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Google bomb

Google bomb
A Google bomb on March 31st, 2013. Despite Google's intervention, some of the first search results still refer to Bush. The terms Google bomb and Googlewashing refer to the practice of causing a web page to rank highly in search engine results for unrelated or off-topic search terms by linking heavily. In contrast, search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of improving the search engine listings of web pages for relevant search terms. It is done for either business, political, or comedic purposes (or some combination thereof).[1] Google's search-rank algorithm ranks pages higher for a particular search phrase if enough other pages linked to it use similar anchor text (linking text such as "miserable failure"). The term Googlewashing was coined by Andrew Orlowski in 2003 to describe the use of media manipulation to change the perception of a term, or push out competition from search engine results pages (SERPs).[4][5] History[edit] Uses as tactical media[edit] Google bowling[edit] Related:  Facts/Knowledge

Google hacking master list This master list of Google Hacking command sets has show up on a forum in Russia, as well as on Scribd. While we often forget about Google hacking, and rarely use it against our own sites, a list like this is going to keep the kids happy as they merrily pound their way through Google to your systems. This makes the data much more accessible than at Johnny I hack stuff. There are some drawbacks in how Johnny I hack stuff works, you have to do a lot of clicking to get to the right hacks. This master list also includes things I have not seen or tried yet meaning that the body of knowledge for Google hacks is still being expanded upon. Check it out, here is a copy of the master list in case you do not want to go to a hacker forum in Russia, or do not want to sign up for a scribd account (the only way to download it or cut and paste the document in Scribd is to make an account). Code: admin account info" filetype:log ! nurl:/admin/login.asp inurl:/cgi-bin/sqwebmail?

Google hacking From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Hacker technique Basics Devices connected to the Internet can be found. A search string such as inurl:"ViewerFrame?Mode=" will find public web cameras. History The list of Google Dorks grew into a large dictionary of queries, which were eventually organized into the original Google Hacking Database (GHDB) in 2004.[5][6] Google Dorking has been involved in some notorious cybercrime cases, such as the Bowman Avenue Dam hack[11] and the CIA breach where around 70% of its worldwide networks were compromised.[12] Star Kashman, a legal scholar, has been one of the first to study the legality of this technique.[13] Kashman argues that while Google Dorking is technically legal, it has often been used to carry out cybercrime and frequently leads to violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.[14] Her research has highlighted the legal and ethical implications of this technique, emphasizing the need for greater attention and regulation to be applied to its use.

Pagerank Explained Correctly with Examples Copyright Ian Rogers, 2002 onwards NB. this page was originally hosted on until I shut that company and website down. And then on until I lost that domain to a domain grabber. So much for permanency on the Internet Introduction Page Rank is a topic much discussed by Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) experts. Clearly explain how PageRank is calculated.Go through every example in Chris' paper, and add some more of my own, showing the correct PageRank for each diagram. Any good web designer should take the time to fully understand how PageRank really works – if you don't then your site's layout could be seriously hurting your Google listings! How is PageRank Used? PageRank is one of the methods Google uses to determine a page's relevance or importance. We can't know the exact details of the scale because, as we'll see later, the maximum PR of all pages on the web changes every month when Google does its re-indexing! Guess 1

PageRank Algorithm used by Google Search to rank web pages PageRank (PR) is an algorithm used by Google Search to rank web pages in their search engine results. It is named after both the term "web page" and co-founder Larry Page. PageRank is a way of measuring the importance of website pages. According to Google: PageRank works by counting the number and quality of links to a page to determine a rough estimate of how important the website is. Currently, PageRank is not the only algorithm used by Google to order search results, but it is the first algorithm that was used by the company, and it is the best known.[2][3] As of September 24, 2019, all patents associated with PageRank have expired.[4] Description[edit] A PageRank results from a mathematical algorithm based on the webgraph, created by all World Wide Web pages as nodes and hyperlinks as edges, taking into consideration authority hubs such as or History[edit] Algorithm[edit] Simplified algorithm[edit] where , and At and .

