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Five Science ‘Facts’ We Learnt At School That Are Plain Wrong Let’s start with a quiz… How many senses do you have? Which of the following are magnetic: a tomato, you, paperclips? What are the primary colours of pigments and paints? What region of the tongue is responsible for sensing bitter tastes? If you answered five; paperclips; red, yellow and blue; the back of the tongue; and gas, liquid and solid, then you would have got full marks in any school exam. The sixth sense and more The sixth sense is real, but it doesn’t let you see dead people. Taste, touch, sight, hearing and smell don’t even begin to cover the ways we sense the world. When we hold our breath we sense our blood becoming acidic as carbon dioxide dissolves in it forming carbonic acid. Magnetic repulsion It is not just paperclips that are magnetic. Paperclip and other objects that contain iron, cobalt and nickle are ferromagnets, which means that they can be attracted to magnetic fields. But the forces involved are incredibly weak. You’re painting with the wrong colour

Ten Popular Mind Control Techniques Used Today The more one researches mind control, the more one will come to the conclusion that there is a coordinated script that has been in place for a very long time with the goal to turn the human race into non-thinking automatons. For as long as man has pursued power over the masses, mind control has been orchestrated by those who study human behavior in order to bend large populations to the will of a small “elite” group. Today, we have entered a perilous phase where mind control has taken on a physical, scientific dimension that threatens to become a permanent state if we do not become aware of the tools at the disposal of the technocratic dictatorship unfolding on a worldwide scale. Modern mind control is both technological and psychological. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A concerted effort is underway to manage and predict human behavior so that the social scientists and the dictatorial elite can control the masses and protect themselves from the fallout of a fully awake free humanity.

Ten Reasons to Smash Capitalism 10. Capitalist corporations suffer from a personality disorder characterized by enduring antisocial behavior, diminished empathy and remorse, and are rewarded by shareholders for acting that way. If corporations could be sent to a criminal psychologist's office they'd be diagnosed as psychopaths and locked away forever. 9. Capitalism encourages greed. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 2. 1. Gary Engler is a Canadian journalist, novelist (The Year We Became Us) and co-author of the recently released New Commune-ist Manifesto - Workers of the World It Really is Time to Unite ( Ten Ways We Can Build a Better Economic System For the numerous readers who asked: "But what can we do?" after reading my "10 reasons to smash capitalism," here are ten ways we can build a better economic system: 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

Your Lifestyle Has Already Been Designed (The Real Reason For The Forty-Hour Workweek) By David Cain / Oct 23, 2013 Well I’m in the working world again. I’ve found myself a well-paying gig in the engineering industry, and life finally feels like it’s returning to normal after my nine months of traveling. Because I had been living quite a different lifestyle while I was away, this sudden transition to 9-to-5 existence has exposed something about it that I overlooked before. Since the moment I was offered the job, I’ve been markedly more careless with my money. I’m not talking about big, extravagant purchases. In hindsight I think I’ve always done this when I’ve been well-employed — spending happily during the “flush times.” I suppose I do it because I feel I’ve regained a certain stature, now that I am again an amply-paid professional, which seems to entitle me to a certain level of wastefulness. What I’m doing isn’t unusual at all. It seems I got much more for my dollar when I was traveling. A Culture of Unnecessaries You may have heard of Parkinson’s Law.

How to Solve Google’s Crazy Open-Ended Interview Questions | Business Getty One of the most important tools in critical thinking about numbers is to grant yourself permission to generate wrong answers to mathematical problems you encounter. Deliberately wrong answers! Engineers and scientists do it all the time, so there’s no reason we shouldn’t all be let in on their little secret: the art of approximating, or the “back of the napkin” calculation. As the British writer Saki wrote, “a little bit of inaccuracy saves a great deal of explanation.” For over a decade, when Google conducted job interviews, they’d ask their applicants questions that have no answers. Contrast this with how most companies conduct job interviews: In the skills portion of the interview, the company wants to know if you can actually do the things that they need doing. But Google doesn’t even know what skills they need new employees to have. Of Piano Tuners and Skyscrapers Now, there is no correct answer to this question in any practical sense because no one knows the answer. 1.

This Fungus Is Known As “The Mushroom Of Immortality” & “The King Of All Herbs” We're creating a positive news network. We need your help. Chaga is a non-toxic fungal parasite that grows on birch trees (as well as a few other types) in Northern climates. It is far from your typical soft and squishy mushroom, it actually looks and feels like burnt wood or charcoal. This mushroom of immortality is said to have the highest level of anti-oxidants of any food in the world and also, the highest level of superoxide dismutase (one of the body’s primary internal anti-oxidant defenses) that can be detected in any food or herb. Chaga is extremely powerful because it contains within it, the actual life force of trees -the most powerful living beings on this Earth. Some Other Medicinal Properties Of The Chaga Mushroom Include: How To Prepare Wild Chaga Mushroom Tea Chaga mushrooms grow wild in forests in Northern climates on birch trees. ***It is important to properly identify the chaga mushroom before consumption. Much Love Sources: Get Your Free Numerology Reading

This Garden In A Bottle Has Been Thriving Since 1960: Sealed in its own ecosystem and watered just once in 53 years The Daily Mail has a fascinating feature on David Latimer and his soon to be 54-year-old bottle garden that he started on Easter Sunday back in 1960. Using a ten gallon carboy, Latimer poured in some compost, a quarter pint of water and carefully lowered in a spiderwort seedling (Tradescantia) using a piece of wire. He then placed the bottle garden by a sun-filled window in his home and let photosynthesis do its thing. It wasn’t until 1972 (12 years later) that Latimer gave his bottle garden another drink and it has been sealed ever since! How exactly does this work? - Bottle gardens work because their sealed space creates an entirely self-sufficient ecosystem in which plants can survive by using photosynthesis to recycle nutrients - The eco-system also uses cellular respiration to break down decaying material shed by the plant. For more pictures and information on this story see the full article on the Daily Mail. Are you on “Tsu” yet? Source: Dailymail Credits: TwistedSifter

Have We Been Interpreting Quantum Mechanics Wrong This Whole Time? For nearly a century, “reality” has been a murky concept. The laws of quantum physics seem to suggest that particles spend much of their time in a ghostly state, lacking even basic properties such as a definite location and instead existing everywhere and nowhere at once. Only when a particle is measured does it suddenly materialize, appearing to pick its position as if by a roll of the dice. This idea that nature is inherently probabilistic — that particles have no hard properties, only likelihoods, until they are observed — is directly implied by the standard equations of quantum mechanics. The experiments involve an oil droplet that bounces along the surface of a liquid. Particles at the quantum scale seem to do things that human-scale objects do not do. To some researchers, the experiments suggest that quantum objects are as definite as droplets, and that they too are guided by pilot waves — in this case, fluid-like undulations in space and time. Magical Measurements Riding Waves
