How Plenary works Time for discussion before taking a decision A parliamentary report put to the vote in plenary is generally the subject of a debate in which the Commission, the representatives of the political groups and individual MEPs express their views. Speaking time per person, often very short, depends on the number of Members who have asked for the floor. Unlike the voting, which is sometimes held at a very rapid pace, the debates can last for several hours, depending on the number of Members who wish to speak. They usually speak in their own language, and what they say is interpreted simultaneously by the interpreters into the other official EU languages. Speaking time in the Chamber is allocated according to the following criteria: a first fraction of speaking time is divided equally amongst all the political groups, then a further fraction is divided among the groups in proportion to the total number of their members. 12 noon: the voting marathon Votes are generally held around midday.
untitled Sugata Mitra | Speaker When science meets sartorial: the skirt and shoe made from kombucha This might look like a pint of moldy beer, but in fact it’s the raw substance of Biocouture’s biomaterial. It’s grown in a vat filled with a sugary green tea solution using a kombucha culture. Once the layer of microbial cellulose is sufficiently thick, it is harvested, washed and allowed to dry. After the water evaporates it resembles a vegetable leather. © Biocouture. What might our clothes look like in 50 years? In 2003, Lee met materials scientist David Hepworth, founder of the Scotland-based firm Cellucomp, which develops materials made from non-hydrocarbon-based feedstock. So that’s what they have done. I caught up with Lee, who is a TED Fellow, over the phone to talk to her about her clothes and collaborations. Suzanne Lee examines a piece of dyed biomaterial at the Biocouture studio in London. What’s wrong with the materials traditionally used in fashion? Is your fashion more efficient than other clothing? So … you’re feeding your clothing?
How we work You may already have seen or heard interpreters at work whispering for heads of state or interpreting in sound-proof booths at large international conferences. The ability to interpret is a skill many claim but few truly possess. Consider the process of interpretation: the interpreter listens to the speaker, understands the message and converts it into another language, speaks to the delegates and all the while monitors his output to ensure elegant delivery. What are the processes involved? Interpreting is a constant to-ing and fro-ing between different ways of thinking and cultural universes. Conference interpreters usually work in a team put together for a specific conference according to the event's working languages. Today, interpreters spend most of their time performing simultaneous interpretation. The majority of professional conference interpreters now have more than two working languages - on average, AIIC interpreters have 3, 4. Modes of Interpretation Simultaneous Consecutive
untitled The amazing brains of the real-time interpreters One morning this summer I paid a visit to the sole United Nations agency in London. The headquarters of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) sits on the southern bank of the Thames, a short distance upstream from the Houses of Parliament. As I approached, I saw that a ship’s prow, sculpted in metal, was grafted like a nose to the ground floor of this otherwise bland building. Inside I met a dozen or so mostly female IMO translators. They were cheerful and chatty and better dressed than you might imagine for people who are often heard but rarely seen. I walked upstairs to a glass-fronted booth, where I prepared to witness something both absolutely remarkable and utterly routine. Let’s unpick what she did that morning and itemise its components. As the delegate spoke, Pinkney had to make sense of a message composed in one language while simultaneously constructing and articulating the same message in another tongue. Intriguing region Humorous pitfalls Some speakers talk too fast.
Kevin Sebban Daniel Gile Daniel Gile (* 1948) ist ein französischer Übersetzer und Konferenzdolmetscher. Er lehrt als Universitätsprofessor an der École Supérieure d'Interprètes et de Traducteurs (ESIT) der Universität Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle. Leben[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Daniel Gile studierte Mathematik, bevor er sich einem Übersetzer- und Dolmetscherstudium zuwandte. 1984 promovierte er im Fach Japanisch mit einer Dissertation zur Ausbildung von Übersetzerberufen (La formation aux métiers de la traduction japonais-français: problèmes et méthodes) am Pariser Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (INALCO). 1987 begann er dort eine außerordentliche Professur. Forschung[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Daniel Giles Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt auf der Ausbildung von Dolmetschern, Übersetzern und wissenschaftlichem Nachwuchs. Sonstige Aktivitäten und Mitgliedschaften[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Publikationen (Auswahl)[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
Danica Seleskovitch Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Danica Seleskovitch est née à Paris le et morte à Cahors le (à 79 ans). Interprète de conférence, elle fonda, entre autres, la Théorie interprétative de la traduction. Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Danica Seleskovitch[1] est née d’une mère française, issue d’une famille de la bourgeoisie du Nord et d’un père serbe, philosophe, appartenant à une lignée d’intellectuels yougoslaves. Depuis l’enfance, elle maîtrise plusieurs langues : d’abord le français, sa langue maternelle (chez les Seleskovitch, on a toujours parlé français) ; elle parle l’allemand comme une autochtone, et elle connaît le serbo-croate, la langue de son père. Dès son arrivée à Paris, en 1946, elle s'inscrit à la Sorbonne, où elle entreprend simultanément deux licences, d’allemand et d’anglais. Son père meurt au printemps 1950. Dès le début de sa carrière d'interprète de conférence, elle réfléchit à son métier et à la façon dont le sens passe en interprétation.
¿Cómo comportarse en la cabina? Mutual assistance, team cohesiveness and convivialité are essential for the smooth running of any conference. Here's a checklist of booth manners for beginners. In the booth Remember that an interpreting booth is a confined space. Act accordingly;Keep the documents neat and orderly;Do not smoke; Switch off your mobile phone; Take care not to wear jewellery that can make a noise, like wrist bangles; Agree preferred seating and lighting arrangements with colleague(s); Turn volume right down on your headset if you leave the booth; Keep quiet when not working (microphones pick up all background noise so do not shuffle papers, be careful when pouring water, do not eat or make other unpleasant noises); Talk into the microphone (some colleagues who regularly work for TV can offer precious advice). Teamwork Survival kit Don’t forget your spectaclesNotebookPens and pencils and pencil sharpener. Further Reading: Booth manners for seasoned interpreters Recommended citation format: VEGA Network.
Código ético de AIIC (2012) I. Purpose and Scope Article 1 a) This Code of Professional Ethics (hereinafter called the "Code") lays down the standards of integrity, professionalism and confidentiality which all members of the Association shall be bound to respect in their work as conference interpreters. b) Candidates and precandidates shall also undertake to adhere to the provisions of this Code. c) The Disciplinary and Disputes Committee, acting in accordance with the provisions of the Statutes, shall impose penalties for any breach of the rules of the profession as defined in this Code. II. Article 2 a) Members of the Association shall be bound by the strictest secrecy, which must be observed towards all persons and with regard to all information disclosed in the course of the practice of the profession at any gathering not open to the public. Article 3 a) Members of the Association shall not accept any assignment for which they are not qualified. Article 4 Article 5 Article 6 III. Article 7 Article 8 IV. Article 9