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Wes Anderson // Centered

Wes Anderson // Centered
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7 trucos fotográficos sencillos para conseguir un acabado sorprendente Os presentamos una serie de trucos fotográficos que os ayudarán a sacar mayor partido a vuestra cámara y conseguir unas imágenes únicas. El vídeo a continuación os enseña siete ejemplos sencillos y económicos. En fotografía, independientemente del tipo de cámara que uses, existen algunos accesorios que permiten dotar de características concretas a la cámara, como pueden ser los filtros, los trípodes o las lentes. El vídeo está realizado por un grupo de fotógrafos que forman The Cooperative Photography y en el nos enseñan siete trucos fotográficos que se pueden realizar con materiales comunes. Crear un soporte para realizar timelapses es tan simple como utilizar una cámara Go Pro y un temporizador de cocina con la superficie superior plana (en este caso recomiendan el de Ikea). Como puedes ver, crear accesorios útiles para realizar fotografías no es nada complicado. Te recomendamos

25 Of The Best Short Films You Can Watch Online Short filmmaking has always been an understated component of cinema. It contains all of the magic, escapism, and even technicality that goes into making full length feature productions. In fact some may argue that it is even more difficult to master given the short amount of time that one has to work with to get all of the aspects of filmmaking into the right gear. This list serves not only as a compiled source of recommendations that we hope helps to gain more attention and recognition to this compact pieces of brilliance but to also highlight some of the best short films ever created. Reasons being vary, from inspirational causes, new age inventiveness, boundary pushing material, or overall well rounded superb examples of filmmaking. 25. A tale like no other and a film like no other. The Cameraman’s Revenge should be viewed on that inventiveness and originality alone and the fact that this was made way back in 1912. 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. 18. 17. Pages: 1 2 3

Enfuse Enfuse is a command-line program used to merge different exposures of the same scene to produce an image that looks very much like a tonemapped image (without the halos) but requires no creation of an HDR image. Therefore it is much simpler to use and allows the creation of very large multiple exposure panoramas. Enfuse is based on a paper by Tom Mertens, Jan Kautz and Frank Van Reeth: "Exposure fusion" The implementation was done by Andrew Mihal (developer of Enblend) and the hugin team around Pablo d'Angelo An extended documentation could be found on Enfuse reference manual Other programs using Exposure Fusion: tufuse and PTGui Pro State of development On 8 September 2008 the first official version of enfuse has been released together with enblend. Beta (development) releases can be downloaded from Known bugs (This section needs to be updated) This is a list of known bugs in the current version as linked above. - unknown, whether could be fixed easily Description Basics Adjustments Usage -h -v -w

Sundance Infographic Reveals Some Promising and Not So Promising Numbers in Independent Film With Sundance ’14 being only four days away, independent filmmakers, studios, and buyers are gearing up for another festival year of screenings, bidding, passing, as well as contemplation over the current state of independent cinema. Cultural Weekly and Entertainment Media Partners CEO Adam Leipzig have released an in-depth infographic compiling key data from Sundance, namely on spending, which analyzes how these numbers stack up against those of the major studios. Their findings are a mixed bag of encouraging stats and disheartening truths. Cultural Weekly and Leipzig decided to use Sundance as a representation of independent cinema as a whole, because “with more than 4,000 feature-length films submitted each year, Sundance certainly represents a healthy sample of the industry,” especially since the higher profile films tend to be submitted to the festival. The study collected data from top indie film producers, sales agents and indie financiers and found several interesting stats.

tutorial: creando pequeños planetas | Fotografo digital y tutoriales Photoshop La creación de pequeños planetas a partir de una fotografía es un recurso creativo de Photoshop que se encuadra dentro del apartado de efectos especiales. Idealmente, la creación del miniplaneta debería partir de un panorama de 360º para que fuera perfecto. Pero seamos realistas, pocas veces hacemos panorámicas y casi nunca son de 360º. Por esta razón, en el tutorial de Photoshop que viene a continuación se muestra cómo es posible crear un mini planeta con un panorama unas cuantas imágenes pero que no llega a ser circular y también cómo hacerlo incluso con una sola imagen, siempre que ésta reuna unas características determinadas, fundamentalmente 2: tener el horizonte recto y tener a ambos extremos motivos similares. En realidad la técnica es muy sencilla ya que lleva muy pocos pasos: Deformar la imagen para que tenga el mismo alto que anchoVoltearla verticalmenteAplicar el filtro de coordenadas polares Un corte parcial de otro “planeta” Comparte este contenido en las redes sociales

From Import to Output: An In-Depth Guide to the Adobe Speedgrade CC Workflow Robert Hardy 01.23.14 @ 7:08PM Tags : adobe, color, colorcorrection, colorgrading, grading, premiere, software, speedgrade, tutorial, zombies Color grading is one of those practices where an in-depth knowledge of your software is absolutely essential to get the job done right. Here’s the tutorial, which walks you through the entire process of using Speedgrade CC. 1:00 - Setting up the scene3:31 - Scene detection7:30- Setting exposure12:10 - Creating masks15:15 - Secondary layers22:33 - Object Tracking26:26 - Isolating luma ranges (shadows/mids/highlights)29:55 - Creating “looks”33:23 - Rendering out One of the things that stuck me most while watching this video is just how powerful and versatile Speedgrade can be, especially with its ability to ability to detect, manipulate, and track a multitude of fine luma and chroma values all independently of one another. What do you guys think of Dave’s Speedgrade workflow? Link: Dave Andrade — YouTube

