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Maps-icons - Project Hosting on Google Code

Maps-icons - Project Hosting on Google Code
Map Markers, POI Icons, Placemarks, Free Icons, Map Pins, Points of Interest, Map Symbols, Waypoints, Markers The project has moved. A dedicated website, with new features. Follow this URL : Map Icons Collection is a set of more than 1000 free icons to use as placemarks for your POI (Point of Interests) locations on your maps. Organized into logical color coded categories, for better and quicker overview, you get a complete and diverse collection of unique markers for point of interests, for example cinemas, hotels, banks, restaurants and stores. All our ICONS described, tagged and organized into categories How to add our icons to your own maps or to Google Earth. Historical listing of all updates This project was created by Nicolas Mollet and is by no means affiliated with Google. Suggestions are always very welcome.

Google Maps mit Sidebar | Google-Maps, Landkarten | Dr. Web Maga Google Maps werden umso informativer, je mehr verschiedene Dinge darauf abgebildet sind. Um den Überblick bei sehr vielen Markern zu behalten, ist es günstig, diese zusätzlich in einer Sidebar neben der Google Map noch einmal zusammenzufassen. Dort kann man diese auch gleich noch nach Themen ordnen. Die Benutzer können dann viel besser ihr gesuchtes Ziel finden, ohne erst jeden einzelnen Marker anklicken zu müssen. Diesmal geht es um die programmiertechnischen Grundlagen, eine Sidebar an eine Google Map anzufügen. Diese Sidebar enthält Verweise auf die verschiedenen Marker der Google Map. Version 1 (einfach) Dieses Beispiel zeigt die Grundlagen, wie eine solche Sidebar an eine Google Map gekoppelt werden kann. Schauen wir uns die Google Map direkt bei an, dann sehen wir links von der Landkarte eine Sidebar, in der verschiedene Dinge aufgelistet werden. Google Map mit Sidebar auf und definieren das dazugehörige Stylesheet in der css-Datei.

Generate Icons Online: Iconizer Iconizer is one of the latest online generators that you may find useful. It is a free & web-based application, from the makers of popular, that enables you to customize various popular icon sets online. Iconizer allows you to select an icon from a list of well-categorized icon sets and: select the foreground/background colorsize of itfile type to be createdadd an animationresize it & more.. Although the application is very useful, what would be even better is "selecting the whole icon set" & ability to customizing it in bulk.

Obama | One People The historic election of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States has captivated Americans and foreigners alike. They traveled to Washington, D.C. from near and far in order to witness the inaugural ceremony at midday on January 20, 2009. According to official estimates from the District of Columbia government, 1.8 million people gathered on the National Mall that day. It is clear from television images and photographs that this momentous event drew a diverse crowd to the Nation's Capital. For President Obama's 100th day in office, the MIT SENSEable City Lab has created visualizations of mobile phone call activity that characterize the inaugural crowd and answer the questions: Who was in Washington, D.C. for President Obama's Inauguration Day?

Un client de geolocalisation en cinq lignes de PHP avec l&#039;A Google propose des choses vraiment intéressantes au travers de ses API, comme par exemple son méconnu (car planqué dans la doc) webservice HTTP de géolocalisation. L'idée ici est de récupérer la lattitude et la longitude d'un endroit géographique à partir de sa description, par exemple Paris, France ou encore 3 allée des allouettes, 35000 Rennes, France. Il vous faut posséder au préalable une clé d'API Google, que vous pouvez obtenir gratuitement par là. php <? Ce qui nous donne : bash array(2) { [0]=> float(48.856667) [1]=> float(2.350987) } On prendra soin de cacher autant que faire se peut les résultats renvoyés par le webservice, afin de soulager les serveurs de Google et accessoirement de pas fusiller le crédit-requête associé à sa clé d'API. Disclaimer : Ce billet n'est pas un appel au troll, je me doute qu'on peut faire la même chose en 3 lignes de Ruby, 2 lignes de Python et -10 lignes de Fotran77.

Google Maps | Einführung zum Thema Google Maps mit Tutorial, Bei Google Maps basiert auf JavaScript und kann daher, ohne eine Software zu installieren, in jedem JavaScript fähigen Web Browser angezeigt werden. Momentan unterstützt Google Maps folgende Browser: Firefox/Mozilla, IE 5.5+, Safari 1.2+ und Opera. Google Maps kann Punkte/Marker, Linien und Infofenster anzeigen. Um eine Google Map in eine Website zu integrieren benötigt man zuerst einen API-Key . Diesen bekommt man nur, wenn man sich zuvor für ein Google Konto angemeldet hat. Google Map mit Markern in eine Webseite einbinden (Gizeh): Diese Karte ist auf Gizeh ausgerichtet, zwei Marker (mit Info-Fenster) verweisen auf die Pyramiden. Du mußt in deinem Browser JavaScript aktivieren um Google Maps zu verwenden Im folgenden der Code zu Beispiel 1 mit Erläuterungen (Update am 10.10.2008 - Navigationsbutton "Gelände" hinzugefügt): <script src=" file=api&v=2&key=HIER DEN API-KEY EINGEBEN" type="text/javascript"></script> if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) { // Marker erstellen VeoGeo

IconsPedia: Extensive &amp; Free Icon Resource IconsPedia is an extensive and free icon resource online. If you are looking for an update or new look for your website, you are sure to find what you want in this extremely diverse collection. Contributions from designers are included in IconsPedia and often these excellent additions are not available on any other site. Icon sets are organised into collections, including Animals, Art, Brands, Business, Cartoons, Computers, Food & Drinks, Games, Holidays, Internet, Media, Movies & TV, Music, Objects, Nature, Sport, and Vehicles. Features: High quality vibrant icons ready for your website.Thousands of high quality icon sets to choose from.Extensive range of professional choices.Presented in PNG, ICO and ICN formats.Available for personal and commercial use.Similar sites: Iconfinder and Iconza and IconPot. Check out Iconspedia @

