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40 maps that explain the internet The internet increasingly pervades our lives, delivering information to us no matter where we are. It takes a complex system of cables, servers, towers, and other infrastructure, developed over decades, to allow us to stay in touch with our friends and family so effortlessly. Here are 40 maps that will help you better understand the internet — where it came from, how it works, and how it's used by people around the world. How the internet was created Before the internet, there was the ARPANET Before the internet, there was the ARPANETARPANET, the precursor to the modern internet, was an academic research project funded by the Advanced Research Projects Agency, a branch of the military known for funding ambitious research projects without immediate commercial or military applications. Initially, the network only connected the University of Utah with three research centers in California. The internet around the world Threats to the internet The geography of online services Twerking vs.

Natural Earth Basic Mapping Principles for Visualizing Cancer Data Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Maps and other data graphics may play a role in generating ideas and hypotheses at the beginning of a project. They are useful as part of analyses for evaluating model results and then at the end of a project when researchers present their results and conclusions to varied audiences, such as their local research group, decision makers, or a concerned public. Cancer researchers are gaining skill with geographic information system (GIS) mapping as one of their many tools and are broadening the symbolization approaches they use for investigating and illustrating their data. A single map is one of many possible representations of the data, so making multiple maps is often part of a complete mapping effort. Symbol types, color choices, and data classing each affect the information revealed by a map and are best tailored to the specific characteristics of data.

Choosing the best way to indicate map scale By Aileen Buckley, Mapping Center Lead In a previous blog entry, I asked, “Do all maps need a scale bar and north arrow?” I answered, “No” and talked a little about direction indicators like north arrows, but I didn’t really go into any detail about scale bars. Almost all maps are drawn to a scale, so it should be possible for these maps to indicate what the scale of the map is. Three primary scale indicators If the map is NOT drawn to scale (that is, the scale varies widely across the map), then it is even more important that you indicate that this is the case! All map scale indicators can be used 1) to determine the extent to which a geographic region has been reduced from its actual size and 2) to help the map reader determine distance on the map. Scale bars, also called bar scales, look like a small ruler on or near the map. A scale bar can be used like a small ruler to determine distances on maps. Example of a variable scale bar for a map using a Mercator projection. Design Uses

A Weblog About Maps To diagnose heart disease, visualization experts recommend a simpler approach A team of computer scientists, physicists, and physicians at Harvard have developed a simple yet powerful method of visualizing human arteries that may result in more accurate diagnoses of atherosclerosis and heart disease. The prototype tool, called "HemoVis," creates a 2D diagram of arteries that performs better than the traditional 3D, rainbow-colored model. In a clinical setting, the tool has been shown to increase diagnostic accuracy from 39% to 91%. Presented today at the IEEE Information Visualization Conference (InfoVis 2011), the new visualization method offers insight to clinicians, imaging specialists, engineers, and others in a wide range of fields who need to explore and evaluate complex, branching structures. "Our goal was to design a visual representation of the data that was as accurate and efficient for patient diagnosis as possible," says lead author Michelle Borkin, a doctoral candidate at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS).

Historia:Cartografia La cartografía: La aparición de los mapas se produjo antes de la historia, es decir, con anterioridad a la aparición del relato escrito, y se utilizaron para establecer distancias, recorridos, localizaciones... y así poder desplazarse de unos lugares a otros. En esta primera etapa dos son los tipos de mapas existentes: uno, el mapa instrumento, realizado con una finalidad informativa, utilitaria, como el de las islas Marshall, y otro, el mapa imagen, que representa un nuevo concepto más intelectual y que tiene un doble sentido, es un instrumento que tiene una utilidad inmediata pero, a su vez, es también una imagen, ya que en ellos aparecen la representación de la Tierra, conceptos cosmológicos o religiosos..., pero centrado principalmente en el mundo del autor que lo construye; un ejemplo, el mapa del mundo babilónico, mapa circular como corresponde al panorama natural del horizonte. Los mapas más antiguos que existen fueron realizados por los babilonios hacia el 2300 a.C.

Map Maker Google Map Maker officially closed on March 31, 2017, and many of its features are being integrated into Google Maps. Since 2008, the Google Map Maker community has edited and moderated millions of features to improve the Google Maps experience. To make it easier for all Google Maps users to contribute changes to the map, we’ve started to graduate functionality from Map Maker to Google Maps on both desktop and mobile. Key editing features currently available in Google Maps include: We’ll continue to add new editing features within Google Maps on an ongoing basis. To keep contributing your local knowledge to Google Maps and engage with a passionate community of likeminded individuals, we invite you to join the Local Guides program where you can do things like: Earn points Unlock rewards for submitting edits and other information Get early access to new Google Map features.
