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Tony Buzan - Inventor of Mind Mapping

Tony Buzan - Inventor of Mind Mapping

Official Mind Mapping software by Tony Buzan J.D. Meier - Agile Pro Mngmt for life Your Outcome: Learn how to use Monday Vision to identify 3 outcomes or 3 Wins for the week. By identifying your best 3 Wins for the week, you’ll be able to focus and prioritize throughout the week to achieve better results. Welcome to Day 2 of 7 Days of Agile Results. Agile Results is the productivity system introduced in my best-selling time management book, Getting Results the Agile Way. Today’s focus is on identifying your 3 outcomes for the week. Have you ever had a week fly by and when Friday hits you’re asking yourself, “Where did the week go?” Not any more. With Monday Vision, you take a moment to jump ahead to the end of the week, and you ask yourself, “If this were Friday, what are three outcomes, wins, or results that I would want under my belt?” Monday is your chance to create a compelling vision for your week. It’s flexible, but I’m going to walk you through a specific approach, so that you know how to start. Save More Time and Effort While Creating More Value This Week Recap

I Mind Map Stephen R. Covey RIP- You Rocked! - Simple Life Joy I am taking a few moments today to thank Stephen R. Covey for changing my life. I can date his influence clear back to when I was a teenager and the principles he taught have been used throughout the entire course of my life. Covey was a Utah guy, a professor at my university and a member of the LDS church way before he was the giant man of leadership he is today. His simple organizational behavior tools became the platform for our family master plan and his advice has helped me maintain and simplify my life putting the most important things first. I have read a half dozen of his books. I used his day planner for years when it launched in the mid 80’s until we finally went digital. I recently pulled out one one of those planners that I saved and laughed at my journal and my life so prioritized. Brian used to carry all of his money, like a wallet and his life in his day planner. Brian left his day planner sitting right there. We drove 2 hours to the hotel only to discover upon check in.

Mindjet Le mind mapping a pour principal objectif la visualisation des idées et des informations. Avec Mindjet, les interdépendances entre les idées et les informations sont représentées visuellement au moyen de branches et de sous-branches complétées par des images, des liens et des notes. Le mind mapping facilite de nombreux processus. Capturer Le succès passe par la créativité. Organiser Remettez les informations dans leur contexte grâce à des maps détaillées. Planifier Définissez clairement votre démarche et prenez des décisions en toute connaissance de cause.
