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Curation Becomes Social: Pearltrees Launches 'Team' Version

Curation Becomes Social: Pearltrees Launches 'Team' Version
Posted by Tom Foremski - December 7, 2010 [For much of this year I have been working with Pearltrees, which offers a visual web site curation service based on the visual metaphor of 'pearls' please see below for an example.] Pearltrees this week launched a "Team" version of its curation service that allows groups of people to collaborate on curating a topic. Up until now each Pearltree was the responsibility of one person. Alexia Tsotsis at Techcrunch reported: Ideally this goes down as such: You really care about fashion so you search for fashion in the Pearltrees search box and are confronted with really elaborate visual cluster displays of fashion blogs, each blog its own “pearl.” Pearltrees is part of a growing number of companies that offer curation services. In addition, pre-fetching of web site content means that it is possible to browse a Pearltree faster than surfing from site to site. A reporter, for example, could grab that media kit Pearltree and use it in preparing a report.

Pearltrees Reaching 10 Million Page Views-Will Introduce Private Curation “Soon” Pearltrees Dives Into Social Curating With Pearltrees Team Content curation and mapping service Pearltrees has decided to focus on the fact that people want to do things in groups and has as of today upgraded its core product with a groups functionality, called Pearltrees Team. Now accesible just by logging in, Pearltrees Team allows you to hook up with other people in order to create a Pearltree collaboratively in realtime. Ideally this goes down as such: You really care about fashion so you search for fashion in the Pearltrees search box and are confronted with really elaborate visual cluster displays of fashion blogs, each blog its own “pearl.” You decide that anyone who likes The Sartorialist is probably a good egg and click on the puzzle piece in the Pearltrees detail window in order to ask if you can join the team. If the team leader accepts, you then can see all the Pearltree curation happening as it happens as well as as comment on individual Pearltree decisions. You can also share your team curation easily via Facebook and Twitter.

Pearltrees, the Social Curation Tool | Virtual Simplicity If there is one thing I like about koozies, that is their ability to become a unique and personalized gift. Regardless of where you will be handing them out, a koozie can be ideal memento for any occasion, whether it be for a get-together, corporate party, fundraiser, or a sports celebration. A koozie is a highly functional and innovative product recognized for its many uses. Koozies at can embellished with a design of your own choosing. You will be given the opportunity to select the design that you want to be printed on the koozies. Personalized koozies are excellent souvenirs that can be handed out to guests to honor and perpetuate any occasion (i.e. reunion, weddings, birthdays, or other special events). Handing out custom imprinted items will surely be appreciated by your guests since they have a more personal feel to them. Read More

Comment animer une communauté d’utilisateurs par Pierre-Etienne Daviet, community manager de Pearltrees « Les membres satisfaits sont les premiers évangélistes d’un produit » Dans l’ère du Web social, une marque ne peut se satisfaire d’un site d’information : elle doit aller vers les clients et faire avec les clients. Mais la multiplication des plates formes et l’état « zapping » ou « béta » des internautes complexifient les tâches du Community Management. Cette difficulté s’accentue lorsque votre produit est un service totalement innovant (rupture totale avec des habitudes). Comprendre l’environnement du Community Manager Un petit descriptif de Peartrees s’impose pour comprendre la mission de Pierre-Etienne Daviet, le Community Manager ! Pearltrees est une Start-up française fondée par Patrice Lamothe qui vous propose une toute autre manière de naviguer sur le Web à partir de vos liens favoris (articles, photos, vidéos, etc.). Quatre effets marquants: Testez cette perle Double clic puis « suivant » Bonjour Pierre-Etienne Daviet Pierre-Etienne Daviet FB: Tu es le Community Manager de Pearltrees.

pearltrees, socializing and curating content on the web | Smart Data Collective Content of any type is not useful unless you can find it, organize it and interact with it. In the enterprise companies have tried many different schemes to try and get business content collected in a central repository, organized, tagged, version controlled, and searchable. This has often taken the route of "content management" systems. Content management systems to varying degrees, do an adequate job of getting some content into a controlled system environment. Curation of content is a concept that is gaining momentum across various media types online. I had the pleasure this week of chatting with Patrice Lamothe, CEO of French startup pearltrees and since that meeting joining and using the pearltrees system. The concept is fairly simple really. Overall I'm starting to think that pearltrees is useful and that curation or socialization of content has a lot of application in the enterprise.

