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Folded origami decoration // Accordion folding

Folded origami decoration // Accordion folding
I finally got around to finishing these origami decorations. I’m really pleased with the way they turned out. I’ve started stringing them on to some fairy lights but they would look just as great as Christmas tree decorations. They are surprisingly sturdy too! If you want to have a go then you will find the how-to after the jump. As I said in my previous post if you want to explore more of these folding techniques then you can buy a fantastic book called ‘Folding Techniques for Designers‘ by Paul Jackson. + A4 Paper + Scissors + Ruler + Needle (for scoring) + Double sided tape/glue (I used loctite all purpose glue) + Printable templates (all files are at the bottom of the post) HOW TO MAKE MODEL A (Orange & bright-blue decoration) – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 1. 2. 3. 4 & 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. HOW TO MAKE MODEL B (All except for the bright-blue and orange decoration) – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 1. 2. 3. 4.

La Peinture qui Change Tout | Une table basse colorée avec des palettes Inutile de courir dans tous les magasins de décoration pour trouver la table basse parfaite pour votre salon. En effet, en récupérant une vieille palette vous pourrez créer une table vraiment unique. Pour se faire, vous aurez besoin, d’une palette de récupération, de quelques planches en bois, de 4 roulettes, et de quelques bombes de peinture de couleurs différentes. En pratique : Commencez par nettoyer votre palette et poncez-la avec du papier de verre. Dépoussiérez-la correctement et appliquez deux couches de vernis bois incolore en aérosol. Découpez ensuite vos planches de bois aux dimensions de votre palette et appliquez deux à trois couches de peinture aérosol. Vissez-les à la palette et fixez vos quatre roulettes sous votre nouvelle table basse ! Produits : Peinture aérosol Excellence Decor Vernis bois incolore

DIY geometrische windlichtjes van papier Gevouwen ontwerpen zien we de laatste tijd steeds vaker. Denk aan de Nederlandse Pepe Heykoop met zijn Paper Vase en een soortgelijk ontwerp van Studio Snug uit Duitsland. Ook in meubels en accessoires zie je deze geometrische vormen veel terug. Blogger Stephanie van de blog Stylingfieber maakte speciaal voor DaWanda deze windlichtjes. Nodig:- Een aantal dikke vellen papier in A4-formaat - Een schaar en lijm - Een klein glazen theelicht houdertje Let op! TIP: Je kunt ook aquarelpapier gebruiken om de windlichtjes mee te vouwen en deze een dip-dye kleur geven zoals je hier ziet. Stap 1Op de onderstaande afbeelding zie je hoe het patroon eruit komt te zien. Stap 2Vouw vervolgens het grote vlak precies in het midden. Stap 3Nu vouw je de onderste lange zijde en je bepaalt daarmee de hoogte van het lichtje. Stap 4Knip de hoeken van het windlichtje in op de aangegeven stippellijnen. Stap 5Als laatste duw je met lichte druk de vier gecentreerde verticale randen iets naar binnen.

Hanging Mason Jar Planter Chilly Sunday Greetings Everyone! I’m sitting here in my very cold living room wondering why if the temperature outside is 31 degrees there is no heat coming out of my radiator. Burrr!! So as you might be able to tell, my thoughts have been very much on Spring recently and as I mentioned in my previous Plant Pods post, I have been a bit obsessed with succulents. If I haven’t mentioned it before, I LOVE succulents. Partly, they are the only thing I am able to successfully keep alive on my dimly lit window sill, and partly I think there is something about the different shapes of their leaves that really appeals to the architect in me. The original blog post that I found via Pinterest had a series of 4 mason jars attached to a longer board that they were using for bathroom storage. I learned a lot in the process of making these two little planters. First before anything else you need to address how you are going to hang your piece on the wall. And with that you are pretty much finished!

