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France becomes 64th country to join the Open Government Partnership For immediate release France becomes 64th country to join the Open Government Partnership Paris – At the Paris Conference on Open Data and Open Government, Minister Marylise Lebranchu today announced that France is to join the Open Government Partnership (OGP). France becomes the 64th country to join OGP, which now represents over 2 billion people around the world. This milestone now means that all G7 countries, except Germany and Japan, are part of OGP. France joins OGP ahead of the European Regional Meeting in Dublin (8-9 May) where over 30 countries will attend to share innovation and best practice on open government. France joining OGP will help make the case for other Francophone countries, including in Africa, to join too. Marylise Lebranchu, Ministre de de la Décentralisation, de la Réforme de l'Etat et de la Fonction Publique, France, said: "France is joining the Open Government Partnership with great determination. Minister Kuntoro, Government co-chair of OGP said: - Ends - 1. 2.

'+windowtitle+' News Dust off those Bic ballpoints and college-ruled notebooks — research shows that taking notes by hand is better than taking notes on a laptop for remembering conceptual information over the long term. The findings are published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. Walk into any university lecture hall and you’re likely to see row upon row of students sitting behind glowing laptop screens. Laptops in class have been controversial, due mostly to the many opportunities for distraction that they provide (online shopping, browsing Reddit, or playing solitaire, just to name a few). But few studies have examined how effective laptops are for the students who diligently take notes. “Our new findings suggest that even when laptops are used as intended — and not for buying things on Amazon during class — they may still be harming academic performance,” says psychological scientist Pam Mueller of Princeton University, lead author of the study.

Charles Vest, Former MIT President, Dies at 72 – The Ticker - Blogs Charles M. Vest, who served as president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1990 to 2004, died on Thursday. He was 72. The university said the cause of Mr. Vest’s death was pancreatic cancer. Mr. Mr. Return to Top Associatie K.U.Leuven - Open Courseware - Student Mobility <span class='warningjs'>Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters.</span> This user survey is part of the European project "OpenCourseWare in the European Higher Education context: How to make use of its full potential for Virtual Mobility". It takes 15 minutes to complete this survey. The results of this survey will be used and reported by the members of the European project "OpenCourseWare in the European Higher Education context: How to make use of its full potential for Virtual Mobility". Complete this survey and win a $15 gift card at Amazon! At the end of the survey you have the opportunity to fill in your email address. Please note that your responses to the survey will still be anonymous.

Open Education, OpenCourseWare and Student Mobility - OpenCourseWare Europe Posted on 28/05/13 Tags: opencourseware , open education , wp3 , survey , student mobility Do the OCW EU Student Mobility survey! OpenCourseWare has had a profound influence on the way students learn, by making high-quality learning materials available through popular search engines. It has meant, e.g. that students can compare their course with the one from MIT on the same subject, but also, that they can often explore beforehand how a particular university engages a subject, stimulating student exchange. With this survey, we want to explore how students perceive Open Education in relation to student mobility. How well do you know Open Education and its many forms, such as OpenCourseWare, MOOC’s, OER etc., ? We also want you to take a look at different scenarios that we have identified where OpenCourseWare can play a role in student mobility. And of course, we want to hear from you, your experiences and opinion. We kindly ask you to take 15 minutes of time to complete the survey.

Des pépites du cinéma à télécharger gratuitement et... légalement - Multimédia Près de 5000 films tombés dans le domaine public sont en téléchargement sur le site Une alternative à Megaupload, pour regarder en toute conscience des chefs-d'oeuvre du cinéma. Constituer une gigantesque bibliothèque numérique mondiale qui répertorie tous les films, images, musiques, qui appartiennent au domaine public, c'est l'objet de l'Internet Archive (IA). Une nouvelle Alexandrie, encore plus grande, plus ambitieuse et, car elle a tiré des leçons de l'histoire, déclinée en double au cas où une catastrophe devait advenir. Dans cette gigantesque collection, on retrouve plus de 87 milliards de versions archivées (snapshots) du World Wide Web, plus de 500.000 vidéos, 1.000.000 d'enregistrements audio, dont 92.000 de concerts, 3.000.000 de livres et 36.000 logiciels. En comparaison, les serveurs de Megaupload stockaient près de 25 pétabytes de données. Pour les cinéphiles, c'est une véritable caverne d'Ali Baba. Valentine François (stg) 1) Love Affair (Leo McCarey, 1938)

