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9 Unbelievably Simple Steps For Perfect Make-Up

9 Unbelievably Simple Steps For Perfect Make-Up

5 unusual ways to keep your house warm It's cold outside. Really cold. So it's no surprise that interest in cheaper, more sustainable ways to warm your home tends to, ahem, heat up this time of year. Here are some unusual strategies for keeping homes warm — some of them you can even try at home. Heat the person, not the house Some time back, I wrote about permaculture blogger Paul Wheaton's video, explaining how he has slashed heating bills by focusing on heating the person, not the house. Warming with compost When it's made right, compost creates heat. A candle-powered room heater I wrote about this candle-powered room heater over at TreeHugger recently. Hook up your house to an underground server farm Yeah, OK —I'll admit that this one is easier to implement if you happen to be building the world's largest underground city. Heat with nothing at all Passive solar homes have been around for some time now. Related on MNN:

Clever Ads Billboard Here is a series of brilliant billboard ads dedicated to promoting science in Vancouver, by Science World Museum in collaboration with Rethink Canada… World museum – Rethink Canada How to reuse silica gel packets This annoying packet has a multitude of household uses. By Cy Tottleben We find them everywhere, popping out of all sorts of packaging, lurking like an ugly bug in vitamin bottles and new shoes. Working freight at my store, I touch dozens of silica packets each day and often ask what I can do to recycle them. Couldn't we collect them and send them off to a manufacturer for reuse? Silica gel is a desiccant, a substance that absorbs moisture. Although silica gel has massive potential for reuse, I haven't had any luck finding a recycler. Put packs in your ammo cans and gun cases/safes to keep dry.Protect personal papers and important documents by putting some gel in a baggie wherever these are stored.Keep with photos to spare them from humidity. And my personal favorite: Squirrel some away in your car, especially on your dashboard. While these packets are annoying and seem like a waste of resources, they can extend the life of many items.

psychofactz Bedroom Rules for Men 10 rules every man should remember when it comes to being intimate in the bedroom. Creative Ways to Repurpose & Reuse Old Stuff Clever and creative ways to repurpose and transform ordinary objects into useful stuff… Bottles Into Pendant Lamps | Via Wine Bottles Into Chandelier | Via Drum Kit Into Chandelier Designer: ludwigmetals | Via: JJ’sRedHots Credit Cards Into Guitar Picks | Via Credit Cards Into Guitar PicksLightbulbs Into Oil Lamps | Sergio Silva Wrenches Into Wall Hooks | Via CD Spindle Into Bagel Holder | Via Bicycle Into Sink Stand | Via Bike Wheel Into Clock | Via Glove Into a Chipmunk | Photos by Miyako Toyota | Happy Gloves Old TV Into Aquarium | Via Pop Tabs Into Bag | Via Spoons Into Lamp | Via Old Piano Into Bookshelf | Via Hangers Into Room Divider | Via Tennis Rackets Into Mirrors | Via Bowlers Into Lamps | Via Old Books Into Shelves | Via Chair Into Shelf/Closet Unit | Via Vintage Suitcase Into Chair | Via Old Ladder Into Bookshelf | Via 12 Great Ways to Use Castile Soap Share I buy my castile soap in bulk. I’m just a super twigs-and-granola kinda gal, which means I use castile soap by the bucketful. I never knew what “castile” was until I started using the stuff, but the moniker just describes a style of soap, not a brand. What follows is a list of ways to incorporate this cheap, environmentally awesome ingredient into your daily life. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. What’s your favorite way to use castile soap? Source:

These Photos Are Actually Pencil Perfect Drawings At just 22 years old, Italian artist Diego Fazo has developed the skill to create photo-realistic drawings using a simple charcoal pencil. His latest creation, pictured below, has drawn hundreds of positive comments on his Deviant Art profile. Don’t tell me you can tell the image below is a drawing and not a high-definition photograph, because I don’t buy it. Like other talented artists who started their careers on Deviant Art, Diego is a self-taught pencil master whose technique matured with the passing of the years. Scroll down for more of his awesome drawings, and check out his Deviant Art profile, as well. Reddit Stumble

Quick and delicious DIY teeth whitener - The Model Stage Blog If you’re a coffee & tea addict and you’re looking for a quick, natural and delicious DIY teeth whitening solution, then look no further! Here’s the quick DIY recipe that you can easily prepare anytime: 1 big strawberry1/2 teaspoon baking soda In a small bowl, mash the strawberry with a fork and mix it well with the half spoon of baking soda. Apply the mixture on your toothbrush and brush away your teeth! For the perfect white teeth, leave the mixture on for at least a couple of minutes (it would be better if you could leave it 5 minutes though). Strawberries are well known for their high content in malic acid which helps whiten the teeth, while baking soda is one of the best whiteners that you can have in your kitchen! Love, Ana

Spectacular Moleskine Doodles Explode with Energy Philippines-based illustrator Kerby Rosanes proves that doodling can be so much more than scratching unintelligible scribbles on paper. Through his Sketchy Stories blog, Rosanes shares his wonderful world of doodling in a simple Moleskine sketchbook. Equipped with an ordinary Moleskine, a few Uni Pin drawing pens, and his innate gift for drawing, the artist is able to transport viewers to a world where tiny, cartoonish creatures explode with gusto to make up larger entities. Each of the illustrator's complex and crowded sketches are filled with minute details that allow the eye to wander and discover new characters and designs at every turn. Kerby Rosanes websiteKerby Rosanes on deviantART via [Gaks]

21 Ingeniously Mind-Blowing Camping IdeasArs Spiritus I’ve always loved camping and being in the outdoors. Living in the middle of nowhere for half of my life, I developed various skills and learnt many things to help me not only survive, but be comfortable in the wild. But as much as I thought I knew, I stumbled upon a collection of exciting ideas which I thought was ingenious and mind-blowing at the same time. The creativity and simpleness of these ideas are what made it that much more genius. So without further ado, I present you: 19 Ingeniously Mind-Blowing Camping Ideas ________________________________________ 1. Source: 2. Source: 3. Source: Pinterest 4. 5. source: 6. Source: 7. Source: 8. 9. Source: 10. Source: 12. Source: 13. Source: 14. Source: 15. Source: 16. 17. Sources: 18. 19. Source:

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