Zones of Exclusion [Image: The charismatic boundaries of an earlier worldview – here, the Hereford Mappa Mundi]. Note: This is a guest post by Nicola Twilley. Another question for the topic of whether or not a “dense assortment of buildings” can ever be a real city: What is London for an eighteen-year old whose entire urban experience is confined to 200-square meters and who has never seen the Thames? Researchers at the University of Glasgow, sponsored by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, have spent the past two years asking young residents of Bradford, Peterborough, London, Glasgow, Sunderland, and Bristol to draw maps of their own individual urban experience in order to explore micro-territoriality as both a cause and a symptom of social exclusion. “In Glasgow, Sunderland and Bradford,” they found, “a recognizable territory might be as small as a 200-meter block or segment.” [Image: From the Joseph Rowntree Foundation report, "Young people and territoriality in British cities" (download the PDF)].

Mapstraction - a javascript library to hide differences between Google Maps API Tutorial On the actual Google maps page there's a panel on the left where you can click on a link to pop the info window open on a specific marker. How do we do that with the API? Here's a simple example Link to the example and view the source. The method involves setting up an empty <div> which is going to contain the clickable list, collecting the clickable html for each marker at the same time as we create each marker, then finally placing the assembled chunk of html into the <div>. This time, it's not possible to use function closures to hold all the variables we're going to need later, at the time when the sidebar entry gets clicked, so we build an array of markers, which we use to specify which marker should get the info window. I use the createMarker() function to handle all this. The "gmarkers.length" information isn't preserved by function closure, it gets turned into text and written into the html. creates a string of html like this <a href="javasript:myclick(1)">That Place</a><br>

Amazing Icon Search Engine: Icons are one of the design elements that easily adds a twist to any design and can be used almost everywhere. is an amazing icon search engine that has a huge database of 300,000+ icons in 2100+ icon sets. The website does everything to help you "find the right icon" with an advanced search system where the results can be filtered with: size (define a range)color (select multiple colors)stylelicensere-searching within the results After testing it with several common keywords, its results were very accurate. It also displays the similar keywords (and number of icons for that keywords) where you can instantly switch to another keyword. A unique feature offered by is an online converter that can help you download icons in almost any format you want (png, bmp, gif, jpg, psd, eps & more.. ). If you're a frequent icon searcher, you can -optionally- sign-up for a free account and add icons/sets to your "favorites".

Subway Sparklines Subway Sparklines Graphs shows the yearly ridership at each station, with the shaded grey area spanning 1952 (same overall ridership level as today) to 1977 (nadir system-wide). Station names appear as map is zoomed in (eg: midtown , wall street , south bronx , williamsburg , park slope ). Overall System Ridership Powered by: OpenLayers , GeoServer , PostGIS | Data from: OpenStreetMap , RPA | Work by: Fruminator Permalink 50 New Free High-Quality Icon Sets (with Easter Icons!) - Smashing Magazine Advertisement Today we are pleased to provide our readers with a yet another round-up of high-quality icon sets. Below, you will find free sets covering a wide range of subjects, including Easter and food sections. Please read the license agreements carefully before using the icons, and feel free to follow the links: they will certainly come in handy when you’re designing a new website or looking for inspiration. Please notice that we do know that round-ups of icon sets are getting old; but because these round-ups are always useful and handy, we are keeping doing them. You can also scan our other icon-related articles: Easter And Food Icons Free Easter Icons Easter being so close, I thought you might want a couple of free icons to decorate your website: a cute Easter bunny and an Easter egg. Happy Easter Icon Set Four icons in resolutions ranging from 16×16 to 512×512 pixels. Easter Bunny Icons 44 cute Easter icons that you can use for web and print design. Apple Mug Icons and Extras Icons

Google Maps Now Editable by Anyone - ReadWriteWeb In an understated post today to the Google Lat Long blog, a major new wrinkle in online mapping was announced. Google Maps can now be edited by anyone. Once signed in with your Google Account, you can change the details or location of any listing on Google Maps, or delete a location's listing altogether. Recent edits, which you can view through a strange interface here are going to be a nightmare. How will the validity of edits be monitored? Hopefully goofing around with the most important map in the world won't imperil your (ok, my) webmail account, but Google's omniscience may be one important deterrent to vandalism. Google's "click to call" feature, launched in November 2006, didn't last very long because it was so vulnerable to spoofing. This could be very, very big.

35 (Really) Incredible Free Icon Sets - Smashing Magazine Advertisement When it comes to icons, web designers and graphic artists have an excellent opportunity to showcase their craft, prove their experience and explore their creativity. A sweet, nice icon set is a perfect showcase of designer’s work and a powerful instrument to build up your reputation online. In fact, designers make use of it, creating absolutely amazing icon sets and offering them for free download. The result: hundreds and hundreds of sets available almost everywhere, usually not that well executed and often duplicated from other sets. Below we present 35 incredible free icon sets which you can use for your web designs or your desktop to spice up your posts with some nice illustrations or enrich your desktop with outstanding dock icons. You might want to take a look at the following articles we’ve presented earlier: Free Icons For Your Web Designs Bagg & Box Telecharger Icon Pack5 70 high-quality free icons released under a Creative Commons license. Apple Mail Icons14