Hottest Stealth Startups [Graphic] Rumors of “the death of stealth mode” have been greatly exaggerated. Ever since angel investor Chris Dixon tweeted, “New early-stage start up trend: get big quietly, so you don’t tip off potential competitors” back in March you can’t grab a coffee at The Creamery without hearing a “We’re in stealth mode” come out some neophyte founder’s mouth. Multiple startups I have contacted for coverage have uttered the dreaded epithet and declined press despite a growing userbase. I’ve spoken to a handful of VCs who hold that it’s getting increasingly difficult to announce funding or undertake any sort of publicity for the nascent companies they’re involved with. Perhaps the most absurd thing about the state of stealth mode is that many of these under-the-radar companies still manage to be over-hyped (!).

Pearltrees brings curation to next level, adds Team feature As the Internet grows, finding content that's relevant to you becomes tougher. Sure, there's your basic Web search and then there's aggregation, similar to what Google and Yahoo do with news headlines. But another form of information discovery is starting to gain some momentum: curation. Just about a year ago, I wrote a post about a French company called Pearltrees, which was just launching a service that was best described as bookmarking, but with a social twist. The idea is simple, really. When I come across something on the Web that interests me, I "bookmark" it in Pearltrees. Today, at the LeWeb conference in Paris, the company is launching Pearltrees Team, a collaboration tool that takes the curation concept and brings it to a group that may be working together on a common topic - something as critical as medical professionals gathering information on a specific disease to something fun like collecting information about local restaurants or attractions for an upcoming conference.

l'organisation d'une bibliothèque ouverte Pearltrees est un outil visuel très sophistiqué mais gratuit d'édition (voire de curation) permettant d'organiser des contenus en grappes de données, selon une thématique particulière. Ces grappes de données, appelées des perles, viennent à former un arbre (la thématique) d'où le nom "arbres de perles" ou Pearltrees. Le curateur de contenus est un éditeur qui cherche, filtre, organise et présente des informations selon des attentes et des contextes particuliers. (Si vous n'êtes pas encore familier avec ce terme, voir mon billet à ce sujet ici). La curation de contenus vise d'abord des objectifs qualitatifs, stratégiques et sociaux. Pearltrees permet ce traitement particulier de l'information. Pour voir de quoi il s'agit, voici mes perles organisées selon une des mes thématiques favorites intitulée: Curateur de contenu. On remarque à droite de l'écran mes 16 perles reliées à l'affaire Wikileaks (j'ai pu en ajouter d'autres depuis...). Voici un exemple de notification de prise de perle.

The Curation Buzz... And PearlTrees Posted by Tom Foremski - April 12, 2010 My buddy Dave Galbraith is the first person I remember to first start talking about curation and the Internet, several years ago. He even named his company Curations, and created a tool/site for curation: Wists. And his site SmashingTelly - is great example of curation, a hand-picked collection of great videos. Today, much is written about curation and the Internet but it all seems mostly talk because we don't really have the tools we need. Robert Scoble writes about The Seven Needs of Real-Time Curators "... who does curation? Reading Robert Scoble's post on curation, it almost seemed as if he were describing PearlTrees, a company I've recently been working with in an advisory role, when he talks about "info atoms and molecules." ...what are info atoms? PearlTrees is very similar, it's a curation tool that uses "pearls" as a visual metaphor for a web site, a Twitter post, an image, or a video. More to come... Tweet this story Follow @tomforemski

Buzzing with Social Curation Tools! Today, we are all facing information overload, and it is often difficult to find what we are looking for, especially if we are looking for updated collections of resources to support a topic, issue or idea. Major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo don't exactly do a great job in assisting either, which might also be partially due to the growing influence and spam of 'Search Engine Optimization (SEO)' gurus, engines and companies. It is amazing how much spam comments I get on this blog alone (10 - 20 spam comments a day!), thanks to SEO strategies. As Yahoo is trying hard to kill (sell) off Delicious gently, it is perhaps time to find and explore other alternatives to sort out my management of juicy learning resources and discoveries (URLs). While the buzz word of 2010 was 'Social Media', don't be surprised if 'Curation' or 'Social Curation' (attempted definitions) will be the buzz word for 2011 (signs). WOW! Easy-to-Use Drag-and-drop and please minimize the clicks and loads...

We are exploring possibilities with the Team approach. It's exciting to watch the Pearltree being organised in real time by another member of the team. It's intimate! by pauljacobson Dec 9
