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Easter in Britain.avi

Easter in Britain.avi
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Blog dla nauczycieli języka angielskiego: Lekcja Halloween O lekcjach Halloween dla różnych grup wiekowych pisałam w zeszłym roku: Halloween ideas. W tym roku z klasą pierwszą jak zwykle na zajęciach poznamy słownictwo związane z tematem, zagramy w memory, a także zagramy w poszukiwanie kości pana Szkieletora (opis tej zabawy we wspomnianym poście). Myślę, że będzie również czas na przebranie się w mumie. Dzieci będą owijać daną część ciała papierem toaletowym. Kolejna zabawa dla pierwszoklasistów związana jest z piosenką z Super Simple Songs. Nie wiem, czy się już chwaliłam, ale prowadzę też kółko Arts and Crafts więc mam nadzieję, że poza wykonywaniem Jack o'Lantern będzie czas na inne projekty plastyczne, np Mam nadzieję, że moje pomysły okażą się pomocne. Happy and spooky Halloween!

Easter What does it mean? Easter is a spring festival of new life. As a pagan tradition, it is the beginning of growth and new life after the cold, winter months. When is it? Unlike Christmas, Easter isn’t on the same date each year. Chocolate eggs For most British children, Easter means chocolate Easter eggs. However, the eggs are sold in cardboard boxes and sometimes there’s more packaging than chocolate! Other 'egg-straordinary' traditions In the UK, chocolate is definitely the most popular way to enjoy eggs at Easter. There are other special foods too.

Halloweenowa impreza W tym roku z koleżanką z pracy przygotowuję imprezę halloweenową. W sumie to mój pierwszy raz na dużą skalę ;) Poniżej znajdziecie moje pomysły, nie wszystkie zostaną wykorzystane (z różnych względów), ale może dla kogoś będą inspiracją. Jeśli mamy dużo dzieci podzieliłabym je na grupy – trzeba pomyśleć nad kluczem (wiekowo, klasami). W każdej sali dzialoby się co innego. Moje propozycje sal: Sala 1 Dotykanie obrzydlistw – czy uczniowie odważą się dotknąć zawartość pudełek. W sali zrobiłabym stosunkowo ciemno i gdzieniegdzie byłyby poustawiane takie świecące oczy Sala 2 Puszczamy im fragmenty „strasznych” filmów i muszą jako grupa odgadnąć co to za filmy, tu jest spis wybieramy kilka i puszczamy kawałku (lub trailery) po angielsku :) Tu np. jest lista Sala 3 Zadanie plastyczne – ręka szkieletu –

Webquest: Easter By Luke Vyner This webquest by Luke Vyner includes activities on the history of Easter, Easter symbols, celebrations around the world and little-known facts about the spring festival. It is free to all onestopenglish users. Warmer What do you know about Easter and the history of Easter? Activity 1: The history of Easter Read through the questions below and see if you know any of the answers. What festival did Easter begin as? Activity 2: The Easter bunny and other Easter symbols Decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). Easter bunny The Easter bunny traditions came from the Bible.The Easter bunny symbolizes fertility and new life.It is derived from an old Danish tradition. Easter eggs Easter eggs are related to ancient traditions.For early Christians, Easter eggs represented the resurrection of Jesus Christ.The Easter colours of the Christian church are yellow, red and green. Easter sweets Hot cross buns Activity 3: Easter around the world a. b. a. b. Related Resources

Ukrainian Traditional Easter Basket – Special Food and Symbolism - Ukrainian people Easter is the biggest holiday after Christmas. Easter is called Velykden (Великдень) in Ukrainian. The preparation for it is held during the last week of Lent. Houses are cleaned (both inside and out), gardens are planted, field work is finished, but most importantly – Easter food is cooked! We love the traditions associated with Ukrainian Easter, and especially the Blessing of the Easter Basket, which contains all the food items used at Easter Brunch. The Easter Basket of special foods (described below) is arranged on Holy Saturday, and taken to church, where a special blessing ceremony with prayers and sprinkling with Holy Water, is performed by the parish priest. Besides the special foods, the Easter Basket is also decorated with greenery and flowers, as well as colored eggs, and beautiful Pysanky. Each basket is covered with a hand embroidered cloth cover, with Easter motif of pussy willows and Easter Eggs. Symbolic of Christ, who is the True Bread to Christians. What is a pysanka?

Five Little Pumpkins Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up-to-date with our latest videos! Language Focus Other songs about: counting, emotions, Halloween Counting to five. Pumpkins. Emotions and expressions (smiling, happy, pouting, grumpy, yawning, sleepy, crying, sad, laughing, playing). Five Little Pumpkins Lyrics and Actions ♫ One little pumpkin smiling smiling. Two little pumpkins pouting pouting. Three little pumpkins yawning yawning. Four little pumpkins crying crying. Five little pumpkins laughing laughing. Classroom Benefits This is a great song to use for discussing emotions. It is perfect to use near Halloween, but it doesn't mention Halloween and can be used any time of year. Activity Ideas Bring compact mirrors to class (you can buy them at the dollar store). Have students draw several pumpkins. Talk about emotions with your students. Make a craft. See Super Simple Songs - Halloween for more Halloween songs, activities and printable worksheets. 5

FREE ESL Holiday Resources Easter Worksheets Our Easter worksheets offer some fun and interesting activities for the classroom at Easter time - nothing too strenuous, but covering a range of skills. You might also want to look at our Easter handwriting worksheets. Kids can colour in this cute picture of a bunny - perfect for Easter or any time - but first they need to solve some simple sums to work out the right colours to use! Here's one of our fact-finding worksheets for the chick. Count the Easter pictures and write the correct number in the box. Here's our trickiest Easter counting worksheet! Complete the Easter egg by copying one half to the other with this fun symmetry worksheet. Test the kids on their ordinal numbers with the help of this worksheet with an Easter theme. We have three variations of this Easter word worksheet so you can choose the most appropriate for your child. Complete the rabbit by copying one half to the other with this fun symmetry worksheet.
