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Stretches that improve different aspects of your...

Stretches that improve different aspects of your...

The Yoga Workout for flat Abs The Yoga Workout for flat Abs Yoga works your whole body-mind, body, and spirit. These poses will engage your abs as well as help you feel relaxed and renewed. Stretches that elongate your abdominals will help create that strong, lean middle. Mountain Tilt Stand with your arms at your side and your feet hip-width apart. Triangle Pose Stand tall with your feet 3-feet apart. Torso Stretch Lie on your belly, hands flat on the floor close to your chest. Tree Pose Stand with feet planted, arms at sides and body in alignment (ears over shoulders, shoulders over hips, hips over ankles). Repeat 2-3 times Bending Forward Pose Sit with your legs together stretched straight in front of you. Butterfly Pose Sit on the floor stretching straight up through your spine. Lower your head toward your toes as far as you can. Bridge Pose Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet hip-width apart. Locust Pose Lie on your stomach so that your chin is on the floor and your arms are extended in front of you. Cat Pose

tonedleansexy Blast away belly fat, trim inches off your waist and tighten up that midsection with these 6 effective moves for a flatter tummy – no crunches necessary! Victoria Secret models. Almost every page of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. Hollywood actresses. So that means doing hundreds of crunches everyday, right? If you want that sexy, bikini ready midsection fast, then you need moves that will fire up multiple ab muscles with every rep you do. Ready to get that sexy, bikini ready tummy? Russian Twists Number Of Sets; 3 Number Of Reps: 45 Link To Video: How To Do Russian Twists video courtesy of howcast. How To: Lie down on the floor placing your feet either under something that will not move or by having a partner hold them. Spiderman Planks Number Of Sets; 3 Number Of Reps: 40 Link To Video: How to do spiderman planks video courtesy of xhitdaily. Single Leg Drops Number Of Sets; 3 Number Of Reps: 15 each leg Link To Video: How to do single leg drops video courtesy of Like this:

www.rncentral 9-great-yoga-youtube-channels_b_6737360 Interested in yoga but don't want to pay for an expensive class or be seen flopping around on your mat like a fish out of water? YouTube has tons of yoga channels that are great for yoga enthusiasts who prefer to salute the sun from their own backyards. Of course, not all yoga channels are created equal, nor are they right for every person. Many may lack the proper instruction and expert leadership needed to make them particularly helpful to you. However, there are some truly standout yoga YouTube channels you should look into, nine of which are listed below. 1. This channel is led by Tara Stiles, who introduces viewers -- along with guest instructors -- to yoga moves that range from basic to challenging. Strala is dedicated to making yoga a fun experience for all people who want to get the physical and mental benefits of this ancient fitness method. The best thing about Strala? 2. This YouTube channel is an extension of the magazine and website of the same name. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

ease-back-pain-with-a-10m_b_7181208 By Yoga Journal Half Knees-to-Chest Pose Ardha Apanasana 5 rounds, 2 breaths each, 1 minute total Lie on your back. Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose A Supta Padangusthasana A 5 breaths, 30 seconds, each side Slide a hand under your lower back to make sure there is a gentle curve. Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose B Supta Padangusthasana B Return to your right side and take both strap ends in your right hand, extending your left arm along the floor. Have a few more minutes? About Our Pro Teacher Andrea Ferretti is a 200-hour trained vinyasa teacher, and as the former executive editor of Yoga Journal she has had the good fortune of working with and studying from many of the best teachers in contemporary yoga.

www.yogajournal Bharadvaja’s Twist Bharadvajasana I This gentle twist is a tonic for the spine and the abdominal organs. Bow Pose Dhanurasana Bend back into the shape of a bow to feel energetically locked, loaded, and ready to take aim. Bridge Pose Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Bridge Pose can be whatever you need—energizing, rejuvenating, or luxuriously restorative. Camel Pose Ustrasana Bump up your energy by bending back into Camel Pose. Cat Pose Marjaryasana This pose provides a gentle massage to the spine and belly organs. Wide-Legged Forward Bend Prasarita Padottanasana Open wide into Prasarita Padottanasana I to increase flexibility by leaps and bounds. Recently Added in Yoga for Back Pain Ease Lower Back + Shoulder Tension with Fascial Work Release tension and pain by working with your tissue. Back in Traction: Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose Stretch your hamstrings without straining your spine.

