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One World Trust - CSO database About the project Civil society organisations are facing increasing pressure to demonstrate their accountability, legitimacy and effectiveness. In response, a growing number are coming together at national, regional and international level, to define common standards and promote good practice through codes of conduct, certification schemes, reporting frameworks, directories and awards. This project provides the first comprehensive inventory of such civil society self-regulatory initiatives worldwide. Read more Resources Visit our resources page for briefing papers, case studies and a library of research into CSO self-regulation. Read more News In this section we highlight all the latest news in the field of CSO accountability and self-regulation.

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py Docs Writing documentation (and keeping it up to date) is a lot of work. You can help improving it by submitting any bug you encounter, or, even better, directly patching this page on Github. Thanks! This documentation refers to the latest version of Kartograph. Installing To install you need to run Python (something like 2.7) and a couple of other frameworks. Installing on UbuntuInstalling on Mac OS XInstalling on Windows After you installed all the pre-requisites, installing should be as easy as python install Using Essentially there are two different ways of using the command-line or using the Python library. as a command line utility¶ The installation script should provide you the Kartograph command line interface. The basic usage is kartograph [MAP CONFIG] This will write the map to standard output. kartograph config.json -o mymap.svg kartograph config.json --preview Using as Python module Sea

GEER: Geo-Engineering Extreme Events Reconnaissance Série de suicides dans le monde de la finance. Que se prépare-t-il ? Obama soutient-il ElBaradei? 22 avril 2014 Selon des sources bien informées à Washington, l'une étant un membre du Congrès dont le travail comprend comme attribut le suivi des événements politiques en Egypte, il n'a pas fallu très longtemps à Mohamed Mustafa ElBaradei, juriste de la charia, lauréat du prix Nobel, et pendant 12 ans l Les Arabes et leur printemps Par Gilad Atzmon Ce n’est un secret pour personne que l’été fuit l’Europe cette année et certains météorologues prédisent même une éclipse de soleil pour les sept à dix prochaines années. JO de Sotchi : tentative de détournement d'un avion turc parti d'Ukraine Pendant que la cérémonie d’ouverture des Jeux Olympiques se déroulait dans la féérie des jeux de lumière et des feux d’artifices, un homme, un ukrainien de 45 ans, tentait de détourner un avion de la compagnie turque Pegasus parti de Kharkov (Ukraine) pour le diriger vers Sotchi. L’Iran n’est pas aux ordres ! Décidément, le calvaire diplomatique de Washington continue.

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25thInternat Cartographic Conference Who Controls The Money? An Unelected, Unaccountable Central Bank Of The World Secretly Does An immensely powerful international organization that most people have never even heard of secretly controls the money supply of the entire globe. It is called the Bank for International Settlements, and it is the central bank of central banks. It is located in Basel, Switzerland, but it also has branches in Hong Kong and Mexico City. It is essentially an unelected, unaccountable central bank of the world that has complete immunity from taxation and from national laws. Even Wikipedia admits that ” it is not accountable to any single national government.” Sadly, only a very small percentage of people actually know what the Bank for International Settlements is, and even fewer people are aware of the Global Economy Meetings that take place in Basel on a bi-monthly basis. These Global Economy Meetings were discussed in a recent article in the Wall Street Journal… The article goes on to describe the room that these Global Economy Meetings are held in. The Bank of England’s Mr. Nope. Source:
