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Amusing physics.

Amusing physics.

The Sietch Blog » Organic Solar Cell Breakthrough Solar cell technology developed by the Massey University’s Nanomaterials Research Centre will enable New Zealanders to generate electricity from sunlight at a 10th of the cost of current silicon-based photo-electric solar cells. Dr Wayne Campbell and researchers in the centre have developed a range of coloured dyes for use in dye-sensitised solar cells. The synthetic dyes are made from simple organic compounds closely related to those found in nature. Other dyes being tested in the cells are based on haemoglobin, the compound that give blood its colour. Dr Campbell says that unlike the silicon-based solar cells currently on the market, the 10x10cm green demonstration cells generate enough electricity to run a small fan in low-light conditions – making them ideal for cloudy climates. “The refining of pure silicon, although a very abundant mineral, is energy-hungry and very expensive. “The next step is to take these dyes and incorporate them into roofing materials or wall panels.

Have you tried TED ? Great knowlege videos . Probably the best tap for the bright minded ;-) All subjects by mirlen101 Jun 7

Have been watching Institute for Advanced Study videos...difficult to follow at times but worth the effort. Great site. The pearltree looks great. Will watch Hurricane Balls next. Thnx. by judyjudys Jun 6

OK I replaced it with " Hurricane Balls " I think it's the same video . I placed it next to " Amusing Physics" by mirlen101 Jun 6

Amusing physics. Sad. It looked cool. by judyjudys Jun 6
