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9 of the Best Lower Abs Exercises

9 of the Best Lower Abs Exercises
Lower Abdominal Workout – 9 Killer Abs Exercises The modern obsession for having killer flat abs is getting hotter every year. I constantly hear from guys wanting to know how they can get a six pack, while women ask how to lose their lower pooch for a super flat, tight tummy. Looking around, it’s no wonder I get so many of those messages. We all see how perfect abs are glorified daily. Chris Hemsworth showing his six-pack and deep V abs It seems all the hottest Hollywood hotties have serious sculpted bods with killer abs these days. They’re showing off the pinnacle of abdominal craftsmanship and have made having an uber-toned torso the embodiment of physical glamour. Known more for her amazing bum, but JLO has really fantastic abs Sculpted lower abs are really the final piece of the fittest of fittie’s abdominal puzzle. They are the realization of perfecting a six-pack — or possibly even an eight-pack. These moves will hit the lower portion of the rectus abdominus and sculpt a deep v-cut.

14 Day Amazing Abs Challenge by Skinny Ms. Summer will be here before you know it! Get yourself bikini-ready with our 14 Day Amazing Abs Challenge. The next two weeks will be challenging, yet completely rewarding. 7 Tips for Creating Amazing Abs 1. What To Do for the 14 Day Amazing Abs Challenge: Follow the routines below and be sure to take your rest/recovery days. Day 1: 4 Minute Fat-Blaster Workout followed by the Beginner’s Flat Abs Workout Day 2: 4 Minute Belly Fat Blaster and the Ripped Abs Workout Day 3: 4 Minute Fat-Blaster Workout plus the Flat Belly Workout Day 4: Fat Burning Boot Camp Challenge followed by the Beginner’s Flat Ab’s Workout Day 5: REST! Day 6: At Home Fat Burning Workout and the Ripped Abs Workout Day 7: Fat Burning Boot Camp Challenge plus the Flat Belly Workout Day 8: 6 Minute Fat-Blasting Workout plus move through the following ab toning exercises 3 times: 20 knee raises, 12 single leg v-sits per leg, 15 double crunches, and 15 side plank dips on each side Day 11: Recover!

How to get rid of cellulite: Thin thighs in 30 days exercise tips By Mandy Francis Updated: 16:00 BST, 17 January 2011 Think nothing can be done about cellulite and stubborn saddlebags? A proven formula to iron out the creases is back - and it's better than before... Banish saddlebags: Through specific toning exercises and the right diet, you can shape up in just a month Are your jeans feeling uncomfortably tight after Christmas? Unfortunately, when women pile on the pounds, it tends to sit stubbornly on our hips, bottom and thighs. But the good news is that there is something you can do about those unwanted lumps and bumps. Wendy Stehling, author of Thin Thighs In 30 Days — which sold more than 2.5 million copies in the 1980s — has updated it for today’s woman. Though the basic programme remains true to the highly effective original, a handful of new exercises and the introduction of interval training in the Walk Out section will blast away cellulite more efficiently than ever before. Get perfect pins: It's a walk in the park Walk off wobbly thighs 1. 2.

Jen Selter Butt Workout - 5 Exercises for Getting Jen Selter's Unbelievably Famous Butt Jen Selter has a butt that defies all logic and pysics. She arguably has the most famous butt since Kim Kardashian became a celebrity, accruing a following of 2 million on Instagram alone, and launching the hashtag #seltering, which refers to her signature move: popping her butt while using various props to put her feet and hands on. Here, she demonstrates five moves that will help you get an ass like hers. 1. Donkey Kicks. 2. 3. 4. Bonus: see Jen demonstrate the squat on video. 5. Jen is wearing: Leopard Print Sports Bra, ADIDAS, $30; Black Compression Shorts With Purple Detailing, ADIDAS, $25; Purple Sneakers, ADIDAS, $85 Photo: Kathleen Kamphausen

5 Exercises to Get Rid of Cellulite | Fit Check So here's the good news about cellulite: You are not alone in the fight against cottage cheese. Tons of people have it--yes, even skinny people. The bad news: Cellulite is not easy to get rid of, no matter how many "miracle" creams or treatments you try to hide dimpled hips and thighs. The best way to blast away cellulite? Jeanty says a combination of strength training and aerobic exercise can help build muscle and increase fat burning, in turn improving your skin and muscle tone and reducing the appearance of cellulite. To get started just in time for bathing suit season, we asked Jeanty and Balance Gym's Graham King to share five of the top exercises to target areas that often fall prey to cellulite. See Also Want legs like Beyoncé? 1) Around-the-Clock LungesMuscles worked: Glutes, hamstrings, quads, inner and outer thighsReps: 3 sets of 15 With your hands on your hips, lunge forward with your right foot to the 12 o'clock position. Hold something heavy to your chest and squat.

