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Outil participatif territorial

Outil participatif territorial

A visual and interactive experiment on the Parisian underground network Qu’est-ce que la cartographie d’information ? La cartographie face à la surabondance de données Parce qu'une image vaut mille mots, la cartographie d'information peut constituer un remède à l"'infobésité". Les outils et méthodes de cartographie d'information permettent en effet de représenter visuellement des masses importantes de données non structurées afin d'en extraire des signaux faibles ou relations significatives entre divers éléments. L'article présente un panorama des familles de solutions de cartographie, ainsi que leur adéquation aux différents types de veille 1.1 Tentatives de définition La cartographie géographique a souvent été désignée comme « la science des princes ». Le Grand Dictionnaire terminologique de l’Office de la langue française distingue plusieurs niveaux de définition selon différents types de cartographies : La cartographie de l’information sert à organiser l’information dans un texte en se fondant sur les réseaux sémantiques et relationnels pour organiser la représentation des concepts sur un sujet.

Free charts and graphs for HTML5, jQuery & Javascript. Beta by definition is a pre-release version that it not fully qualified for wide production use and continues to undergo testing by Software FX prior to official release. The API and documentation in general is subject to change at any time. The Beta version of jChartFX is provided on an “as-is” basis and exclusively at the risk of the user. There can be and probably will be bugs in the new features and potentially the stability of the entire application may be affected and could negatively affect your computer system. Software FX makes no representation, warranty or guarantee, express or implied, about the suitability or usability of the Beta version of jChartFX to or for the purposes intended by the user. By installing this Beta version of jChartFX the user agrees to Software FX’s foregoing disclaimer provisions.

The Ultimate Designer's Toolkit: 200 Useful Resources And Tricks For Creating Kick-Ass Websites Writen by Bogdan / Comments Off on The Ultimate Designer’s Toolkit: 200 Useful Resources And Tricks For Creating Kick-Ass Websites When creating a website you need a lot of resources, starting with images, fonts, buttons and all the way to intricate coding techniques. Finding all of these resources requires a lot of time so it is better for creating a database in which you should add every interesting thing that you find and it’s related to your work. In this collection you’ll find 200 stunning resources that will help you create awesome websites. The resources are divided into: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Tools for creating wireframes and mockups iPlotz iPlotz allows you to rapidly create clickable, navigable mockups and wireframes for prototyping websites and software applications. Free Sketching & Wireframing Kit Sketching & Wireframing kit is a free set of elements for sketching and wireframing. Frame Box ProtoShare EightShapes Unify Cacoo Mockingbird OmniGraffle Wireframe Stencils YSlow