www.buzzfeed foot-pain-relief-carolyn-peters-technique_n_7616154 Foot massages, special socks, custom shoe inserts -- those who suffer from foot pain have likely tried it all. But what you might not realize, athletic trainer Carolyn Peters says, is that the source of your pain may not even be in your feet. "Common foot pain is actually increased by calf tightness," Peters says in the above #OWNSHOW video. "So a lot of people don't realize they've got some tender spots in their calf." By applying pressure to trigger points in your calves, Peters says many people will feel relief in their feet. The first step is to check for tenderness by pressing on the length of the calf muscle. To start, sit on the ground and extend your leg. The reason this technique works, Peters says, is because it focuses on the connective tissues that surround the calf muscle. By applying pressure and moving the joint through a range of motion, you help the affected connective tissue to elongate and loosen up, Peters says.

back-exercises_b_7545544 Photo: Pond5 By Chris Ryan for Life by DailyBurn Hunching over laptops and smartphones for hours on end does your back no favors. In fact, it's one of the biggest -- and most important -- muscle groups we're guilty of ignoring. Your back is used in nearly every movement you perform throughout the day, from bending over to tie your shoes, to carrying your backpack or purse to putting your luggage in the overhead bin on flights. Your job: To make your posterior a priority, Wert says. The 5 Best Bodyweight Back Exercises 1. How to: Position yourself facedown on the ground with arms at your sides and palms facing down. Beginner modification: Move the arms only halfway so that they are even with your shoulders and then return to the original starting position. 2. How to: Position yourself face down on a bench so that the crease of your hip is at the end of the bench. Beginner modification: Move the hips slightly further up the bench so the trunk is better supported. 3. 4. 5.

Why Can't I Play Printable Version "Why can't I play the way I practice?" "Why can't hit my best shots when I need them most?" "I don't understand what happened, I was playing so well all week. Is there a player who hasn't asked these questions? Is there any way to bridge this gap between practice and competition? The performance gap between the ability to hit shots in practice versus matches is a fundamental barrier every competitive player must overcome to realize his or her potential. In this article, we'll take a look at the four barriers that keep players from playing the way that you are really capable. There are four primary barriers that impede the quality of a player's performance in tournaments. The first barrier is insufficient self-awareness. Sounds simple, but my experience shows it's a major problem for competitive tennis players. For example, a player will miss the same ball over and over, but make absolutely no effort to adjust what he or she is doing technically or tactically. Why?

How to Meditate Note: These instructions are drawn from the vipassana traditions of Mahasi Sayadaw and Chao Khun Bhavanapirama Thera. It is assumed the reader is familiar with the article, What is Vipassana? Contents This article offers step-by-step instructions for nine insight meditation exercises, as well as a detailed explanation of mindful eating, hints on dealing with problems such as wandering mind, sleepiness, disturbing mental images, unpleasant emotions, and more. The following exercises are not necessarily listed in order of difficulty. Exercises suitable for beginners are noted. To start, choose one or two exercises and practice them daily. If there's something you don't understand at first, please don't let that daunt you. Although these Buddhist meditation exercises come from the traditions of the Burmese teacher Mahasi Sayadaw and the Thai teacher Chao Khun Bhavanapirama Thera, you don't have to be a Buddhist to practice them. A Suitable Place Clothing Sitting Styles Resolution(Optional) Pain

The Ultimate Weight Loss Guide This is it, folks. This is the first, last and only weight loss article you will EVER need to read. Only, this is much more than an article. This, my friends, is a guide. In fact, it's the ultimate weight loss guide. It's a collection of every single thing you will ever need to know about losing weight. And no, I'm not exaggerating. Everything you need in order to lose weight is here. Table Of Contents Since this could very well be the world's most comprehensive guide to weight loss, I figured a table of contents would be useful. How To Lose Weight It would only make sense to start this off with the one fact that is the basis for nearly all weight loss related information. The One Fact Your body requires a certain number of calories per day in order to maintain your current weight. As you already know, we supply our bodies with these calories through eating and drinking. However, if you do consume more calories than this maintenance level, your body will store the excess calories as fat.

Burpees Exercise: Lose The Fat In One Simple Move That was the drill every morning in middle school. I hated it. I know everyone in my physical education class hated it, but we did not have an option. All we wanted to do was play basketball, softball or flag football, but not this. At the time I did not understand just how valuable an exercise this was. I mean, who would think that an exercise that requires you to move quickly from a standing position, do a push up position and back up could be so valuable? Build Athleticism Using A Simple Exercise In order to becoming athletic or simply get fit it takes doing a lot of cardio or lifting weights- or so we are told. Bodyweight workouts are often not even mentioned in gyms and are rarely talked about in fitness magazines. Burpees Exercises- A Full Body Exercise To Lose Fat The burpees exercise is a simple exercise that only requires your body and nothing else. In order to do a burpee you have to follow this sequence: Do as many burpees as fast as possible for a period of one minute.
