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‪The Cinematic Orchestra 'Breathe' - Live At The Barbican‬‏

‪The Cinematic Orchestra 'Breathe' - Live At The Barbican‬‏

Ricordare Nick Drake, illustrazione di Ilaria Grimaldi | Freakout Magazine onLine Il prossimo 6 novembre uscirà il primo libro ufficiale su Nick Drake, Remembered For A While e la nostra Ilaria Grimaldi ha ben pensato di dedicare un’illustrazione al celeberrimo cantautore. Clicca qui per leggere l’intero articolo sul libroAutore: Ilaria Grimaldi The 50 Greatest Jazz Albums…Ever At the end of any year it’s a great time to look back and so we’ve decided to attempt to come up with a definitive list of the 50 Greatest Jazz Albums of all time. Impossible, you are probably thinking, and it probably is, but rather than just thinking of our favourites we decided to take a good look through the web to see what other lists there are and combine our findings. As usual we expect many of you to disagree, sometimes strongly, but as usual we will love hearing from you. It took us several days of searching but here it is, the 50 greatest… 50.

Android RoboSpice with GoogleHttpClient In this post we will examine an example app in which we make a RoboSpice request using GoogleHttpClient. The github repo is here. Dependencies First, we need to grab the RoboSpice dependency JARs from the repository repo. git clone Inside of 1.4.11/robospice-google-http-client are the JARs we need to include in the project. We will also need one JAR from the Google-Http-Lib source. Classes We are going to create a few files: BaseSpiceActivity import; import; public class BaseSpiceActivity extends Activity { private SpiceManager spiceManager = new SpiceManager(JacksonGoogleHttpClientSpiceService.class); @Override protected void onStart() { spiceManager.start(this); super.onStart(); } @Override protected void onStop() { spiceManager.shouldStop(); super.onStop(); } protected SpiceManager getSpiceManager() { return spiceManager; } } Fin

David Bowie’s Enchanting Isolated Vocal Track for “Ziggy Stardust” by Maria Popova Because Ziggy didn’t always play guitar. In June of 1972, David Bowie released his fifth studio record, The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars — the album that gave birth to his legendary alter ego, the fictional rock star Ziggy Stardust, who catapulted Bowie into superstardom and went on to become one of the twentieth century’s greatest pop-culture cults. This mesmerizing isolated vocal track for the album’s title song reveals as much the intimate beauty of Bowie’s imperfect voice as it does the enormous role instrumentation and performance play in creating the overall effect of the song’s enchantment and exhilaration: Donating = Loving Bringing you (ad-free) Brain Pickings takes hundreds of hours each month. You can also become a one-time patron with a single donation in any amount. Brain Pickings has a free weekly newsletter. Share on Tumblr

This is What Michael Jackson Sounds Like in Quechua Even the youngs think Quechua is cool. After the language was translated for a book, a song, and given a shoutout by a fútbolero, we started thinking that Quechua was having a sort of moment. Perhaps the biggest sign of this is that a 14-year-old girl named Renata Flores sang a Quechua version of Michael Jackson’s “The Way You Make Me Feel.” The Ayacuchana sings the tune at the Vilcashuamán ruins, as guitars and a Peruvian cajón play. According to La Republica, the video is part of the Asociación Cultural SURCA, which works to get the youth to learn the importance of Quechua. Rai Replay Il servizio ti permetterà di rivedere in replica i programmi andati in onda negli ultimi 7 giorni su Rai Uno, Rai Due, Rai Tre, Rai 5 e Rai Premium. Seleziona il canale tv che ti interessa (a sinistra) e il giorno di messa in onda (in alto); così facendo visualizzerai la lista dei programmi del giorno e potrai vederli con un semplice click. I programmi già disponibili in modalità Replay sono contrassegnati dal colore azzurro I programmi ancora in fase di lavorazione e dunque disponibili a breve sono evidenziati dal colore grigio chiaro I programmi non disponibili perchè Rai non ne detiene i diritti di diffusione su internet sono contrassegnati dal colore grigio scuro I programmi di Rai Replay sono offerti in modalità geoprotetta per tutelare i diritti di terzi © Tutti i diritti sono riservati - Vietata la registrazione anche parziale

Key Chords Key Chords app generates guitar chord progressions automatically. Use it free online, or get the app for Mac, Windows or iOS (iPad) - Click on a chord to preview how it sounds. - Drag and drop to arrange the chord progression - Tweak the settings to control the playback speed Or role the dice and Key Chords will automatically generate a nice sounding progression. Select a Key: Select a key and choose a the major or minor scale. The resulting chord chart will display applicable chords for the selected key. Click a chord: ... and you will hear a cheap computer generated guitar playing the chord. Drag & Drop: - Chords from the chart into the progression timeline. - Rearrange Chords in the progression. - Remove chords from the progression. Roll the Dice: ... and a random chord progression will appear in the timeline. The numbers below each chord in the progression refer to the number of "beats" the chord will linger for. The "Rake Speed" refers to the speed of a single "strum." The main chart areas.

Teatro di San Carlo - Eduard Zilberkant / Evelyn Glennie * Il prezzo ridotto è riservato ai titolari delle Carte dei programmi di Membership, ai gruppi di almeno 10 persone e ai membri di enti, CRAL ed associazioni convenzionati con il Teatro di San Carlo Informazioni e Prenotazioni L'abbonamento Opera e Balletto 2014/2015 consente di assistere a 12 spettacoli: - 10 a posto fisso al Teatro di San Carlo - 2 a posto libero al Teatro di Corte (L'isola disabitata / Otello) TUTTI i titoli sono obbligatori Gli abbonati del San Carlo per le future generazioni. Gli abbonati alla Stagione d'Opera e Balletto che volessero acquistare anche l'abbonamento della Stagione Sinfonica avranno diritto al prezzo ridotto(max due abbonamneti Sinfonica per ogni abbonamento Opera e Balletto acquistato). Il periodo di prelazione per i nostri abbonati va dal 19 maggio al 3 agosto 2014 compresi.