7 Clever Google Tricks Worth Knowing Email Below I have compiled a list of 7 clever Google tricks that I believe everyone should be aware of. Together I think they represent the apex of the grand possibilities associated with Google search manipulation tricks and hacks. 1. 2. 3. You’re connecting to a public network at a coffee shop or internet café and you want privacy while you browse the web. There are subscription services and applications available such as TOR and paid VPN servers that do the same thing. 4. 5. 6. 7. Bonus Material: Here is a list of my favorite Google advanced search operators, operator combinations, and related uses: Want more info on Google Hacking? If you enjoyed this article, check out our new best-selling book. And get inspiring life tips and quotes in your inbox (it's free)...

100+ Google Tricks That Will Save You Time in School – Eternal Code [via] With classes, homework, and projects–not to mention your social life–time is truly at a premium for you, so why not latch onto the wide world that Google has to offer? From super-effective search tricks to Google hacks specifically for education to tricks and tips for using Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Calendar, these tricks will surely save you some precious time. Search Tricks These search tricks can save you time when researching online for your next project or just to find out what time it is across the world, so start using these right away. Convert units. Google Specifically for Education From Google Scholar that returns only results from scholarly literature to learning more about computer science, these Google items will help you at school. Google Scholar. Google Docs Google Docs is a great replacement for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, so learn how to use this product even more efficiently. Use premade templates. Gmail Use the Tasks as a to-do list.

How to Get More Search Engine Traffic With One Simple Tweak One of the great things about blogs is how much the search engines love them. But is there a way to get even more love from Google by making just one small adjustment to your WordPress blog? Search engines want a frequently updated web site with good information, and that also has a solid, navigable directory structure with meaningful URLs. Oh, and it’s also a huge bonus if your XHTML markup is both valid and semantically sound. You can score outstanding code by applying the Cutline theme to your WordPress blog, and then you can learn how to create search-engine-friendly permalinks (page addresses) by watching this video! Flash video: 6:45 in duration Supercharge your blog’s earnings with Episode links: The sites of Microsoft certification as well as the free online learning sites necessitate complete support from reliable web hosting companies in order to be run properly. Share this page or bookmark it now!

Google PageRank Checker - Check Google page rank instantly Check PAGE RANK of Web site pages Instantly In order to check pagerank of a single web site, web page or domain name, please submit the URL of that web site, web page or domain name to the form below and click "Check PR" button. the free PR checker tool enables you to check the current pagerank of your web site instantly via the form above, however, you might consider to be quite boring to visit online page rank checking tool every time you'd like to check Google pagerank of your web pages.. so, it might be a good idea to put a small page rank icon to your site to check and display your Google rankings right on your web site pages. To check PR icons - click here. Add Free PAGE RANK Check tool to your site In order to add this free page rank checker tool to your web site and give your visitors the way to check the ranking of any pages directly from your site, just copy the following HTML code and put it into your HTML document where you want the check page rank tool to appear:

80+ Best Free Hacking Tutorials | Resources to Become Pro Hacker Learning to become hacker is not as easy as learning to become a software developer. I realized this when I started looking for learning resources for simple hacking people do. Even to start doing the simplest hack on own, a hacker requires to have in depth knowledge of multiple topics. Some people recommend minimum knowledge of few programming languages like C, Python, HTML with Unix operating system concepts and networking knowledge is required to start learning hacking techniques. Though knowing a lot of things is required, it is not really enough for you to be a competent and successful hacker. If you are thinking about ethical hacking as a career option, you may need to be prepared for a lot of hard/smart work. A lot of people (including me before doing research for this article) think that they can become a hacker using some free hacking tools available on web. Below are some really useful hacking tutorials and resources you may want to explore in your journey of learning to hack

Google Tutor: Tutorials and Tips for Google Users