Brooklyn Museum: Annie Leibovitz: A Photographer's Life, 1990–2005 Annie Leibovitz: A Photographer’s Life, 1990–2005, an exhibition of more than 200 photographs, debuts at the Brooklyn Museum, where it will be on view from October 20, 2006, through January 21, 2007, prior to an international tour. The exhibition, sponsored by American Express, is being organized by the Brooklyn Museum. Among the other venues it travels to are the San Diego Museum of Art, the High Museum of Art, the Corcoran Gallery, the de Young Museum, Maison Européenne de la Photographie in Paris, and London’s National Portrait Gallery. The material in the exhibition, and in the accompanying book of the same title, published by Random House, encompasses work Leibovitz made on assignment as a professional photographer as well as personal photographs of her family and close friends. “I don’t have two lives,” Leibovitz says. “This is one life, and the personal pictures and the assignment work are all part of it.” Organized by the Brooklyn Museum

The 15th Story Beat: More Lessons Learned from the Finale of My CENTS Kickstarter If my research of Kickstarter campaigns for film and video taught me anything, I learned the final days of most successful campaigns are wild rides. The Kickstarter for my upcoming feature film CENTS was no exception. Near the end of our Kickstarter, I shared lessons learned from the 15 story beats of our campaign, but since our campaign wasn’t finished, the 15th story beat had yet to be written. Now that our Kickstarter is done, allow me to take you behind the scenes of our final week to share more lessons learned from the exciting conclusion of our crowdfunding campaign. Before we jump into the details of the final days of the CENTS Kickstarter, let’s take a look at the funding progress of the campaign. You’ll notice our momentum started to pick up on Feb. 4, climbing steadily until Feb. 7, when we really took off. Warning: Crowdfunding May Cause Emotional Whiplash Unfortunately, virtually no one could make it to the party. How to Revive a Flatlining Kickstarter On Tues. At 9 am on Thu.

Creador on line de esquemas de iluminación Lighting Diagram Creator es una aplicación on line que nos permite crear esquemas de luces para fotografía de estudio. La aplicación es muy útil al momento de planificar una producción fotográfica. Podemos realizar un diagrama del posicionamiento de los modelos, fondos, luces, flashes, paraguas, difusores y cualquier otro elemento que podamos encontrar en un estudio sin tener que mover un solo equipo de lugar. Su uso es muy sencillo, solo consiste en arrastrar dentro de una grilla los íconos de los equipos que queramos usar en nuestra producción e ir moviendolos y rotándolos hasta que demos con el esquema que buscamos. Podemos bajarlo en jpg o bien subirlo a Flickr para mostrar como tomamos nuestra fotografía. También podemos compartir nuestras fotos y nuestros diagramas en la sección Community y ver el resultado final utilizando la aplicación. Yo creo que puede ser muy productivo al momento de planificar una sesión de fotos. Fotografía: HQ Photography

A Massive List of Upcoming Grants All Filmmakers Should Know About Oakley Anderson-Moore 02.11.14 @ 9:00AM Tags : britdoc, creativecapital, documentary, features, filmindependent, financing, grants, ifp, itvs, macarthurfoundation, narrative, screenwriting, sundanceinstitute It seems like every week a grant deadline flies by, and you find yourself looking forlornly at the expired application for free money, mumbling “coulda been a contender.” To give everyone more time to work on your films and scripts — and a little less time researching how to fund them — scroll through the list below to find relevant opportunities for your narrative films, documentaries, and screenplays with deadlines this Spring. It’s hard enough to find grants, let alone decipher which ones might be relevant to your current project. Documentary In the documentary world, grant money tends to be earmarked for films that address important issues of our time, but granting agencies have an array of ideas about what those are! Southern Documentary Fund In-the-Works Program Deadline: Feb 17

Fotografía infrarroja La fotografía infrarroja o técnica fotográfica infrarroja, es aquella que nos permite fotografiar uno de los espectros lumínicos comprendidos entre 700 y 1.200 nanómetros, no visibles para el ojo humano. Sus aplicaciones pueden ser artísticas o científicas. Técnica[editar] Máquina reflex tradicional. La fotografía infrarroja requiere de una fuente de radiación infrarroja. El equipo fotográfico que se necesita, puede ser una cámara reflex convencional, acompañada de filtros y película sensible a esta longitud de onda. Arriba: imagen infrarroja en falso color. Filtros[editar] Los filtros infrarrojos tienen como misión excluir la radiación ultravioleta y la totalidad o gran parte del espectro visible, dejando pasar a través del objetivo de la cámara solamente el espectro infrarrojo. En el mercado se pueden encontrar diferentes tipos de filtros infrarrojo, según las necesidades. Película infrarroja[editar] Uso de la fotografía infrarroja[editar] Fotografía científica[editar] Actualidad[editar]
