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Curation Becomes Social: Pearltrees Launches 'Team' Version

Curation Becomes Social: Pearltrees Launches 'Team' Version
Posted by Tom Foremski - December 7, 2010 [For much of this year I have been working with Pearltrees, which offers a visual web site curation service based on the visual metaphor of 'pearls' please see below for an example.] Pearltrees this week launched a "Team" version of its curation service that allows groups of people to collaborate on curating a topic. Up until now each Pearltree was the responsibility of one person. Alexia Tsotsis at Techcrunch reported: Ideally this goes down as such: You really care about fashion so you search for fashion in the Pearltrees search box and are confronted with really elaborate visual cluster displays of fashion blogs, each blog its own “pearl.” Pearltrees is part of a growing number of companies that offer curation services. In addition, pre-fetching of web site content means that it is possible to browse a Pearltree faster than surfing from site to site. A reporter, for example, could grab that media kit Pearltree and use it in preparing a report.

#LeWeb : l'Asie, sa vie numérique, ses milliards On s'est gentiment moqué, hier, sur Twitter, du biais anglosaxon de LeWeb, conduisant 2 Français à se parler en anglais. Mais en réalité la conférence de Loïc Le Meur est loin de faire du "valley-centrisme", et a eu l'excellente idée de convoquer ce matin une table ronde sur "l'Asie : vie numérique, vrai milliards". Un sujet qui fait écho à nos interrogations en série ici bas, sur le "web demain qui sera oriental, ou pas". Participent : Naoki Aoyaki, Senior Vice President, Business Development CFO de GREE (réseau social mobile au Japon, 20 millions d'utilisateurs, va atteindre 500-600 millions de dollars de CA cette année et valorisé 3 milliards de dollars à la Bourse) ;Takuya Miyata, Senior Vice President, Global Business de mixi (pionnier du réseau social au Japon, 20 millions d'utilisateurs, Web et mobile, premier au monde à avoir une plateforme mobile, vaut près de 1 milliards de dollars en Bourse). Takuya Miyata : "Nous mettons l'accès sur les contenus.

LittleBigPlanet LittleBigPlanet, commonly abbreviated LBP,[1] is a puzzle platform video game series created by Media Molecule and published by Sony Computer Entertainment on multiple PlayStation platforms. The series follows the adventures of Sackboy and has a large emphasis on gameplay rather than being story-driven. All of the games in the series put a strong emphasis on user-generated content and are based on the series' tagline "Play, Create, Share". The tagline represents the three core elements of the series; Playing alone or with others online or on the same console, creating new content using the in-game creation tools and sharing creations and discoveries online with other players.[2] Tarsier Studios, Fireproof Studios and Supermassive Games also contribute to the development of the PlayStation 3 games, creating in-game assets including costumes, backgrounds and stickers.[3] Gameplay[edit] The core mechanics of the series revolve around its tagline "Play, Create, Share". Play[edit] Create[edit]

Conversation Agent Facebook: We Spend More Time and Resources Thinking About Privacy Than Any Other Company in the World During his keynote interview TechCrunch's editor Michael Arrington at LeWeb10 in Paris this morning, Facebook's director for the company's developer network Ethan Beard noted that "no other company in the world currently spends us much time and resources on privacy as Facebook." He also categorically denied the existence of a Facebook phone. No Facebook Phone Asked about the mythical Facebook phone, Beard noted that he could categorically deny that it exists. Instead, Facebook is more interested in working with partners to integrate Facebook into other phones and platforms. Windows Phone 7, being a phone that features a deep integration with Facebook, is a viable platform, according to Beard, though Microsoft's own Charlie Kindel refused to provide the LeWeb audience with exact sales numbers earlier today. Privacy Asked about the public perception of Facebook as an "evil" company that often disrespects its users privacy, Beard noted that Facebook wants to give its users control.

Trolls Pounce on Facebook?s Tahrir Square | Danger Room Cairo’s Tahrir Square is a war zone, thanks to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s goon squad. But the crackdown isn’t limited to physical spaces where the protest movement congregates. Ever since Mubarak restored internet service on Wednesday, the most important dissident Facebook page has seen a curious flood of pro-regime Wall posts, sowing disinformation. Some of the new up-with-Mubarak commentary at the Facebook page We Are All Khalid Said is classic concern-trolling: people wringing their hands over how Egypt’s dictator deserves better than calls for his downfall. Some is pure abuse, questioning the loyalties of the page’s administrator. And some are blatant attempts to disrupt the protests by claiming upcoming rallies have been canceled. It’s hard not to see the trolling as part of a larger effort by Mubarak’s allies to win the propaganda battle surrounding Egypt’s unrest. A sampling of pro-Mubarak posts on Thursday: “I’m sad that I was one of you,” Tamir Said hissed. See Also:

Social networking sites are a 'modern form of madness' The way in which people frantically communicate online via social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook can be seen as a modern form of madness, according to the leading sociologist. Sherry Turkle, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, writes in her new book, Alone Together: “A behaviour that has become typical may still express the problems that once caused us to see it as pathological.” She explains that people are become isolated from reality due to such social networking sites because technology is dominating our lives and making us "less human". Under the illusion of allowing us to communicate better, technology is actually isolating us from real human interactions in a cyber-reality that is a poor imitation of the real world, she suggests. “We have invented inspiring and enhancing technologies, yet we have allowed them to diminish us,” she writes.

Twitter: We Need to Create a Better Consumption Experience for Our Users Jason Goldman, Twitter's vice president of product, just joined TechCrunch's MG Siegler on stage at this year's LeWeb in Paris. During this interview, he noted that Twitter will ramp up its integration with third-party apps in the near future and roll out more partnerships shortly. Asked about Twitter's product plans for the future, Goldman noted that he hopes that Twitter can improve the content consumption experience for its users. Podcamp Western MA 3 Ways to Capitalize on the Opportunity Economy Social media isn’t all about planned campaigns and editorial calendars. In some cases, the best way to make an impact – to win the hearts and minds of customers and prospects – is by being timely, hyper-relevant, and individualized. This is contextually appropriate, just-in-time marketing where you find a chance to engage authentically, and you take it. This is the Opportunity Economy, and social media lets you tap into it like never before. There are 3 primary ways you can capitalize on the Opportunity Economy: 1. Jay was in downtown Flagstaff, Arizona, and used Foursquare to check in at a local restaurant. Imagine owning a restaurant and then sending a staff member to the adjacent restaurant, where he or she would stand in the bar area and offer coupons to patrons. 2. Flint Communication is a full-service advertising agency based in Fargo, North Dakota. A quick check of Yahoo! 3. “Does anyone know any Volleyball camp or clubs available during summer?” image credit: GioPhotos 3buffer

Nissan Wants to Make the Car Modern Again Carlos Ghosn, the CEO of automobile giants Renault and Nissan, says that the automobile industry has failed for decades to innovate, but that the electric car is the breakthrough that will bring the motor vehicle into the modern age. During his keynote at the LeWeb conference in Paris, Ghosn explained that "cars have stopped being perceived as symbols of modernity." He stated that automobiles rank 17th in interest in Japan, easily beaten by cellphones, computers and video games. The reason for this, he says, is due to the auto industry's choice to focus on optimization over innovation. Optimization is all about reducing risk, while innovation is about increasing it in order to achieve the breakthrough that will push a business to the next level. And while the automobile has stagnated, the world has dramatically changed. That's why he's placing a big bet on the electric car.

We are exploring possibilities with the Team approach. It's exciting to watch the Pearltree being organised in real time by another member of the team. It's intimate! by pauljacobson Dec 9
