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Here's How The World's Most Brilliant People Scheduled Their Days

Here's How The World's Most Brilliant People Scheduled Their Days
Alas, there are but 24 hours in a day. And when you have a seemingly insurmountable load of work, it can be a quite a challenge to even know where to start. But remember that history’s most legendary figures — from Beethoven to Beyonce — had just as little (or just as much) time as you have. Using the book Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey, RJ Andrews at Info We Trust designed some enlightening visualizations of how history’s most creative and influential figures structured their days. Unfortunately, there is no common prescription for the perfect schedule, and each person had a very different set of rituals. Based on the charts, we learn that some of history’s icons had more eccentric habits than others. Think your mornings are stressful? Honoré de Balzac, the French writer, was said to live his life as “orgies of work punctuated by orgies of relaxation and pleasure,” according to one biographer. Check out the other creative routines below:(Click here for a bigger image.)

Aaron Crane: Paintings Come Alive Game Aaron Crane: Paintings Come Alive 3.1 5 100 100 OMG AND A LOL! I Give This 5 Stars Just For The Challenge! This review is based on the whole game. The story: Find Aaron?s missing father and discover the meaning behind his eerie paintings in Aaron Crane: Paintings Come Alive! Enchanting, original & crazy-fun... Adventure At Last! Makes you have to think Over all excellent, its a game worth trying. Wonderful, different and, yes, weird (but who says that's bad?) finally an adventure game I can do I'm so tired of all my adventure games where I get stuck and have to find walk throughs, strategy guides etc- usually to give up and find something easier. What fun this was It took me a minute to catch on but once I did this game was a lot of fun. Good adventure game, put on your thinking cap I was not sure after reading some of the reviews, but less than 3 minutes in the game I knew I would definitely purchase this adventure game. A Real Bona Fide Sleeper Hit! This Was Truly A Fascinating Game!

Stop Harcèlement de rue | Diglee (c’est quoi le slut shaming? Clique) L’article que j’ai écrit sur Madmoizelle raconte comment j’ai récemment répondu à différentes agressions verbales sexistes et/ou sexuelles (grâce notamment aux conseils du blog « Projet Crocodiles »), et vous pouvez le lire ici. Voilà. Cette (première?) Je ne me sens pas tant « femme » qu’ « individu », et ça me va très bien comme ça. Alors quand je subis des situations injustes liées à mon sexe, je suis colère colère COLÈRE. Qu’on soit clair: les hommes, je les aime. Alors pitié, vous les hommes, ouvrez-la aussi! Je reste persuadée que la meilleure façon de dénoncer une injustice, c’est d’abord de prouver qu’elle existe. Et quand je vois la teneur de certains commentaires (que je ne modère pas, parce qu’ils desservent leurs auteurs plus qu’il ne leur rendent grâce…), je me dis qu’il y a encore du boulot. Je vous invite donc à rendre vos messages de soutien PUBLICS, pour que votre parole, femmes et hommes concernés, soit entendue. Love,Maureen

Crime Line Game Crime Line 2.6 5 28 28 Wow! Need More Whodunit's Like This - Review Of Completed Game This is quite different from the usual games offered here at the Big Fish. Be The Detecfive! This is a great game-for adults! A Story-based Detective Adventure Crime Line (Adventure) Don't come into this game with any preconceived notions. Solve the murder! Solve The Mystery This is an enjoyable game, different from most of the other games for sale here at BFG. Enjoyable Game This game had a different twist on seek and find which kept me entertained through to the end. Love a good murder mystery Very unique gameplay. Interesting twist on HOG It does have situations that are not appropriate for all gamers, drugs and violence. Had potential...............

World Cup Philosophy: Germany vs France This comic is an homage (or perhaps ripoff, if you are feeling less generous) of Monty Python's classic skit, "The Philosophers' Football Match". Sartre's "radical freedom" is explained in the notes on comic 17. Similarly, Derrida's joke is explained in the notes of comic 23. Hey, I have a limited subject matter, I'm going to reuse jokes, get used to it. Foucault was best known for his critiques of power structures, and for hyphenating words. Camus thought the world was "absurd". Nietzsche similarly believe the world itself had no meaning, but an individual could create meaning in his own life and exert it onto the world. Marx's line is a play on his famous quote "The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. Kant believed there was the "phenomenal world" (i.e. the world of appearances) and the "noumenal world" (i.e. the world as it really is). The Advertisements: The unnamed philosophers were intended to be: Schopenhauer, Rousseau, and Voltaire in the first panel.

