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Wikipedia Games Development history Battlefield 1942 was released on September 10, 2002, using the Refractor gaming engine, and introduced the "Conquest" gameplay mode, in which players fought for "capture points" throughout the map. Two expansion packs were released, The Road to Rome and Secret Weapons of WWII. Battlefield Vietnam, released in 2004, moved the setting to the Vietnam War, and was built on a modified Refractor engine with various gameplay improvements, such as firing personal weapons while seated in vehicles. Battlefield 2142 was released in 2006, taking place during a global ice age in the 22nd century. In 2009, EA released two download-only games, Battlefield Heroes, a free-to-play Refractor 2 engine game, supported by advertising and micropayments and Battlefield 1943, a Frostbite engine game, released in July 2009, for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, and was scheduled for release in Q1 2010, for PCs, but was cancelled.[54] Gameplay TV series References External links

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