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Susan Cain: The power of introverts

Susan Cain: The power of introverts

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33 Digital Tools for Advancing Formative Assessment in the Classroom I came across a great blog post the other day – Formative Assessments Are Easier Than You Think – that told the firsthand account of a teacher, Steven Anderson, who implemented formative assessment in his classroom. He used a sticky-note version of an exit ticket to elicit evidence of student learning and in his words, “what a difference that made.” Formative assessment is ‘easier than you think’ and with all the digital tools and apps now available for mobile devices it’s even easier.

Teambuilding Övningar - 16 Toppenövningar För en Stark Gruppkänsla I den här teambuilding övningen, där kreativiteten verkligen sätts på prov, ska gruppmedlemmarna klistra ihop ord och skapa sina egna tidningsrubriker om hur de tror att företaget kommer att utvecklas under de närmsta månaderna. (Det går givetvis bra att komma på något annat relevant ämne, som rör företaget eller arbetssituationen.) Gör så här: Dela ut en hög med tidningar, papper, sax och klister till gruppmedlemmarna. The Best 8 Web Tools for Doing Formative Assessment in Class February 25, 2015 Formative assessment, as we have agreed elsewhere, is assessment for learning which is completely different from summative assessment, which is assessment of learning. The insights gained from formative assessments are usually used to decide on the next instructional steps and also inform teachers as to the additional opportunities needed to ensure students' success. Examples of formative assessment include: assigning projects and performances, giving writing assignments, and asking questions. There are a variety of ways to do formative assessment in class and this post features some interesting examples of formative assessment techniques. You can also draw on technology to formatively assess your students and gather feedback from them. Here are some of the best web tools to use for in-class formative assessment, for more tools you can check this page.

Lektionsupplägg 2: Civilkurage - Om att våga agera a) Heta stolen Gör en heta stolen-övning på temat civilkurage (se arbetsmaterial) b) Vad har de gemensamt? Seven Tech Tools for Fast Formative Assessment by Curtis Chandler You and I would be hard-pressed to find a teacher who’s against formative assessment. We would have better luck finding someone who hates whales or pizza. 'Show us that you care': a student's view on what makes a perfect teacher The perfect teacher. In Ofsted’s eyes, that probably means exemplary lesson plans and 30 immaculately marked books with targets for improvement. But, as a 16-year-old, I’m not sure I agree.

20 useful ways to use TodaysMeet in schools TodaysMeet is an easy-to-use, versatile digital tool. It can enhance discussions, provide a place for ideas and more. TodaysMeet is so simple yet so versatile that it has become one of my go-to digital tools. It’s designed as a backchannel — the conversation behind what’s going on. TodaysMeet creates personal chat room that you can set up and invite people to. Värdegrundskalender 50 olika sätt att redovisa en bok Jag hittade ett gammalt papper hemma bland mina gamla skolböcker. Det var en lista som vi fick från vår svenska lärare när jag gick i grundskolan. Det var någon gång under 90-talet men det går fortfarande att använda dessa idéer till redovisningar, så nu delar jag med mig av listan till er. Uppträd som en av personerna i boken - berätta om dig själv och din roll i berättelsen.Gör en intervju med en av personerna i boken.Spela upp en scen ur boken.Gör en beskrivning av en av personerna, muntligt eller skriftligt. Vill du ha fler tips på hur man kan redovisa en bok?

10 TED Talks Perfect For the eLearning Industry Does eLearning kill creativity? Bring on the eLearning revolution! What do you believe about open-source learning? What eLearning developers can learn from kids? Would you teach at the 100,000 student classroom? What have you learned from online education? 100 Incredible Lectures from the World's Top Scientists Posted on Thursday June 18, 2009 by Staff Writers By Sarah Russel Unless you’re enrolled at one of the best online colleges or are an elite member of the science and engineering inner circle, you’re probably left out of most of the exciting research explored by the world’s greatest scientists.
