Tag 1.11.1 files on Microsoft’s Ajax CDN (hotlinking welcome): Dependencies Required jQuery, tested with 1.6.4, 1.7.2, 1.8.3, 1.9.0 Support Donate

jQuery.fracs · To use the core lib just include jquery.fracs-0.12.0.js. The outline feature can be found in jquery.outline-0.12.0.js and depends on the core lib (you'll need to include both files). Fractions To retrieve the fractions of an element use: var fracs = $(selector).fracs(); this will return an object of type Fractions. Or bind a callback function: function callback(fracs: Fractions, previousFracs: Fractions) { ... // context variable *this* will be the corresponding HTMLElement ...}; $(selector).fracs(callback); The callback function will be called whenever fracs and previousFracs are unequal. $(selector).fracs('check'); Outline Add a canvas to your document (use a fixed position to keep it in viewport)

Isotope Image Desaturate jQuery plugin Latest version: 0.7 (changelog) Stable version: 0.6 (changelog) Prev. version: 0.5.2 Example jQuery plugin page Contact: This plugin used for replace image by gray version. Moleskine Notebook with jQuery Booklet Today we will show you how to use and customize the brilliant jQuery Booklet Plugin by talented Will Grauvogel. We will create a virtual Moleskine notebook with latest posts from the blog. You can find the beautiful Moleskine Photoshop file by Dennern at deviantart here: My Moleskine (PSD) For the navigation arrows […] View demoDownload source Today we will show you how to use and customize the brilliant jQuery Booklet Plugin by talented Will Grauvogel. We will create a virtual Moleskine notebook with latest posts from the blog. You can find the beautiful Moleskine Photoshop file by Dennern at deviantart here:My Moleskine (PSD) For the navigation arrows we used the pixel perfect PSD provided by underSimple Little Arrows (PSD) Ok, so let’s get started! The Markup The HTML structure will be made up of the booklet plugin markup which includes the div with the id “mybook”. Each page of the booklet will be placed in a div element inside of the element with the class “b-load”. Originally written for, grumble.js provides special tooltips without the usual limitations of north/east/south/west positioning. A grumble can be rotated around a given element at any angle, all 360 degrees. Any distance can be specified. Any CSS style can be applied. grumble.js is currently written as a jquery plugin and can be found on Github Examples The following code animates a set of grumbles, click here to see it in action. No textDifferent styleWith close buttonEnlarged for text Can I haz callbacks? The darkside of grumble.js grumble.js exposes three methods, 'show', 'hide' and 'adjust'. Warning: Clicking on this link may damage your UX. What is this magic? grumble.js uses buzzwords like CSS3 and 'maths' to position itself exactly where you want it. Credit due Big thanks to everyone involved in creating the idea and design of grumble.js (aka.

Tipped 2 - jQuery Tooltips Tipped allows you to easily create beautiful tooltips using the jQuery Javascript library. Evolved from the popular Prototip library, Tipped takes tooltips to the next level by using HTML5 to give you full control over the look and feel of your tooltips. Canvas graphics The entire skin of the tooltip, from shadow to loading icon, is drawn using Canvas. Canvas based tooltips also have the advantage that they look great in every browser, even in IE6! Javascript API With the powerful API provided by Tipped it's possible to quickly create and control tooltips customized to your site, all it takes is a few lines of Javascript. And more... Check out the demonstrations below or head over to the documentation to discover more awesome features.
