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49 Awesome Photography Hacks, Mods And DIY Projects

49 Awesome Photography Hacks, Mods And DIY Projects
Following the great demand, here are 49 Awesome Photography Hacks, Mods And DIY Projects. Something for everyone with Tripod hacks, lighting hacks, light modifiers mods and a few crazy projects that are simply not classifiable. In this section tripod for macro photography, tripods for food photography, tripod for your bicycles. Did I say tripods? Here you’ll find all your light stand needs. If it’s mounting a flash where no flash can be mounted, clamping it, sticking it, of making a new lightstand out of PVC scraps. Got a flash? If you’re a Strobist this is the section for you. This one’s for all the pinhole lovers. This is where you can get your lighting fix. The rest of the ends and odds. Here are 43 more Photography Projects. Know of more cool projects? [This is a new and improved edition of an old post, if you've seen it before, simply give it a big hug and move on :)]

10 Street Photography Tips from an Anonymous Street Photographer I recently got these 10 street photography tips from an anonymous street photographer who wanted to share this information with you. I found these tips to be very insightful, and I hope you will too! Keep reading more to learn about all the goodness. 1. When there is nice light, hold your hand into the light and meter off that. Often time when you are shooting in automatic modes (Aperture-priority or program) the camera doesn’t always give you the best metering or exposure. 2. When waiting in a certain area (e.g. an area with great light), keep walking around. 3. Always have our camera in your hand and ready to shoot. 4. Hold the camera behind the wrist so it’s out of view. 5. If right handed and you shoot off camera flash, walk along the right hand side of the street. 6. Try fiddling with your camera, like Winogrand. 7. Try following someone, speeding up, and then walking around them to get close. 8. Frame the background. 9. It’s always best to press the shutter button if in doubt. 10.

10 Tips for the Aspiring Street Photographer Let’s face it, starting street photography is no easy task. For the average photographer, going from shooting flowers into shooting people in the streets is like stepping into a Ferrari after driving a Toyota Prius. It is intimidating at first, but quite exhilarating once you try it out. Here are ten tips for somebody (with absolutely no background in street photography) to get their feet wet. 1. Street photography is not like your 2nd grade science class. First of all, you will look even more conspicuous in public holding a huge zoom lens. 2. Get so close so that when you are taking photos of people on the street that you can see the perspiration dripping from their forehead or the texture of their skin. 3. You have heard this a million times and you know that you should, but you always seem to find excuses or reasons NOT to always carry your camera with yourself. 4. We may feel constricted by these “social rules” but remember, they can always be broken. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

44 essential digital camera tips and tricks Our collection of top digital camera tips and essential photography advice will have you improving your photos in no time. Culled from experts and photographers who have been taking pictures for quite some time, they all agree that these 44 camera tips are essential knowledge for honing your craft. So feast your eyes below, check out some of our best photography tips on everything from setting up your digital camera to honing your photo composition, and by the end you will learn the secrets and shortcuts to getting high-quality pictures every time. Digital Camera Tips: 01 Always reset camera settings There are few things worse than taking what you think is a stunning picture, only to find your camera’s ISO and saturation were cranked right up from a previous shoot and you’ve missed the moment. Avoid this by checking – and resetting – all of your settings before moving from one picture-taking opportunity to the next (find out The right way to set up your camera).

Craft & Vision | Great photography happens where craft and vision converge How to Get the Perfect Exposure Using Your SLR Digital Photography Camera's Histogram Edit Article Edited by Robert Benson, Teresa, Flickety, Maluniu and 4 others The most important tool in digital photography besides the camera - the histogram! Learning to expose photos properly can be a headache for new photographers. Ad Steps 1Understand what a histogram is. 4Read the next section for the explanation of how to use the histogram to gauge a proper exposure. Tips So, you stack all the black tiles (tone 0) in one pile all the tiles that are one tone lighter than black (tone 1) and so on all the way to white and there are all stacked in order in a straight line, that is a histogram.A Histogram ExampleReading a histogram. Things You'll Need SLR Digital Photography CameraYour Camera's Owner's Manual

CS 178 - Digital Photography Course materials Course schedule (click here for the lecture notes) Course description (meeting time, units, prereqs, etc.) Course outline (textbooks, coursework, grading policies, etc.) Archive of class business (the "What's new?" Photography: How to Take Sharper Pictures Welcome If I had a nickel for every time someone with a new camera blamed the camera itself as the reason why their pictures aren’t coming out as crisp as those seen in photo books, magazines, or even this website, I’d be able to pay someone to write this guide for me. Unfortunately, I don’t. So here I am. Here are some easy, but essential tips on achieving the best (and by best, I mean the sharpest) results from your digital camera. Is it the Camera or the Photographer? If you are new to photography I would suspect your technique first. If you did your research and paid good money for your camera (and lenses) and still aren’t getting good results, you have to wonder, is it really your camera? There could be several reasons why a camera may not be shooting sharp. Do you know all the features and buttons your camera has? Know your camera Before you set off to photograph anything, you should get to know your camera. Set the picture quality and compression Memory cards are cheap. Focusing