Unbelivable Zaria Forman Artworks The inspiration for Zaria’s drawings began in early childhood when she traveled with her family throughout several of the world’s most remote landscapes, which were the subject of her mother’s fine art photography. Her work exhibits extensively in galleries and venues throughout the United States and overseas. In addition to exhibitions, recent projects include a series of drawings that served as the set design for the classic ballet Giselle, which premiered in October 2012 at the Grand Theatre of Geneva, Switzerland. Ten of her drawings were also used in the set design for House of Cards, a Netflix TV series directed by David Fincher and starring Kevin Spacey. In August 2012 she led Chasing the Light, an expedition sailing up the NW coast of Greenland, retracing the 1869 journey of American painter William Bradford and documenting the rapidly changing arctic landscape.

Les enfants de couples homosexuels seraient plus heureux et en meilleure santé que la moyenne | Jeanne Magazine Les enfants de couples homosexuels seraient plus heureux et en meilleure santé que la moyenne, d’après une étude menée par l’université de Melbourne, en Australie, auprès de 315 couples de parents homosexuels – principalement lesbiens – et de 500 enfants. Il en est ressorti que ces enfants ont un taux de cohésion familiale et de bonne santé 6% supérieur à la moyenne nationale. « Nous avons mesuré la cohésion des familles, et il semble que les parents et les enfants dans les familles homoparentales s’entendent bien, ce qui a un impact positif sur la santé des enfants », a expliqué Simon Crouch, l’auteur de l’étude. Par ailleurs, les enfants font preuve d’une meilleure cohésion sociale. « L’étude suggère que les enfants peuvent être élevés dans des contextes très différents, et qu’ils ne devraient pas être une barrière pour l’égalité des droits », a-t-il conclu. avec

10 Movies That Could Change Your Understanding Of Life Every movie has the ability to affect its viewer differently. Some films evoke wonder and excitement, while others provoke fear or sorrow, but a commonality among all films is a prevailing message or theme. Some films can summon such profound questions, that it changes the way you perceive life as you once knew it. The following list contains 10 unique movies that do just that. 10) Donnie Darko Richard Kelly’s cult-classic Donnie Darko stars Jake Gyllenhaal as a troubled, sleep-walking teen who is insistent in challenging authority and who is often visited by Frank, a monstrous rabbit that urges Donnie to perform dangerous and destructive pranks. A haunting work of loneliness, alienation and the universal desire for companionship and meaning that’s wrapped in a guise of understated ‘80s nostalgia and head-spinning science fiction mythology, Donnie Darko is a film you shouldn’t miss. What makes Donnie Darko especially fascinating is its take on multiple realities and universes. 9) The Matrix

Alerte sur l'usage intensif du portable LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par Paul Benkimoun L'usage intensif des téléphones portables pourrait favoriser la survenue de tumeurs cérébrales bénignes ou malignes. Une étude publiée dans la revue Occupational and Environmental Medicine vendredi 9 mai et réalisée par des chercheurs français établit l'existence d'un lien chez les utilisateurs intensifs. Gaëlle Coureau (Institut de santé publique, d'épidémiologie et de développement, université de Bordeaux) et ses collègues ont mené une enquête épidémiologique dans quatre départements – Calvados, Gironde, Hérault et Manche – pour examiner le rôle des facteurs liés à l'environnement et au travail dans la survenue de tumeurs primitives du système nerveux central (SNC) chez l'adulte. Ils ont utilisé les données de 447 personnes atteintes de tumeurs bénignes ou malignes du SNC (253 gliomes et 194 méningiomes), diagnostiquées entre juin 2004 et mai 2006. Les effets délétères possibles du téléphone mobile font l'objet de vives controverses.