How to make easy paint chip wall art | How About Orange If your apartment needs some decorating, you can't draw, and you're broke, consider chopping up paint chips. These are Glidden swatches from Home Depot made into a simple triangle pattern. I put it inside a mat and frame I already had, and it looks fairly respectable. Put anything inside a mat and frame and it will look respectable. Heck, you could frame a crumpled-up Kleenex and somebody will assume it's a very special piece of modern art. To make this fancy paint chip art, cut swatches into triangles. I laid the shapes out in an arrangement I liked, then transferred them one by one to a sheet of paper cut to the size I needed. Trim off any overhanging triangles, put it under glass, and you're done.

you knew i was going to make one. they are all over pinterest....(i still am not signed up for pinterest because i don't have time for one more thing but browsing is fun!) so we made one. i took a box of 64 crayons and took out the blacks and browns.i used another small box and doubled up on the good colors i liked and hot glued them to the top of our canvas. then we turned our blow dryer to hot on high. not long after you set the hair dryer by the crayons they get shiny and then the wax starts to melt! and it dries really quickly too. seriously. what could be happier than this?? GREAT project. loved it today is the first FULL day with ALL my kids in ALL day school.yeah...i am smiling as i type that. it's good. it's quiet. i am rockin' it. removing wallpaper.....making code for craft weekend stuff.....doing my hair....going to lunch..... it's all good. hooray for school!

DIY: Pixel Painting October 5th, 2011 The other day while editing some of my Iceland photos I accidentally scaled a photo down to 15 pixels wide instead of 1500 pixels wide, and I liked what I saw. Just a few blocks of color were able to maintain the mood of the photograph even though the details were completely lost. Before I knew it I was getting out my watercolors. This project is simple, but if you hate tedium you might want to skip it. I gravitate toward time consuming, monotonous tasks (especially when they provide a beautiful end result), so I thoroughly enjoyed the process. You’ll need: digital photographphoto editing software basic math skillsrulerpencilwatercolor papersquare tip watercolor paintbrushwatercolors How to: First, open the photo you want to work with in Photoshop (or your preferred photo editing program). This is where you need your math skills. Grab your paints and paint brush. After a few hours of painting squares your eyes might start to cross, but don’t stop! What do you think?

DIY Project: 3D Cube Painted Wall by Donna Yu We had a blast sifting through all the submissions from our recent DIY contest, and we were so glad to see that you, like us, were impressed by the wealth of creative ideas. In the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing full tutorials for some of the finalist projects, and we thought it would be appropriate to start with our top winner! This painted 3D cube design is so amazing — I honesty love it more than any geometric wallpaper I’ve seen, and it’s awesome that with a little patience and precision, you can achieve a whole room of this for merely the cost of paint and tape. Read the full how-to for the first-prize winning project after the jump . . . Materials painter’s tape (I recommend using one thick version for the borders and a thin version for the design.)graph paper or regular papercolored pencils and regular pencilacrylic or latex house paintpaintbrush (I used a 1″ paintbrush to line the edge and then used a small roller brush to fill in the rest)X-Acto or craft kniferuler Instructions

DIY: Geometrisk vegg i vårens farger - LADY Inspirasjonsblogg Før og etter, geometrisk vegg i vårens farger Aller først: Riktig godt nytt år! Med nytt år får jeg som oftest et stort behov for fornying, og i år har jeg virkelig svingt meg med malerkosten! Geometriske former og mønstre er en stor trend som vi tar med oss videre inn i 2013, og trekanter, sekskanter og harlekinruter skaper enkle og rene blikkfang både på små detaljer og på større flater. Veggen min måtte aller først bli ny. Vi laget en grundig skisse på hvordan vi ville fordele trekantene på veggen, og brukte målebånd for å sette punkter som i et koordinatsystem på veggen, for å vite hvor vi skulle sette maskeringstapen. Døren er nærmest kamuflert i veggen, noe jeg synes er en fin effekt skapt med maling. Fargekoder som er brukt i prosjektet (hele veggen er malt med Lady Pure Color Supermatt): Petrolfargen: 6084 Sjøsmaragd. Utstyr som er kjekt å ha før du starter: • Pensel og rulle (Jordans ”Ultimate” serie er helt klart ultimat! • Maskeringstape. Se andre DIY prosjekter her.
