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MLA Citation Style | Cornell University Library MLA Citation Style The Modern Language Association (MLA) establishes values for acknowledging sources used in a research paper. MLA citation style uses a simple two-part parenthetical documentation system for citing sources: Citations in the text of a paper point to the alphabetical Works Cited list that appears at the end of the paper. Together, these references identify and credit the sources used in the paper and allow others to access and retrieve this material. Note: A parenthetical reference to a familiar historical document -- i.e., the United States Constitution -- no longer requires a corresponding entry in the Works Cited list. Citing sources in the text In MLA style, writers place references to sources in the paper to briefly identify them and enable readers to find them in the Works Cited list. Give only the information needed to identify a source. Examples: For more detailed information about citing references in the text, please refer to the MLA resources listed below. Examples

L’obesità ai poveri, la dieta fitness ai ricchi. Vale anche per l’educazione di Marco Morosini* Forse senza volerlo Michele Serra ha suscitato un ampio e confuso dibattito sulla stampa. Ho riletto più volte la sua Amaca del 20 aprile. Lo spunto di attualità di Serra era un episodio di cosiddetto bullismo, ossia di violenza verbale, gestuale e mediatica (video della violenza pubblicato in internet) di alcuni adolescenti verso un professore. Ciò avveniva in una scuola tecnica. Purtroppo, grande parte dei commenti e giudizi sono stati su Michele Serra, sulla sinistra, sul Pd, e altre divagazioni, ottenendo così offuscare l’unico messaggio dell’articolo: la denuncia di una (un’altra!) Per capire il messaggio di Serra posso proporre di usare una bilancia pesa persone – invece che una inesistente bilancia pesa-bullismo? Non è vero, quindi, che l’obesità in Usa sia una malattia “della gente” o “della nostra epoca”. Anche per l’internet-spazzatura credo che valga la stessa distribuzione sociale: la “obesità” culturale ai poveri, la “fitness” culturale ai ricchi.

Visitor Visa Subclass 600 | Know Eligibility, Checklist, Processing Time As the name suggests, the Visitor visa subclass 600 is a visa type that provides the opportunity to the applicants to visit their family or friends in Australia. With the visitor visa 600, an applicant will be able to go to Australia as a tourist, for the purpose of enjoying a stay in a cruise or for any other purpose which is somehow not related to medical treatments or business. The visitor visa subclass 600 does not allow the applicant work in Australia while the grant of his stay period under this visa. If the student wants to study in Australia with this visa, he/she can avail the study course to the maximum of 3 months, but if the core purpose of traveling to Australia with this visa is studying, then the applicant should consider having a valid student visa. The Tourist Visa 600 allows the applicant with a stay period of maximum 12 months in Australia.

Klout Score Avail 10% Discount on Hire Laravel Developer India Services Exclusive Christmas Offer Avail 10% Discount on Hire Laravel Developer India Services – Exclusive Christmas Offer Hire Laravel Developer India is a well-known web application development provider, offering quality at unparalleled affordable cost packages. Get 10% Off their Laravel development solutions till 5 January 2018. [USPRwire, Wed Dec 13 2017] Hire Laravel Developer India is now offering exclusive Christmas offers in its Laravel Development Services. Hire Laravel Developer India is well recognized for its Laravel web development services, which is why it is looking to increase its client base by presenting special discount offers on its reputed web development services. With a strong team that holds a rich experience and a remarkable skill set in the Laravel web development front, it would not be incorrect to say that the company has exponentially grown in its ability. For the client's convenience, Hire Laravel Developer India also offers 24/7 support.

Survival Exercise Scenarios - Description of a Group Dynamics Team Building Exercise Overview - Group Survival Scenario Exercise A classic group communication and decision making exercise, with many variations. Works for a wide variety of ages and purposes, indoors or outdoors. Consensus can be hard to reach, however, set the aim for all participants to at least partially agree to each ranking on their final list. Encourage groups to complete the task without the use of tactics such as voting, trading in or averaging. Watch for participants avoiding conflict or changing their minds simply to come to agreement. Scenario Type 1: Choose Survival Equipment Your plane crashed...your group needs to choose the 12 most useful items to survive... Choose / rank equipment items in terms of their relative survival value: Participants choose/rank the items individually Discuss choices/rankings in small group and come to a group consensus Score answers against "expert" opinion Possible scenarios: Lost at sea or island survival (shipwreck) Desert (plane crash) Space or Moon Variations

Didattica Inattuale: “Il Diluvio informativo e il prendersi cura” di Gianfranco Marini Posted on dicembre 12, 2017 by tutor lim Intervento di Gianfranco Marini al convegno “Chi ama la scuola la ribalta”, organizzato dall’associazione Flipnet il 20/10/2017 a Roma. Titolo dell’intervento “Il diluvio informativo e il prendersi cura”. Dalla cura dei contenuti alla didattica conviviale, percorso di “didattica inattuale” che muove dalla necessità di valorizzare la cura dei contenuti – sia per la sua valenza educativa – che per le conoscenze e competenze che chiama in gioco. La curation va inquadrata come una pratica che si inserisce nel contesto dell’intelligenza collettiva (Pierre Lèvy) e consente di far fronte al nuovo paradigma conoscitivo per cui la conoscenza è divenuta una proprietà della rete (David Weinberger). Autore: Gianfranco Marini Titolo: Il diluvio informativo e il prendersi cura

Visa Subclass 189 | Skilled Independent Visa 189 | 189 Visa Australia The Skilled Independent Visa Subclass 189 is a permanent type visa which lets an individual stay in Australia permanently and work or study there if he is eligible under the suitable skills assessment of the Australian framework. The 189 skilled Visa lets you travel to and from Australia for a period of 5 years. You can also sponsor your relatives to come to Australia with entitlement to visa subclass 189. This visa will allow the individual to work and live in Australia for an indefinite period but the travel component of this visa to and from Australia expires in 5 years from the date of visa grant. As soon as the visa subclass 189 is granted to any individual, he/she would become a permanent resident of Australia.

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