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Spain:Administration and Governance at Local and/or Institutional Level

Spain:Administration and Governance at Local and/or Institutional Level
The 1978 Spanish Constitution established a model of decentralised State by which educational powers are shared between all levels of government. It is a symmetrical model, where the educational powers exercised are basically the same in each and every Autonomous Community. The competences in terms of education are shared between the State General Authority (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport) and the Autonomous Communities (Regional Ministries or Departments of Education). In the Autonomous Cities of Ceuta and Melilla these competences are assumed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport itself. The role of local authorities is focused on educational management through the Education Departments or Municipal Education Institutes. The education authorities delegate the exercise of their functions to the municipalities in aspects having a direct impact on them. With this decentralisation model, the curriculum is formulated in a set of levels of application: The Leadership Team

Spain:Organisation of Primary Education In order to guarantee the principle of equity in the exercise of the right to Education established by the 1978 Spanish Constitution, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport has historically determined the need to develop preventing and compensatory actions in those underprivileged areas, and to provide the economic resources and all the necessary support. On this manner inequalities derived from geographical, social, economic or other kind factors are avoided, and families can choose the preferred educational option for their children, regardless their place of residence. The Education Authorities are responsible for carrying out these actions, guaranteeing primary education students a free school place in their own municipality or schooling area, as well the most favourable conditions for the schooling of all the children whose personal conditions mean an initial inequality for progressing in the subsequent levels. Primary Education caters for children from 6 to 12 years old.

Spain:Primary Education The 2006 Education Act and the 2013 Act on the Improvement of the Quality of Education, modifying it, are the basic rules currently governing the educational provision of the Spanish education system. The new Act was published in the Spanish Official Gazette of 10/12/2013 and has already begun to be implemented this academic year 2014/15. In accordance with the implementation calendar, the Act on the Improvement of the Quality of Education modifies primary education in the 1st, 3rd and 5th years this academic year 2014/15. In the 2nd, 4th and 6th years, the educational provision established by the Education Act is maintained until the implementation of all the changes included in the new Act is completed in 2015/16. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport is responsible for setting: The Education Authorities complete these aspects in their concerning management areas.

Spain:Primary Education The 2006 Organic Act on Education (LOE) establishes Primary Education as an educational level structured in three cycles each of them made up by two years, studied from 6 to 12 years old. The Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (MECD) is responsible for setting the Core Curricula of this level, establishing the common objectives, contents and evaluation criteria for the whole State. The Education Authorities complete these aspects in their concerning management areas. Along with Lower Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) it constitutes the basic, compulsory and cost-free education of the Spanish Education System. Both levels are aimed at assuring the development of the basic competences: those competences to be acquired by pupils by the end of Compulsory Education in order to be able to fulfil themselves, exercise an active citizenship, satisfactorily take part in adult life and develop lifelong learning. Aim and general objectives

Spain:Primary Education The 2006 Organic Act on Education (LOE) establishes Primary Education as an educational level structured in three cycles each of them made up by two years, studied from 6 to 12 years old. The Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (MECD) is responsible for setting the Core Curricula of this level, establishing the common objectives, contents and evaluation criteria for the whole State. The Education Authorities complete these aspects in their concerning management areas. Along with Lower Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) it constitutes the basic, compulsory and cost-free education of the Spanish Education System. Both levels are aimed at assuring the development of the basic competences: those competences to be acquired by pupils by the end of Compulsory Education in order to be able to fulfil themselves, exercise an active citizenship, satisfactorily take part in adult life and develop lifelong learning.

Spain:Overview The Spanish education system It comprises the education authorities, education professionals and other public and private actors who perform regulatory, financing or service provision functions for the exercise of the right to education in Spain, and those entitled to such a right, as well as the set of relations, structures, measures and actions being implemented in order to ensure it. It is in the early stages of a reform process since the Act on the Improvement of the Quality of Education, which modifies, to a limited extent, the 2006 Education Act, was passed in 2013. The reform, on a general framework of stability, is presented as an ongoing process as weaknesses are detected or new needs arise in the education system.

Educational System: The Meaning, Aspects and Social Functions of Education Advertisements: Read this article to learn about Educational System: It’s meaning, aspects and social functions! Education is indispensable to individual and society, for without it there would be loss of all the accumulated knowledge of the ages and all the standard of conduct. An individual must learn the culture of the society or the accepted ways of doing things. He must be socialized into the prevailing culture and must learn the rules of conduct and expectations about future behaviour. Society therefore, consciously devices its instructional programmes to fulfill personal and social needs rather than leaving the learning to change.

Contenido y secciones del BOE De acuerdo con el Real Decreto 181/2008, de 8 de febrero el Boletín Oficial del Estado, diario oficial del Estado español, es el medio de publicación de las leyes, disposiciones y actos de inserción obligatoria. En el "Boletín Oficial del Estado" se publican: Las disposiciones generales de los órganos del Estado y los tratados o convenios internacionales. Sistema educativo > Principios y fines La Ley Orgánica de Educación (LOE) aprobada en mayo de 2006, regula la estructura y organización del sistema educativo en sus niveles no universitarios. En ella se reiteran los principios y derechos reconocidos en la Constitución defendiendo una nueva ley de calidad con equidad para todos.

Sistema educativo > Lomce Lo sentimos, la página solicitada no fue encontrada. Sorry, the requested page was not found. La página solicitada ha cambiado de dirección o ya no existe. The page you requested cannot be found. La educación obligatoria La educación obligatoria es una experiencia universal que caracteriza a las sociedades modernas, como si se tratase de un rasgo antropológico de las mismas. Es un proyecto social y educativo que ha sido reconocido como un derecho universal porque encierra la posibilidad de dignificar al ser humano ?a todos y cada uno de ellos-, al tiempo que contribuye a la mejora de la sociedad. Se trata de una de las «invenciones» sociales ilustradas que resumen todo un elenco de aspiraciones relacionadas con la idea de progreso individual y colectivo, material y espiritual. Los peligros que hoy acechan a la educación obligatoria no se refieren tanto a su existencia y cobertura logradas, sino a la pérdida de su sentido emancipador para todos los que concurren a ella.
