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Adam Sicinski (IQ MAtrix)

Adam Sicinski (IQ MAtrix)

Liam Hughes (BiggerPlate) Mappingrama 5 juegos online para poner a prueba el cerebro En esta selección de juegos que les presentamos vamos a poder evaluar algunas de las distintas funciones que tiene nuestro cerebro. Hemos elegido un juego distinto según la función. Recuerden que más allá de lo difícil que les pueda resultar alguno en particular, la mejor forma de mantener el cerebro activo es intentar resolver los distintos puzzles y problemas que plantean estos juegos. Multitarea ¿Cuántas actividades podés hacer al mismo tiempo? Enlace: Multitask Lógica Ray es un juego de lógica muy simple de entender. Enlace: Ray Memoria Memory School es un juego de memoria, pero de memoria en serio. Enlace: Memory School Velocidad mental Cálculo Mental es un juego muy simple donde debemos resolver cuentas matemáticas mentalmente. Enlace: Cálculo Mental Percepción espacial Briker 2 combina un poco de lógica con percepción espacial. Enlace: Briker 2 Por: Alejandro De Luca Soy un estudiante de Sistemas de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Jamie Nast (idea Mapping) I am honored to be feature in the April 2014 edition of the Using Mind Maps Magazine. This magazine’s first edition debuted May of 2013. You can view this magazine on the iPad or iPhone along with the back issues. The article I wrote tells the story of of my Mind Mapping/Idea Mapping journey. Bookmark us! If you like this then please subscribe to the RSS Feed. March 20, 2014 was the first Biggerplate Unplugged event held in the USA in San Francisco. Here is a brief description of these photos from top-down. There were over 80 people in attendance at the Biggerplate event. The next Biggerplate event will be a 3-hour training session in Paris on May 5, 2014. March 20, 2014 was the first Biggerplate Unplugged event held in the USA in San Francisco. This day was a great opportunity to meet new friends and re-acquaint with old. In the next post I’ll share photos from the actual event! Meet Lindsey Cranfield. I’ve been contributing monthly article to the Using Mind Maps Magazine. LOOK OUT!

mastermindmaps | Mindmaps applied to all kinds of business areas and art National Geographic Photo Contest 2011 - Alan Taylor National Geographic is currently holding its annual photo contest, with the deadline for submissions coming up on November 30. For the past nine weeks, the society has been gathering and presenting galleries of submissions, encouraging readers to vote for them as well. National Geographic was kind enough to let me choose among its entries from 2011 for display here on In Focus. Use j/k keys or ←/→ to navigate Choose: Many people pilgrimage to Uluru, but what is seen there often depends on where you've come from. Eruption of the Cordon del Caulle. Beluga whales in the arctic having fun. This is a streetcar in New Orleans traveling back towards The Quarter on St. This image captures almost 6 hours of climbing parties on Rainier going for the summit under starry skies. Russia, polar region of West Siberia, Tazovsky Peninsula. An adult male gelada rests in the early morning light after ascending the steep sleeping cliffs of the Simien Mountains, Ethiopia. This place is very special to me.

Alberto Martinez (MindMapping Everywhere) Blog Signos | Management et pédagogie visuel A l'inverse de la communication publicitaire et/ou institutionnelle, qui elles, doivent séduire et faire vendre, la communication pédagogique a pour objectif d'impacter le cerveau pour lui permettre de comprendre, mémoriser et apprendre l'information plus aisément. C'est une aide à la compréhension visuelle qui permet d'ingérer plus de données et qui, sur le long terme, facilite la compréhension et la mémorisation du message. Pas besoin d'être formateur, professeur, ou enseignant pour avoir ce type d'objectif. Tout manager se "bat" au quotidien pour faire passer des messages significatifs, motiver par des discours impactant, poser des enjeux ou des problématiques clairement. Loi de Miller : 7 informations +/- 2 Miller, un psychologue cognitif, dit que le nombre d'information que notre mémoire de travail peut retenir est de 7 informations plus ou moins 2. Et concrètement, comment fait-on ? Pour plus d’exemples de nos réalisations, vous pouvez visiter le site de Signos Communication.

How To Train Yourself to Speed Read Steve Rothwell (Peace of Mind) Mind Mapping et Cie pour manager de 180° à 360° Gideon King (NovaMind) Advantages of Market Research Articles Click to enlarge Click to download this Mind Map document. Starting up a business without performing some type of market research beforehand, can prove disastrous. Many entrepreneurs spend more time and effort on the actual act of marketing what they think the market wants that they fail to find out what the market really wants. […] Read the full article → Resume Tips to Remember Click to enlarge Click to download this Mind Map document. Read the full article →

Cartographier ses idées ( mind mapping ) & Productivité
