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UNIVERSO HQ - A sua referência de quadrinhos e desenho de humor

UNIVERSO HQ - A sua referência de quadrinhos e desenho de humor
Related:  Quadrinhos

ULTIMATE RAPADURA AÇUCARADA garfield minus garfield GCD :: Home The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - Wikipedia Comic book series by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill Plot[edit] Characters[edit] The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen[edit] Nemo trilogy[edit] Overview of the series[edit] In a 1997 interview with Andy Diggle for the now defunct Comics World website, Alan Moore gave the title of the work as "The League of Extraordinary Gentlefolk". The Victorian setting allowed Moore and O'Neill to insert "in-jokes" and cameos from many works of Victorian fiction, while also making contemporary references and jibes. Most characters in the series, from the dominatrix schoolmistress Rosa Coote to minor characters such as Inspector Dick Donovan, are either established characters from existing works of fiction or ancestors of the same, to the extent that individuals depicted in crowd scenes in Volume I have been said (both by Moore, and in annotations by Jess Nevins) to be visually designed as the ancestors of the cast of EastEnders. Moore said: The planet of the imagination is as old as we are. Influence[edit]

Tudo Free Downloads Alan Moore Annotations Annotations for Alan Moore Comic Books Alan Moore gets his own section for one simple reason: his books are, by far, the most annotated. Below you will find links to annotations for no less than THIRTEEN series: 1963, Albion, Judgment Day, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (both the original, V2, and the Black Dossier), Marvelman/Miracleman, Promethea, Smax, Supreme, Swamp Thing, This is Information, Top Ten, V for Vendetta, and The Watchmen. In addition, annotations fans should check out the annotations included in the back of every issue of From Hell (they were also included in the graphic novel). Jess Nevins has put together an amazing run of annotations (see the DC Annotations section of the site for more of his work). Doug Atkinson compiled an excellent annotation for Watchmen, by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. Craig Klein (who created the V for Vendetta logo to the right) runs a site called the V for Vendetta Shrine. Michael Norwitz has annotated Marvelman/Miracleman. NEW! NEW!

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