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SketchCrawl™ - drawing marathons from around the world

SketchCrawl™ - drawing marathons from around the world

cedharrsketchbook Doodlers Anonymous: The permanent home for spontaneous doodle art. Other Artists' work Many of my sketchbook pages are taken up by clippings, photocopies, postcards, and other things that inspire me. Sure, it's a requirement of my art school classes but more and more I find it helps my own work, rather than just taking up valuable space. These shots from my current sketchbook show some images by various artists I collected this year while looking for examples of sketches and drawings by other artists. Often artists become recognizable for a certain style or medium, but it can be so much more exciting to dig up some of their lesser known work, or examples from their sketchbooks. One great book I found on the library shelves is Travels with pen, pencil and ink By David Hockney. What other artists inspire you?

Urban Sketchers Wireframes to mockups with Fireworks | Photoshop Author: Imagine Admin 8th November 2010 Page wireframes from rough concept to Fireworks mockups Wireframes are a simple and effective technique for exploring your layout options and demonstrating your concepts to clients Documenting your initial layout ideas can save projects time and money, without having to invest a lot of time and effort. When working in teams, designers can do their thing while programmers can get on creating the functionality. This article originally appeared in Web Designer issue 170, authored by Jo York. 01 Capture requirements Let’s work out what elements are going to go on the page. 02 What’s important? After you’ve made your list of what’s on the page, number them in order of priority. 03 Start sketching We are going to mark out the key content areas of our page and fill in the detail later. Pages: 1 2 3 4 Did you enjoy this article? Follow our to find out about all the latest web development, news, reviews, previews, interviews, features and a whole more.

Russell Stutler's Sketchbook Book List Hokusai: One Hundred Views of Mt Fuji by Henry D. Smith This is a must have for all who want to focus on the beauty of line using brush and ink -- in a Japanese style. It's not an instruction book like the two above, but a collection of some of the finest examples of brush drawing I have ever seen. 19th century Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai produced these when he was over seventy years old, and they represent years of experience and refinement. This is a reproduction or facsimile of a book of wood block prints which were based on his drawings. This book has become more valuable as I continually go back and study these works. This book is the next best thing to having the original book of prints. One caveat: the cover on my paperback copy was not well glued to the spine, and fell off in a few minutes. This book seems to be out of print, and only a few copies are available from individual sellers through Amazon.

Dessiner d’observation Je ne sais pas si vous avez des photographes professionnels dans votre entourage, ou si vous avez pu observer des experts de la photographie, mais vous est-il déjà arrivé d’apercevoir quelqu’un joindre ses mains de façon bizarre en regardant un paysage ? Peut être que vous vous êtes d’abord demandé s’il sortait tout droit d’un asile psychiatrique ? En fait, il s’agit d’une technique utilisée par les artistes depuis des générations. Elle permet d’obtenir un cadrage rapide, très efficace pour choisir sa composition que ce soit en photographie ou en dessin d’observation. Si vous ne la connaissez pas déjà, voici en quoi cela consiste: Imaginez que vous faites une superbe balade en forêt ou en ville, et que vous avez décidé de dessiner quelques paysages ou autres scènes visuelles sur votre carnet de croquis. Il existe deux variantes à cette technique : 1/ joignez vos deux mains 2/ ajustez vos mains selon le cadrage que vous choisissez 4/ dessinez selon la composition que vous avez choisie.

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