Open as in door or open as in heart? #mooc A note on the end of Steve Carson’s post about MOOCs and the liberal arts prompted a brief conversation about the two different meanings of “MOOC” with Brandon Muramatsu. Steve’s original post drew (based on his conversation with Brandon) a distinction between the Edx/Coursera/Udacity “MOOCs” and the Change11/ds106/wileyMOOC “MOOCs” – he suggested using MOCs as a description of the former (as they are not, in the strictest sense, open). But Brandon felt, on reflection, that the real distinction concerned how massive the courses were. As a primer for those of you who read this but don’t live it (you lucky people!) MOOC stands for “Massively Open Online Course”, basically a big global chunk of online learning that doesn’t cost you (the learner) any money. It’s the big noise in university-level education as it’s got that game-changing disruptive innovation feel about it right now. So – for your first version above you could see something like: Some courses are open as in door. (Un)related

How Should Your University Respond to edX? The first thing we should all do is encourage discussion about edX. This is big, important,and exciting news. Faculty get excited about ideas, and the edX announcement contained some great ones. Connecting massively online open education to research into effective pedagogy and use of digital technology for all learners (including face-to-face and blended) is very exciting. The press release notes that: "MIT and Harvard will use the jointly operated edX platform to research how students learn and how technologies can facilitate effective teaching both on-campus and online. So edX is a terrific opportunity to engage the campus community in a discussion what comes next in higher ed, and how we can leverage the affordances of a digital, networked world in our strategic planning. The second thing we do is refrain from all of us jumping on the MOOC / edX bandwagon. The question we all need to ask ourselves are: Any investment should be judged on the impact against all three of these goals.

OER UCT Project | Centre for Educational Technology The OER UCT project, currently run in the Centre for Educational Technology at UCT with the support of the Shuttleworth Foundation, aims to showcase the teaching efforts of UCT academics by encouraging the publication of resources as OER. Offering new visibility for teaching materials and global individual profiling on international OER sites, a directory listing the UCT Collection of OER went live in February 2010. We'd like your resources to be included here, so join the global move to share, remix, improve and redistribute your teaching resources. What is OER? The term 'open educational resources' (OER) was first adopted at the UNESCO 2002 Conference on Open Courseware for Higher Education in Developing Countries and is now commonly used to refer to an Internet-driven worldwide community effort through which educational resources can be accessed free of charge across the globe. Benefits of OER UCT and the Cape Town Open Education Declaration Useful OER contacts Sourcing OER

FormaVia De la physique - La première fiction pédagogique Maintenant, vous savez comment trouver des étudiants pour donner des cours particuliers à la maison . Votre agenda est chargé, vous donnez régulièrement des cours à des personnes de différents niveaux (du primaire à la 2e année de Bachiller), pour passer différents examens ou vous préparer à accéder à certaines études. Le problème est que vous devez vous déplacer et les déplacements pour vos cours hebdomadaires vont vous faire perdre du temps et de l’argent. Vos élèves seront trop loin pour continuer les cours à la maison. Vous devrez leur proposer d’aller voir un autre tuteur … Sinon, vous pouvez leur apprendre à distance! Peu importe le sujet que vous abordez: cours de mathématiques, physique et chimie, langues, anglais, français, musique … il est tout à fait possible de les donner via la webcam! Comment C’est ce que nous allons voir dans cet article et à la fin, en plus des cours à la maison, vous pouvez vous lancer pour donner des tutoriels par webcam pour élargir votre clientèle.

About Us – OpenStudy – Make the World Your Study Group OpenStudy is study help 2.0. Everyone needs study help but it has to be just right—online, immediate, even late at night. We make this possible on OpenStudy. Connect with other students studying the same things. Like any successful startup, we work hard, have fun, and believe in what we do. OpenStudy has been supported by the smartest institutions: National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, Georgia Research Alliance, Gates Foundation, Hewlett Foundation, and Learn Capital. Team Preetha Ram, CEO and co-founder, is known to OpenStudiers as "Bombdiggity". Ashwin Ram is a co-founder of OpenStudy and Chief Innovation Officer of Interactive Intelligence at Xerox PARC. Alex Natskovich is CTO and Chief DragonSlayer. Hilary Lombard is Director of Engagement at OpenStudy and keeps the community, the ambassadors, the moderators, and everyone else humming with happiness. Previous Knights, DragonSlayers, Wizards and Elves of OpenStudy
