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Netzdatenwelt vs. Alltagslebensraum

Netzdatenwelt vs. Alltagslebensraum

Atoms For Peace - Hollywood Dooom GIF by Stanley Donwood x INSA Hollywood Dooom is a captivating collaborative artwork by Stanley Donwood and INSA that we commissioned to celebrate the launch of Atoms For Peace's debut album, AMOK. Longtime Radiohead and Thom Yorke collaborator, Donwood, created the artwork for the Atoms For Peace album, a scene of armageddon in modern Los Angeles. This was interpreted by INSA as a piece of his patented GIF-ITI. INSA painted the Atoms For Peace artwork on to the XL office in Los Angeles a number of times, each a different frame of animation, to create a real life GIF. Donwood's artwork for Thom Yorke's 2006 album, The Eraser, is painted on to XL's office in London. INSA on the GIF: "My challenge was to take two very static items, a beautiful lino-cut and a less beautiful box of a building, and bring them to life. Stanley Donwood on the original artwork: "Los Angeles is, of course, fucked.

Simon Schiessl FreedomBox Foundation For those of you who have not heard through the mailing list or in the project's IRC channel (#freedombox on FreedomBox has reached the 0.2 release. This second release is still intended for developers but represents a significant maturation of the components we have discussed here in the past and a big step forward for the project as a whole. 0.2 features Plinth, our user interface tool, is now connected to a number of running systems on the box including PageKite, an XMPP chat server, local network administration if you want to use the FreedomBox as a home router, and some diagnostic and general system configuration tools. Additionally, the 0.2 release installs Tor and configures it as a bridge. Availability and reach As discussed previously, one of the ways we are working to improve privacy and security for computer users is by making the tools we include in FreedomBox available outside of particular FreedomBox images or hardware. The future

POWER TO THE PIXEL « create, finance and distribute in a cross-media world illutron news / ALEXANDRE FARTO AKA VHILS LAb[au] laboratory for Architecture and Urbanism DigitalSpirit Par hugo le mardi, septembre 29 2015, 15:21 - Format de la carte Comme je l'évoquais dans un article précédent, Seeedstudio qui produit les pcb, m'a demandé un surplus de 17$ à cause des demi-trous en bordure de la carte, vu le cout total de production des PCB (9$ pour 10), ça fait une belle surprise et de toute façon, je n'étais pas convaincu de l'utilité / praticité de ces demi-trous, j'ai donc résolu le problème en augmentant quelque peu la largeur de la carte qui passe de 16mm à 19mm, rien de bien méchant et surtout un gain appréciable en terme de place disponible sur le PCB. Améliorations par rapport à la version 1.0.0 : L'ouverture du port USB à été agrandie car ça coinçait un peu sur la première version.Certains composants ont été déplacés pour faciliter le montageLes broches de programmation ont été agrandis (voir plus bas) Comparatif visuel et à l'échelle entre un Funky v3, un OpenAlarm Node 1.0.0 et un OpenAlarm Node 1.5.0 : Vue de derrière : Entrées / sorties

Inspirational Interactive Installation, Design and Concepts. — Jam Jar Collective Flettede Julehjerter Eksempler Denne webside kræver en nyere browser med SVG understøttelse. Teksten der indtastes for hhv. for- og bagsiden af hjertet vil blive forsøgt placeret vertikalt og horizontalt centreret. Tegnene "." og ":" kan bruges til at angive hhv. et tomt felt og et linieskift. Grå felter i skabelonerne angiver felter der skal klippes ud. © Gerth Stølting Brodal, Julen 2009, 2012 Slides og video fra foredrag hos Open Space Aarhus, den 4. december 2012 | AU logo "7. december: Forsker laver Julehjertegenerator", AU julekalender, 7. december 2012 "Lektor opfinder personlig julepynt: Flet dit eget navn i et julehjerte",, 10. december 2012 "Forsker-opfindelse: Lav julehjerte med kærestens navn",, 10. december 2012 "Data-lektor opfinder Julehjertemaskine,, 11. december 2012 "Aarhus-lektor skaber julehjertegenerator", Aarhus Stidtstidene, 11. december 2012 "Julehjerter på computeren", TV2 Østjylland, 18. december 2012

Tunis - Zoo-Project LES-MARTYRS- Tunis - Whalid S. décedé le 24/12/10 LES-MARTYRS- Tunis - Quartier Bab-Souika LES-MARTYRS- Tunis - Hatem B. décedé le 12/01/11 LES-MARTYRS- Tunis - Avenue Bourguiba LES-MARTYRS- Tunis - Théâtre El Hamra - Rue Al Jazira LES-MARTYRS- Tunis - Quartier Hafisa - Medina - Nuit LES-MARTYRS- Tunis - Quartier Hafisa - Medina LES-MARTYRS- Tunis - Hassan A. décedé le 08/02/2011 à Sidi Bouzid LES-MARTYRS- Tunis - Manifestation Théâtre Municipal - Avenue Bourguiba LES-MARTYRS- Tunis - Porte de France LES-MARTYRS- Tunis - Mohamed H. décedé le 11/02/2011 à Tunis LES-MARTYRS- Tunis - Porte de France - Nuit LES-MARTYRS- Tunis - Ahmed B. décedé le 09/02/2011 à Gafsa LES-MARTYRS- Tunis - Manifestation Théâtre Municipal - Avenue Bourguiba - Kasbah 3 ? LES-MARTYRS- Tunis - HAKIM B. décedé le 09/02/2011 à Hammamet LES-MARTYRS - Tunis - Quartier la Hafsia - Nuit LES-MARTYRS- Tunis - Avenue Bourguiba - Nuit Use keys ↑ and ↓ or the wheel of the mouse to navigate.
