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Dancers out and about [25 pictures]

Dancers out and about [25 pictures]
Photographer Jordan Matter created his series “Dancers Among Us” as a reminder to “relish moments large and small, recognize the beauty around you, and be alive!” Here are a bunch of the pics, but there are even more at his website and in his book.

Silhouette Pictures: 30 Silhouette Photography Examples Posted on Aug 07, 2009 | Comments 50 251.2K Flares251.2K Flares × A silhouette is defined as an outline that appears dark against a light background. More specifically, it is where your subject is seen as a black shape without detail against a brighter background. Several things require attention when photographing a silhouette. Here’s how to Photograph Silhouettes. 19 Magical Photos of Animals In Winter We’ve written about how the world around us changes during the winter, but that’s not the only thing that changes; throughout the animal kingdom, birds and beasts that live in colder climates have special adaptations to help them survive the winter’s harsh weather. The animals in some of these photos may look like they’re freezing, but that’s not 100% certain – in most cases, the photographers are probably colder than the animals that they’ve photographed. Mammals like foxes, cats and other furred critters have to maintain constant body temperatures, so they often accrue stores of body fat and grow additional coats of winter fur to help themselves cope with the cold.

CD Case Picture Frames for the Dorm Photographs and artwork can do a lot to cozy up a dorm room, but dormitory walls are problematic. You're not supposed to pound in nails - and in some cases, those walls are cinder block, so you couldn't pound in a nail, if you tried. But this easy, inexpensive DIY project turns lightweight CD cases into a mural's worth of picture frames, perfect for attaching to a dorm room wall with Poster Putty or Velcro buttons. (Or, your college kid's soon-to-be decorated old bedroom.) Each frame goes together in a - literal - snap. Group them into a 6 x 4 photo montage or 7 x 5 mural for added impact. Photographer Explores Abandoned Italian Ruins And Takes Stunning Photographs (23 pics) 34K views 84 days ago by CriticalMass Italy’s forgotten ruins of a past full of memories. Orphanages, hospitals, villas, mortuaries and industrial complexes left for Mother Nature to decide their fate. From the photographer’s website:

Dorm Crafts: Cool Cork Boards You've seen them at the craft and dime store: flimsy cork squares by the four-pack. You're supposed to stick these things on your wall, where they're guaranteed to look, well, tacky, especially if you've outfitted the rest of that dorm desk with a cool DIY blotter of one type or another. There are only two things that are good about these cork boards - the ridiculously low price and the fact that they're so easy to transform. With just a little paint, this easy dorm craft project transforms even the most mundane, $1 cork square into a very cool dorm bulletin board. Here's what you'll need to make a snazzy striped, whimsical dotted or checkerboard bulletin board:

You Don’t Know The Meaning Of The Word ‘EPIC’ Until You Seen These 20 Pictures October 4, 2011 | 31 Comments » | Topics: Awesome, Pics Hot Stories From Around The Web Other Awesome Stories This Is What Happens When You Blow Soap Bubbles at -9°C (15,8°F) Thanks! Like us on FB for more awesome posts! When the weather forecast announced about the unexpected cold from -9°C to -12°C last week, Washington-based photographer Angela Kelly decided to take an advantage of it in one truly creative way. Together with her 7-year-old son, Kelly combined the home-based remedies – dish soap, karo syrup, and water – and went out to blow bubbles and take pictures as they freeze and melt.

DIY: Fabric Wall Art One of my very stylish friends has assembled several cool stretched fabric panels, which are hung in her home. I love the big, bold statement that this fabric art creates, so when I recently found directions on how to do it, I thought I'd pass it along to you. This tutorial is for a 20-inch-square fabric art piece. 70 Cutie Baby Animals Bring You a Good Mood Cuteness is usually characterized by some combination of infant-like physical traits, especially small body size with a disproportionately large head, large eyes, and round and softer body features. Infantile personality traits, such as playfulness, fragility, helplessness, curiosity, innocence, affectionate behavior, and a need to be nurtured are also generally considered cute. To those who are living in the concrete jungle, we have collected the following cute animals, hoping they could bring you a good mood and maybe, remind you of the wild world.

Surreal Photo Manipulations By Photographer Dariusz Klimczak We throw the word “surreal” around a lot when talking about photographers, but these outlandish works by Polish photographer Dariusz Klimczak take the cake by following in surrealist master Salvador Dali’s footsteps. Klimczak uses his wild imagination to populate desolate landscapes with bizarre and surreal characters and objects. The atmosphere of the vast deserts and plains in his photographers seem to be inspired by Dali’s work, as do the stilt-walkers and other characters therein. The images form a mythological world that seems to bend or break the laws of physics, but the fact that most of the images remain photo-realistic makes them all the more unsettling.

Amazing DIY & Crafts Ideas #2 Cupcake pin cushion via (dollarstorecrafts) Magazine rolled up bowl Mosaic Ornaments from CDs Hilarious Celebrity Portraits New York-based photographer Martin Schoeller loves to make us laugh! Take a look at his celebrity portraits of everyone from Quentin Tarantino to Chris Rock and you'll notice a common theme running throughout his work. They're wonderfully wacky! Spectacular Photos By Photojournalist Sebastião Salgado 51K views 80 days ago by LostInSpace Sebastião Salgado is one of the most famous and respected photojournalists working today. Sebastião Salgado has been awarded numerous major photographic prizes, he is a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, and an honorary member of the Academy of Arts and Sciences in the United States. He was born on February 8th, 1944 in Aimorés, Brazil.

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