3 movimientos que le ganan a cualquier rutina de abdominales ¿Sigues creyendo que sólo las rutinas largas funcionan? Muchas veces buscamos formas de trabajar nuestros abdominales, juntamos la motivación necesaria pero luego de algunos días volvemos a desmotivarnos. En general las rutinas que podemos encontrar son tediosas, complicadas, requieren un equipo especial o simplemente son completamente imposibles de hacer si un entrenador a tu lado que te esté monitoreando a cada segundo. Si eres de esas personas más independientes que quieren hacer las cosas por sí mismas pero que aún así agradecerían una rutina que no acabara con su motivación en la primera sesión, entonces esto es para ti. Movimientos sencillos pero claves que no sólo te ayudarán a tener más fuerza en estos importantes músculos, sino que también mejorarán tu postura de forma increíble. Recuerda siempre consultar a tu doctor antes de comenzar un nuevo programa, alimentarte escuchando a tu cuerpo y dormir las horas suficientes. 1. 2. 3.

Homemade Energy Drink I started out with the intention of coming up with a recipe for a homemade version of the store bought energy drinks, but after doing some research and discovering how unhealthy they are for you, I decided instead to try and design a less sugar/caffeine fueled way to help myself through the workday afternoon sleepy slump. What I landed on was a system of three drinks and some energy boosting ideas that are going a long way to helping me keep my energy up all day long! Here's the good on the drinks: The Fire Hydrant (left) - 3-4 8oz glasses throughout the day filtered water 1 slice lemon 1 pinch cayenne pepper Other than getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night, staying hydrated is the most important thing you can do to help keep your body functioning at optimum levels. *For an explanation of lemons' miraculous transition from acidic outside of the body, to alkaline once ingested, visit this link: The Heavy Lifter (right) - 1 glass in the morning

The 29 Hardest Abs Exercises Travis McCoy/ Overview Think you’re hardcore -- or that you have a hard core? Prove it! These 41 midsection-mangling moves are some of the most advanced on the planet. 1. Don’t let this one fool you: It may look and sound a little silly, but it’s hard work. The Science of Amazing Abs 2. While this exercise doesn't target your abs, per se, it does target other core muscles like the glutes and hips. 20 Best Muscle-Building Foods 3. No list of advanced core moves would be complete without an example from the “300” workout. The 15 Toughest Do-Anywhere Workout Moves 4. Holding a plank -- especially on your forearms -- is probably a piece of cake by now. Sign Up to Receive the FREE Weekly Newsletter! 5. To get the form right on this move, imagine you’re the Karate Kid: When he punches his right arm, he rows his left toward his waist. The Cardio Abs Workout 6. Keeping your hips stable and body aligned gets a whole lot tougher when the ground can roll. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Sculpt a Better Butt You're always busting it, saving it, covering it, or laughing it off, but how much time do you actually devote to sculpting your butt? Not enough. Pretty much anytime you're standing on two feet, your glutes and hamstrings are hard at work. Problem is, like most Americans, you're probably spending more and more time parked on your backside in front of a computer or flatscreen. Want more booty-boosting moves? That's too bad, since your glutes are your largest (and possibly most powerful) muscle group and therefore an all-star calorie burner and metabolism booster... as long as you use them. Also see: Show your buns some love with these 10 killer moves. Facedown Hip External Rotation Don't let the look of this one fool you: It is one of the most challenging and effective moves for targeting your external hip muscles, which have a major impact on your glutes. DO IT: Lie facedown on the floor with your arms folded under your head, legs extended straight behind you. Dumbbell Bent-Knee Deadlift
