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Beyond Earth: A Poster Series by BeyondEarth These posters will have a final cut size of 18” x 24” and be printed in Montreal. I chose to use thick 80 lb French Paper Speckletone series because of its quality and nostalgic look. Each planet will have its own paper color. Each poster will have information about the planet that sets one apart from the other, as well as historic discoveries of what would have been known in 1965. All of which is set in beautiful and modern typefaces of that era. Edit: To see all 8 posters please see Update #11 or visit this link: Futuristic pack – from the $10 level and up – you will received access to project updates. Postcards – from the $25 level upwards – you will receive a package (of 8) postcard-sized illustrations of each planet. Poster – from $55 to $75 level – you will receive your choice of one (1) 18” x 24” poster. I started exploring different styles of illustrations, which I will share with pledgers above the $5 level.

Logiciel d'échange de fichier privé et sécurisé Health, Beauty, Pregnancy, Entertainment, Women's Community and More Best Online Collaboration Tools 2011 Updated weekly Float Über Tilo Hensel Tilo Hensel, Februar 2013 Wie beschreibe ich mich mit ein paar Tags? Online-Medien-Management-Student, Blogger, Webentwickler, Fotograf, Filmer, Grafiker, Social Web Enthusiast, Early Adopter, Techfan, “Geek”. Wer bin ich? Nun, ich bin Tilo Hensel! Warum studiere ich Online-Medien-Management? Weil der Studiengang interdisziplinär und breit ausgerichtet ist. Video: Warum Online-Medien-Management studieren? Warum habe ich eine eigene Website? In den Sommerferien 2006 habe ich mir mit 14 Jahren autodidaktisch HTML und CSS beigebracht und meine eigene Website mit Blog auf WordPress-Basis existiert seit 2008. Ich möchte mit meiner Website als Portfolio nutzen um meine Arbeiten und Projekte zu präsentieren. Tilo Hensel am Computer (2011) Was mache ich sonst in meiner Freizeit? Tischtennis spielen, Fotografieren, Filmen, Snowboarden Tilo Hensel beim Snowboarden in Damüls In welchen Ländern war ich schon? Tilo Hensel auf der größten Düne Europas: Dune du Pyla (Frankreich, 2011) Was gefällt mir? Ausbildung

National Dream Center Design | HDK - School for Design In recent years there has been a lively debate at HDK concerning the subject matter of design. Discussions concerning design as a subject for academic studies and research, and design as a practical profession are central. Initially this was just a matter for teachers who started the programme, but now also a matter for our students. What design is and what opportunities designers have to affect social development and attitudes are relevant and challenging issues for people who take up this profession in the future. Design: a creative process The practice of design continually changes with society, and the notion of giving form to objects is no longer a sufficient description of what a designer actually does. Apart from the fundamental training of creative skills, studying design requires the student to become a good team worker and to have a keen sense of curiosity and openmindedness towards other disciplines and practices. Design: a human consideration Design and responsibility

Vintage Visual Language: The Story of Isotype by Maria Popova The Transformer: Principles of Making Isotype Charts is the first English-language volume to capture the story of Isotype, an essential foundation for our modern visual language dominated by pictograms in everything from bathroom signage to computer interfaces to GOOD’s acclaimed Transparencies. The real cherry on top is a previously unpublished essay by Marie Neurath, who was very much on par with Otto as Isotype’s co-inventor, written a year before her death in 1986 and telling the story of how she carried on the Isotype legacy after Otto’s death in 1946. Richly illustrated and contextualized with fascinating historical essays, The Transformer is a vital primer for a visual langauge that not only frames much of today’s communication but also speaks to us on a powerful intuitive level. HT Information Is Beautiful Donating = Loving Bringing you (ad-free) Brain Pickings takes hundreds of hours each month. Brain Pickings has a free weekly newsletter. Share on Tumblr

Bre Pettis | I Make Things - Bre Pettis Blog - The Cult of Done Manifesto Dear Members of the Cult of Done, I present to you a manifesto of done. This was written in collaboration with Kio Stark in 20 minutes because we only had 20 minutes to get it done. The Cult of Done Manifesto There are three states of being. Update: James Provost made the awesome poster for the Cult of Done Manifesto. And Joshua Rothaas made this poster.
